The Dark Side of John Crichton
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Night Ride

Chiana gazed over the banquette they had returned to, holding tightly to Hep without realizing what she was doing. Her thoughts drifted over Crichton, deeply worried about Jake now. Was he safe? Had he and Aeryn... where was Aeryn?

She only wished the others had believed her, had come with her...

There were so many directions she could go, but only one drove through her heart, urging her even more in urgency. Find him, find Crichton. Something, almost like a sense deep within her she couldn't define, even deeper than wanting to help D'argo find his son or go to Neri. He - he was in trouble. He needed - she needed, to find him.

She looked up at Hep with a solemn, plain expression, hoping she had left Jake in good hands like he said.


Night Ride

Hep can see from Chiana's expression that she is worried about Jake. "Say, how about another dance?"

Chiana doesn't answer. She just isn't in the mood. She still holds tightly to Hep.

"Some raslak or Frellup nectar?" Hep asks.

She looks up at him, into his ice blue eyes. Her tears are waiting for that one thought to pass. She finally says. "Yeah, sure."

Hep orders the raslak and settles against the bar. He wants to help. But going after the pilot? He knows how tough the Scarrens can be from serving in the Peacekeepers. How far is he willing to go for this girl?

Chiana sips the raslak. She begins to calm. Still she has a purpose. Especially now. Jake needed his father. She looks at Hep again. "Excuse me Hep. I have to do something."

Chiana is so unsure of what she has in mind. If the Peacekeepers find Crichton they may return him to Scorpius or throw him in prison. Still, the Scarrens will kill him. She crosses the room to Captain Shelan.

She stands in front of him. She has his full attention. "I have some information for you." She feels like she was turning Crichton in, instead of saving him. "Scorpius is missing his prize. I can give you a lead to find John Crichton."

Shelan gives her a curious look. "I'll have to check on this first." He turns from her and then back again, touching her arm. "Don't go anywhere!" He pivots, walking briskly away from her into a side room.


Agent Sun
Night Ride

Chiana stood waiting as Shelan left to do whatever peacekeepers did. She felt horrid, like her stomach was going to just up and leave her body. Hep didnt say a word, but she knew he was sympathetic. She hated that she chose this method to get to John. But in some other way, she also knew that it might be the only way she'd ever find him.

When Shelan returned, his expression was worried.

"Well?" She asked, careful not to prod too much, for fear of looking a bit too anxious.

"We'll leave when the banquet is over." He said. "What else did you find?"

"Nothing much. Some people are less talkative when you reject their wandering hands." Chiana shuddered.

"Well, not to be rude, but i need that information. So do what you can." He said.

Chiana nodded. She left Shelan and wandered back into the crowd.


Night Ride

John settles in with Aeryn for the night. He brushes the hair from her cheek and carresses her cheek with his hand.

"So." She says inquiring. "Who were you talking to in the garden?"

"No one." John answers trying not to react. "I hurt my hand and was just yelling at my own stupidity."

"Oh?" Aeryn doesn' t sound convinced.

"Now you know." John has trouble looking her in the eye. "Honey. I would tell you if I was having a problem." John smiles at her.

"You know that you can." She answers, reassured.


Chiana can no longer enjoy herself after informing on Crichton. He is a prisoner of the Scarrens. Soon he will be a prisoner of the Peacekeepers. Still, it is the only way she can think to rescue him.

"What is my next step?" Chiana says contrite. "John used to say, 'one step at a time'." Chi tells herself. She stands in the middle of the crowd, crying.

Hep crosses to her. "What did he say to you?" Hep is angry. "I'll teach the bastard." Hep looks to see where Shelan is.

"No." Chiana says through the tears. "It wasn't what he said. It was what I did."

"Here, lets find someplace private." Hep walks her to one of the rooms off of the ballroom. He has her sit at one of the padded benches that lines the room.

"Rest here." Hep says with concern. "Now tell me. What happened?"

"The pilot of that Prowler. I told Captain Shelan so that the Peacekeepers..." Chi has trouble speaking through her tears. "So they would rescue him from the Scarrens."

Hep has to think a moment of what she has done. "The unclassified alien?" Hep is taken aback. "They'll kill him!"

"No!" Chiana says just as much to convince herself as Hep. "He's too important to them." She tries to smile at the thought. "Ya' see, he developed that Prowler."

"Why didn't you say so?" Hep is adamant. "A buyer would pay a lot for that kind of information! Even more than for the Prowler!"

Chiana is beside herself at her mistake. "I'm sorry, Hep. I just wanted to save him from the Scarrens." She looks at Hep. "Ya' see, they captured him once before. Tried to 'break' him. They almost succeeded."

"Do you know when the Peacekeepers are going to move?"

"Not until the end of the Banquet."

"Then there may still be time. "


The Heat of Interrogation

Crossed ancient swords decorate the den's wall. The Scarren Hagar works to control the Hesmat as his young protégé watches anxiously.

"I don't know why we can't accelerate the interrogation to Kelvo 10!" Hagar's protégé snarls.

"Because the last interrogation of this alien resulted in his untimely death! The importance of this specimen cannot be discounted after our failure on the royal planet! And his escape from his last interrogation!"

Hagar walks slowly around his prisoner. Crichton is dripping with sweat to the Scarren's close proximity.

"His continued bombardment has had an effect on his synapses. There are definate spikes of irratic branwave activity. It may take some time but I will learn the secret of his dealings with Scorpius."


Topik sits near the door and smokes a long stemmed pipe. The smoke's long swirls carry up curling toward the high ceiling.

Nova descends the staircase disturbing the long smoke tendril into a misty fog and past Topik toward the Prowler. Jake follows her.

"So, Hep expects to get enough for this to buy a ship." She says as she walks slowly around the Prowler to examine it. "I wonder what's so special about it."

"My daddy flew me in his Prowler! I'm going to be a Prowler pilot!" Jake says proudly. "Scorpius says"

Nova stops and wheels around. Her jaw drops. She looks dumb at Jake. Topik suddenly gets up. He drops his pipe. It breaks on the floor. The looks on their faces at the mention of the name 'Scorpius', tells the story. They have most certainly heard of him.

"I will be sent to train in the Elite Corps when I turn 5 cycles!" Jake beams. "That's in just 2 solar days!"

Nova stands staring at Topik. Topik stares back at Nova. They know they are in trouble.

Jake notices the look on Nova's face. "What's the matter Miss Nova?" Jake takes her hand. "Is there something wrong with the Prowler?"


John and Aeryn sit quietly in their cottage enjoying eachother's company. Jake is in bed. John stokes the fire while Aeryn washes the wooden dishes.


Hagar examines the readings on the Hesmat. He notes the time. "I must report to The Imperium of my progress in Crichton's interrogation." He looks heatedly at his protégé. "Do not change the settings from Kelvo 7!" He turns back to Crichton. "Crichton will tell us, Amoth."

Amoth stands silent while Hagar speaks then says. "I am your servant, Hagar Katlokoff." Bowing his head slightly he salutes to his chest.

Hagar leaves his protégé in charge of the prisoner. Amoth growls and looks at Crichton. "He will never bring your confession at this slow pace!" Amoth turns to the Hesmat. "It is my duty to bring this to a conclusion." He adjusts the setting on the Hesmat up.

"This is Amoth. I have taken the rate of the captive's interrogation to Kelvo 8." Amoth waits for a response. "There is no variation in the synaptic response. I am now bringing his interrogation to Kelvo 9!"

The indicator on the Hesmat has an increased reading. Amoth is pleased. "Let the record show that the captive is showing a definite increase in erratic brainwave activity at Kelvo 9."


In John's psychosis he and Aeryn are trapped under Prowler fire. John runs with Jake out of the house leaving Aeryn behind.

The burning cottage collapses. John screams. "Aeryn! No!" He turns to Jake. "Stay here. I have to help Mom."

John cries as he walks slowly to the burning cottage. He pulls Aeryn out of the flames and carries her from the fire. He holds her as she dies.

By the light of the raging fire, Jake stands by them, watching his father cry.


Hagar returns from his communication with The Imperium. He sees the changed Hesmat settings.

"Kelvo 9!" Hagar turns suddenly. "The Imperium will not stand for another failure with this captive! Crichton's connections with Scorpius have remained an inigma!"

Hagar growls and swings his arm, striking and slashing his sharp Scarren claws across Amoth's face. Amoth is knocked to the floor.

"Keep in mind the others who delt with Crichton!" Hagar readjusts the Hesmat down to Kelvo 7. "Both are dead!"

Amoth sits on the floor, clutching his face. Blood drips from his wounds.

"Failure in his last interrogation remains a black mark on my brother's record." Hagar slowly paces around Crichton studying him. "He will be avenged!"


Crichton lies in darkness on his bed. His pillow is wet with his tears. He hears Aeryn breathing as she sleeps. Trembling, he reaches for her, touching to see if she is real. She wakes.

John embraces her, holding her tightly. Beside himself with grief, he cries to her.

"What is it John?" She asks out of her disturbed slumber.

John tries to calm himself. "It was only a dream, Aeryn, Honey." John kisses her head, caresses her hair. "A terrible dream."


Best Laid Plans

Chiana waits in the side room for Hep. It seems to her that he is gone for arns.

Hep returns, smiling. "I've made contact with my people. Their ship isn't far from here. They'll take care of the pilot's rescue."

Chiana smiles up at Hep. "Crichton. His name is Crichton."

"Well, come on. Let's go!" Hep extends his hand to Chiana and helps her up. When she stands, Hep embraces her and kisses her. Then he rocks her. "Don't worry. My people are professionals. They'll get Kry-ton out."

Chiana looks up at him and smiles. They walk out of the room together. Chiana suddenly ducks back into the room.

"What's the matter Chiana. We have to leave now if we are going to meet them."

"I think we're too late! Look!"

Hep looks quickly into the ballroom. Someone entering looks familiar. It is Scorpius.


Topik, Nova and Jake

Nova's felt her face flush, the very mention of Scorpius ment the Peacekeepers were near. She looked over to Topik as he seemed to read her mind. Nova looked back down to Jake, he was so young and impressionable, he believed that he would be a Peacekeeper. Jake was in his own make believe work, running and pretending to fly a prowler.

"Topik," Nova said.

"Already one step ahead of you." he hissed back towards her.

The two headed towards the Prowler and covered the ship with a camaflouge drap then surrounded it with draps.

"Why you hiding Daddy's ship?" Jake stopped his playing and asked.

"To hided it from anyone who would want to steal it from your daddy." Nova answered.

"So we going to find Daddy?"

Nova stopped and looked at the young child. "I believe my friend is already looking for you Daddy."

"You really trust that Sebacean?" Topik hissed towards Nova.

She wasn't sure if she trusted the pirate or not, but she never made a deal go bad on her end. Though Jake wasn't the type of cargo she was used to taking care of at least Hep was willing to pay her well.

"Peacekeeper?" Jake asked. "Oh goody, Daddy is going to be saved." His eyes lit up with excitement.

Nova looked towards the child as Topik, went into a rage.

"Peacekeeper!" he hissed as he attacked Nova.

Nova sidestepped Topik taking the child with her. She set the child upon the staircase as Topik regained his composure and charged her again. Nova reached for a long metal tube ducked Topiks charged as she sent the tube across Topik's midsection. He sommersaulted in the air as she lifted his hind heels over his head. She reached for the nearest pulse pistol as Topil turned over and before he could get up she had the pistol at his temple.

"You trust..." he hissed as he heaved his chest for air "A Peacekeeper."

Nova smiled but did not remove the pistol, "A sebacean yes, more like a Pirate than PeaceKeeper."

"Not PeaceKeeper?" Topik was confussed.

"Only when he needs be," She whispered to him.

"Will the PeaceKeeper find my Daddy?" Jake had wondered from the steps towards them.

"I'm sure he will." Nova answered her eyes not leaving Topik's.


Topik, Nova and Jake

John wakes with Aeryn in his arms. He is still shaken from the night's events. She stirs. Her hand goes to his chest. She smiles up at him.

Her kiss is as the first, sweet and passionate. John allows himself her pleasure. Her hands caress his skin.

His love for Aeryn lingers forever in this place. He surrenders to live here always.

As they love eachother, John suddenly feels as though they are being watched.

"She isn't real John." Scorpius stands at the bedside, observing. "She died in that Prowler attack you saw 3 cycles ago." Scorpius stares at John. "You are having sex with a dead woman."

John turns his head from Scorpius. He lifts up from Aeryn and lies beside her, embracing her.

"What's the matter John?" She asks, puzzled.

"Nothing, Honey. Just hold me." John tells her. He holds her tightly as though protecting her from Scorpius.

"You have to escape from here John." Scorpius says confidently. "The Scarrens plan to kill you after your interrogation." He smiles. "Something about you killing his brother."

John continues to embrace Aeryn. He strokes her hair lovingly, eyes closed, waiting for Scorpius to disappear.

"You don't have your weapon this time John." Scorpius paces. "However there are weapons available that can defeat a Scarren." Scorpius leans on the bed with his face in John's. "Look for crossed swords, John. You can defeat them with the sword."

Suddenly Scorpius is gone. John gasps and looks around to make sure.

"What is it John?" Aeryn asks. "What is wrong?"

"Nothing, Honey." John says, fighting back his tears. "It's nothing."


Topik, Nova and Jake

"Let's go!" Chiana grasps Heps arm and tries to pull him with her.


"Anywhere," She glances warrily towards Scorpius. "I - I've got to go. Take me back to Jake. I - I want to make sure he's safe."

"Chiana," Hep looked into her eyes and then towards Scorpius as Shelan aproached him. "You know him?"

"Are you comming or not?" She asked as she bounced away from him and moved a dignitary aside to get through the crowd.

Chianas heart raced as she moved back towards the docking. She had to find a way onto that command carrier. She stopped, looking slowly over her shoulder towards Scorpius and Shelan as the two stepped aside. Scorpius looked pleased, but Shelan looked tense, like he was about to crawl out of his skin. She wasn't sure what to do! She glanced towards Hep catching up with her.

Escape, she could help Crichton escape but how was she going to get on that command carrier?


Dancing With the Enemy

"Wait a microt!" Chiana suddenly says. She looks at Hep. "What am I worried about? He was after Crichton. Not us!"

Chiana begins to saunter over to Scorpius. He has his back turned, speaking to Captain Shelan.

Hep doesn't realize what she is doing until it is too late. He reaches out his arm to catch her and she is gone.

"Wait! Chi...!" Hep says, but Chiana is already halfway to Scorpius.

Chiana stands behind Scorpius. Captain Shelan's eyes light on her. Scorpius turns around slowly to see what is distracting Shelan from their conversation.

"Chiana!" Scorpius' says delighted. His eyes widen at her appearance. "The last time I saw you, you were with Crichton on the royal planet. Your wedding attire didn't compare with this beautiful gown!" He smiles.

Chiana gives him a demure little bow with her head at the compliment. She smiles, knowingly.

Hep and Shelan, on opposite sides of the ballroom, look on in shock.

Scorpius turns askance to Captain Shelan. "Excuse us for a while, Captain. We have some catching up to do." He extends his hand to Chiana. "Dear lady." He begins. "May I have the honor of this dance?"

Chiana again dips her head in acknowledgement. "It would be a pleasure." She places her hand on his. "Scorpy."

Scorpius leads her out on to the dance pad and to the orchestra. He says a few words to them and they begin playing a very powerful piece that sounds much like a tango.

Scorpius firmly grasps Chiana's hand and places his arm behind her back dipping her nearly to the floor and up, twirling her around the pad until it is clear. The guests consider the duo with astonishment!

Chiana smiles with enjoyment at the extraordinary partner she has. Scorpius smiles broadly at the litheness of his partner.

Each demands perfection of form from the other as they examine the dance talent of the other.

Chiana poses as Scorpius dances around her. Then he grasps her again firmly. They dance closely together around the pad.

Hep and Shelan both watch, transfixed. Everyone watches in amazement at the beauty of form these two posses as the music draws to a conclusion.

Scorpius twirls Chiana one more time and ends with her dipped to the floor. Her arm extended to him as a ballet. She smiles.

Scorpius lifts her to her feet. "Shall we?" He says motioning with his arm to an empty table.

Chiana walks to the table. Scorpius pulls out a chair for her. He then snaps his fingers for service and seats himself.

The waiter quickly brings a large bottle of Ramna Nectar and pours it into two, tall, thin, clear blue glasses.

Scorpius picks up his glass and presents it to Chiana for a toast. "To the best dancer in all of the uncharted territories!"

Chiana picks up her glass and considers the toast. She presents her glass and tinks it to Scorpius'.

"Well, thanks. Here's to you too, Scorpy!" She smiles and drinks to it.



This is ridiculous. Toplik hissed in annoyment. Leaning towards Nova who was watching Jake playing a PeaceKeeper warrior game. You dont like PeaceKeepers, either.

Nova looked back at Toplik, That child is not a PeaceKeeper yet, he is still Sebacean.

Toplik watched the child pop up from one of the crates shooting at an invisible enemy using his fingers as a pulse pistol. He is already down that path.

He is a child playing. Nova snapped back at him. He is still impressionable.

Tell me about the PeaceKeeper that brought him here. Toplik urged Nova.

Hep is not a PeaceKeeper, or so he says. Nova answered.

See even you dont believe. He interrupted making his point.

Nova looked at Toplik studying him for a moment. Then continued, Hep says that he once was a PeaceKeeper until he got shoved out the airlock. He then was picked up by Pirates whom he joined for Cycles.

What now hes independent?

Its more lucrative that way, you know that. Nova answered in an almost annoyed voice. Toplik was like her, a cargo dealer, in not wanting to have to share the payments each liked to work alone. She watched as Jake moved towards them.

Youre a good fighter. Jake spoke to Nova, But youre no PeaceKeeper.

Nova sighed and looked away from Jake as Toplik chuckled. She glared at Toplik, I dont need to be a PeaceKeeper.

Well you couldnt you know, Jake answered back, Youre not Sebacean.

Chuckling Topik looked towards Nova, The child is blunt.

I dont want to be sebacean, I am proud of my own heritage. Nova spoke proudly.

Why? Scorpius says that PeaceKeepers are the best, we are hired to protect everyone. Jake continued while fidgeting with a tool.

Nova closed her eyes and after a moment turned towards Jake, Jake, PeaceKeepers are not everyones friend. The thought burned her deeper as she thought of her precious memories of home.

Why? he queried as a child would.

Its not something that you would understand right now, but I promise you will understand a little later. Topik answered for Nova.

But Scorpius Jake moved to protest.

Jake, lets not bring up his name while we are here. Nova took a hold of the childs shoulders.


Nova sighed and answered, Because I dont want you to get hurt, some may do not like him and it will

Find out why the child knows Scorpius. A hiss was heard from the hanger doors.

Nova and Toplik jumped from their sitting positions as they faced the intruder. The intruder walked quickly as it closed the distance between them. Nova quickly picked Jake up and set him upon the stairs and motioned him to stay. She then reached for her weapon of choice, a spear like staff with a razor sharp pincer like head at the tip. Toplik reached for his pulse pistol and aimed it at the approaching Scarren.

Give me the child, he hissed.

The child is not yours to take, Scarren. Nova spoke as she moved next to Toplik.

The child is coming with me. The Scarren spoke in agitation.

Why? Toplik asked.

He will lead us to that abomination. He spoke.

The Scarren then attacked, his hand outstretched as a foul stench emanated from his mouth. Toplik fired upon the Scarren only pushing him back a few steps. The Scarren attacked Toplik. Toplik reared back as he became caught in the stream of the Scarrens venomous breath. Nova moved in and struck the Scarren behind his knees forcing him to crumple to his knees.

She heard Jake Scream as he backed up upon the stairs. She went to help Topik up.

The Pulse Pistol. He breathed raggedly.

I know, it didnt penetrate his hide. She answered him.

The scarren again sent out his breath to attack Nova, she dodged and rolled to the ground avoiding the stream, she engaged the pincers at the end of her staff and plunged it at the base of the Neck of the Scarren, the pincers locked upon his hide as a small rotating drill bored through his skin. The Scarren screamed in agony as the staff drilled through his skin, he pulled at the staff hoping to dislodge it but the pincers held firm. Topic ran for the boy and picked up the screaming child. Nova dislodged half of her staff and with the other half sliced the Scarrens throat. The Scarren collapsed to the ground writhing. Nova stood with her sword and walked over to the dieing Scarren. She dislodged her staff from its throat and reconnected the sword to the staff.

How did you pierce the hide? Topic asked watching the Scarren.

This staff is like a drill I broke through his hide then opened him up a little more. Nova stood quite proud of herself. Besides, Im not going to give away all of my secrets. She smiled as she grabbed her pulse pistol and attached it to her holster.

Well Im taking down the next Scarren. Toplik said determined. Taking his own Pulse pistol and holstering it.

Be my guest. She replied to Toplik as she went over to Jake. We have to go find our friend now. We cant have the Scarrens get a hold of you.

Jake stunned wrapped himself around Novas neck as she held onto him with one hand, the staff in the other. She stood watching Toplik, gathering a few things. Then he went over to the dead Scarren and sprinkled some powder upon the body. It hissed and steamed as it dissolved away.

Cant be leaving any dead bodies around, Toplik moved towards Nova and Jake, Draws to much attention.

They left the hanger quietly and quickly heading towards the banquet hall.



Scorpius turned with a slight tilt of his head as he played with his glass, watching Chiana with a wry interest as she sipped her drink. He shifted in his seat, leaning slightly as he brushed his thin lips with a smile and took in a swift breath to speak.

"I trust you are enjoying the frivalities of PeaceKeeper recreation. Far be it from me to imply you are here for, questionable, purposes but would you not be more comfortable being as far away from us as possible?"

"Now why would I want to do that?" Chiana cut her eyes to him with an impishly seductive amusement as she circled the rim of her glass with her finger until it began to hum like crystal. "I know you Scorpy, well enough anyway. You wouldn't turn me in."


"Well I haven't done anything yet." She smiled with a tilt of her head, narrowing her eyes in wonder of him. "So what are you doing here?"

"Likely," He blinked slowly, his eyes piercing at her when he opend them again. "The same thing as you, my dear. Now, had I any cause to arrest you at the moment, rest assured, you would be. I just may be interested in the purpose of your visit. Must I ask again?"

"Oh well maybe I'm just out for a little recreation of my own," she eyed him again with a nervous smile as she leaned closer. "But what about you? I'm sure you didn't mean you came out of your way just to mingle with the aristocrats."

"Ah," Scorpius leaned back in his seat, his face almost seeming to snarel with a deviant smile as he rested his arm over his chair. "Well, perhaps we should call it a draw Chiana. For now. As it is, I'm simply awaiting the location of something I want back."

Scorpius glanced up as PeaceKeeper officers came to his table, ushering the dignitary Chiana recognized from before with the flashing white teeth.

"This is the missing information, sir."

"Excellent," Scorpius nodded slightly as he took a small red chip from the officer. "Take him to my carrier. I want to know how he came about this information to try to sell it."

Chiana stared at the chip, glancing back up when she noticed Scorpius was watching her.

"All in a days work," He seethed a smile as he pocketted the chip.



"I didn't mean to frighten you Chiana." Scorpius leans towards her. "This is Captain Shelan's work. With your efforts." He smiles. "I'll be sure that Shelan gives you full credit for recovery of the chip."

Chiana's eyes shift nervously. She wonders about Scorpius' motives.

"I already know why you are here. The same reason I am." Scorpius pours more Ramna Nector, filling both glasses. "To find John Crichton."

Chiana tries to guard her expression. It seems Scorpius knows her thoughts.

"I have an idea that you already know where he is." Scorpius looks toward the door.

At the checkpoint there is a commotion. Hep is being arrested by the Peacekeepers.

Chiana looks over in time to see the Peacekeepers put the cuffs on Hep and drag him out of the door.

Scorpius looks again at Chiana. She is upset and looks steely eyed at him.

"It seems you have a choice to make, Chiana." Scorpius takes a sip from his glass. "You can either tell me where I can find John Crichton, or I will put your, companion, in the chair."

Chiana gasps.

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