The Dark Side of John Crichton
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Shelan's Redemption

When the road gets dark
and you can no longer see
let my love be a spark
and have a little faith in me

Chiana went into their bedroom searching for Crichton, but he was not there.
Frantically, she searched the entire estate, before coming upon him as he sat
near a tree behind the mansion.

He sat hugging his knees to his chest. His face, wet from the tears he'd cried
moments earlier. He felt her presence, but couldn't bring himself to look her
directly in the eye. She died a little inside, as she saw how vulnerable he seemed.

Chiana crouched in front of him, placing her hands on his. "John, have to
believe me." She struggled for the right thing to say, but how would she know?
She hardly understood her 'own' response to Shelan.

And when your backs against the wall
just turnaround, and you will see.
I will catch you
I will catch your fall, baby.
Just have some faith in me.

He pursed his lips together, then drooped his head. "You called him Phillip."

"What?" Pleadingly, Chiana leaned her head to the side, in confusion.

"His name." John looked away from her, not meeting her eyes. "You knew
the bastards name. Since when do we call PK's by their first names?"
John felt anger, and shame at himself. He wanted to be so much bigger
than all of this, but the stoicism he needed evaded his heart. He knew
he barely made sense to her, but his jealousy got in the way.

"John, I begged him to take me home. I remember thinking that it was
you who held me... made love to me. Then I passed out again."

Her eyes sought his for confirmation that he understood. "Please John,
you must believe me. I searched so long for you. I would never..."

I've been loving you
for such a long time boy!
Expecting nothing in return,
but for you to have a little faith,
faith in me.

"Why do you insist on saving his life?" John's eyes had a accusatory glint to them.
" I WANT TO KILL HIM...AND YOU!" He stood, pulling away from her.

Chiana was taken aback by his tirade. "Oh, I see now." She began to circle him.
"Of course, it's all frelling clear now. I've never been more than a TRALK to you."

"No, no that's not true." Crichton reached over trying to silence her ugly words.

The breach was wide between them as he grasped her arms. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
He pulled her close to him, sniffing her hair. "Let's go inside."

He wondered what other secrets about him and his family were trapped in
Captain Shelan's mind.

Perhaps he hadn't lied about everything.

Lyrics: "Have a Little Faith in Me"
as sung by Chaka Khan, from the soundtrack to "disappearing acts"


Shelan's Redemption

Phillip wakes in Mokan's cell. He sits up. No chains he stands up. The cell is locked. He takes a deep breath. To still be alive. He paces then opens his uniform jacket. He looks at the wound from Chiana's dagger and touches it. He sits on the cot and cries.

"Chiana asked me to give you a message." Mokan stands at the cell door.

Phillip looks up. "Why am I still alive?" he asks.

"Her message is part of it. She says she 'forgives' you." Mokan sighs. "I dont understand it.

"Forgives me?" Phillip looks at her. "What happens now?"

"You may be getting a visit from Crichton. He is not as forgiving, Captain." Mokan walks away glancing back at this enigma.


Shelan's Redemption

They sat in silence, Chiana stared listlessly at the ground with her elbows nearly tucked between her legs. Her hands were clasped together on her knees as she rested her cheek bone on them and stared at the wall. Crichton wandered, picking at things on tables and mumbeling to himslef in dark tones. Her heart raced wildly at the sound of him and she began to cry.

"Why?" Crichton wiped his face as he turned to a tall chest of dwars and played with some crystal ornament of Setigs. "Why did you let him just leave?"

She looked up at him, watching him as he layed his arm over the top of the chest of dwars and chewed on his thumb like a little boy.

"Did you want me to kill him?"

"Maybe I wanted to," he blinked slowly as he rolled the object. "You've been an assasin right?"

"I -" she gasped, gaping at him as she stood, splaying out her arms as she tilted head. "Let me tell you something about me-"

"Like what?" He glanced to her in tears, suddenly grasping the top drawr and slung it out. She flinched, whirling away from the sound of its crash.

"Oh that's great," she nodded as she gaped at him in tears. "That's just frelling great. Why don't you ignore me too?"

"I'm not - ignoring you." He sighed as he pushed away from the chest of dwars and wrapped his arms close to his chest as he backed himself into the wall and refused to look up. "He attacked you Chiana. It's just the way you are isn't it? You liked it ... and then you let him get away before I could say anything to him I might have wanted to. Didn't you think, maybe, I feel like he did this to me too?"

"That - is not - frelling fair." She heaved her breath as fear raced up her in a turmoil. "That is not frelling fair!"

She whirled, snatching up the chest of dwar top he had thrown and slung it against the wall until it lay broken in shambles on the floor.

"Not frelling fair," she grimanced as she slinked away from the room.


"Yo, Setig." Crichton commed. "Have you found her yet?"

"No M'Lord," Setig came back on the prowlers comm. "Though I don't feel Chiana has left the grounds. We suspect she may be hiding on the roof."

"The roof?" Crichton creased his brows, jutting his head back slightly in confusion as he landed in the docking bay of Mokans trades ship.

"Our scans are detecting a life form up there but it could easily be a leifan, I can have someone make sure."

"No, stop the search." He sighed. "Let her be alone for a while."

He stepped out, unholstering his pulse pistol as he made his way to Mokans cells. He never hesitated as he stepped in and began to open fire.

Shelan jumped like a mad man in his cell, screaming as Crichton raised his pistol to the roof and bit his lip.

"Just getting your attention," he tilted his head as he came to the cell and aimed into it. "Next one doesn't miss. You raped my wife. Tell me why you should live?"

"I have no defense," Shelan shook his head wildly as he backed against the wall, staring at him in fear as he crossed his arms. He slid his back down it, never straying his eyes as he sat. "I accept anything you will do to me. I - I can't forgive myself. Chiana has given me a far worse fate than death."

"I'm not Chiana," Crichton stated as he opened his cell and then slammed it shut. He kicked, shoving his hands into the bars as he glared down at Shelan. "If I come in there I'm going to kill you with my bare hands. You accused me of knowing Aeryn was alive? You raped my wife, tried to tare us apart. Don't you think I realize you're trying to destroy me? Why did you have to hurt her in the prossess? You used her to get to me. Why did you kidnap her?"

Crichton ran his hands through his hair, setting Wynona on the ground next to him as he sat and leaned his back against the bars. He drew up his knees, chewing his thumb on them as tears fell from his reddened eyes.


"Shut up," Crichton blinked fiercly as he chewed harder. "I want you to start with ... when you met Chiana."


Shelan's Redemption

Chiana gazed at the stars, lost in the nightmare that began with her obsession to
find Crichton. She felt betrayed by his nasty accusation, 'she liked it.'

Pulling her knees inward, she knew that something had ended forever.
She mourned the loss of it, but knew she had to go on. The baby needed her
strength and protection now. Suddenly, it didn't matter that the father
was unknown to her. That she was it's mother, would be enough.

She pulled her shoulders up, quickly wiping any remaining tears, then climbed
down from the roof, to her future.

She questioned whether her love for him was real, or just the idea of him.
Maybe she was just as obsessed as Shelan had been about her. Afterall, when she
began her search for him, she automatically assumed that he would still be with
Aeryn. Everyone did.

"What of Aeryn? What became of her? Was Shelan's assertion correct?"
It didn't matter. She refused to be bullied by the spector of his first love any longer.
She knew that deep down, John would never hold her in the same esteem as he
did Aeryn.

It suddenly dawned on her that Crichton had only used her as a tool of his lust.
"Love, what did she know about it?" She reached for the eggplant-purple boots he'd
given to her, then slammed them into the wall. With each passing microt,
she twisted more of their honeymoon memories. "How well he loved
the 'slut' when she was reserved for him." She screamed as she ripped the sheets
from the bed.

Her pacing and thoughts became more frantic, as she shoved her hands into
her pockets to retrieve his ring. Staring at it, she realized it no longer held
any power over her. With one last swipe of her thumb, she placed it on his pillow,
then walked out the door.

Setig stood in the shadows of the hall, monitoring Chiana's tirade. Whispering,
he commed Crichton.

"Yep, go ahead Setig" Crichton tapped his comm.

"Master! You must return immediately! I believe she may harm herself."


The Search for Aeryn Sun

John glances into the cell at Shelan and then runs.

"Wait Crichton!" Phillip calls after him.

John keeps running to Mokan's landing bay. He climbs aboard his prowler and powers up.

The bay inner door closes in Mokan's face as she runs to see what is happening. John hits the launch sequencer and thunders out of the bay.

Mokan runs back to Shelan's cell. She stops and looks in expecting to see him dead. He stands at the door griping tightly to the bars.

"What happened?" She asks Shelan breathless.

"He got a Comm from Setig saying that Chiana may harm herself." He tells her. "Let me out. Please Mokan. Maybe I can help."

"You've helped quite enough!" She says eyeing him. She leaves him and runs to Command.

"Setig, what's happening?" Mokan asks.

"The Lady Chiana has disappeared." Setig answers.

"What do you mean disappeared?"

"She removed her ring and left the grounds."

"Left her ring?" Mokan says, upset. "Thank you Setig." She closes Comms.

Mokan knows from experience that Chiana can disappear if she wants to. Nothing to do but wait until she comes back. Suddenly the proximity alert goes off. She looks at the display.

"No. Crichton wouldn't come back here in this emergency!"

She walks to the landing bay. It's Chiana! She looks angry. "Where's Phillip?" She demands.

"I have him in a cell." Mokan answers bewildered.

Chiana starts walking toward the cells.

"Chiana." Mokan has to run to keep up with her. "Chiana, wait! What's happening? Did you leave Crichton?"

Chiana walks up to the bars and looks in at Phillip. "I need you to do something for me Phillip." She takes a deep breath and sighs.

Phillip stands and faces her.

Chiana fights her tears. "I want you to find Officer Aeryn Sun."


Captain Shelan takes his stealth prowler and glides it into the landing bay of the Rac'tarajin. He walks briskly into Command.

"Sir!" The deck officer says with surprise. "We've been searching for you sir!"

Shelan works, ignoring the deck officer as he searches data files.

"Sir. We have dispatched marauders to search for you. Sir?"

"Recall all the Marauders you've sent looking for me, Lt." Phillip says to him without looking up. "As you can see I am back and uninjured."

The deck officer looks at him curiously. "But sir. Regulations state that"

Phillip turns and gives him an icy stare. "Am I not the Captain of this vessel Lt.?"

"Yes Sir. I'm sorry Sir." The deck officer says nervously and returns to duty.

Phillip searches for Officer Aeryn Sun, Aeryn Sun. Any female approximately 30 that is named Sun or Aeryn. A woman who has had a son named Jeffery or Jake. Any woman approximately 30 cycles who has had a son 5 cycles ago. Any woman who has been injured in a fire approximately 3 cycles ago.

Phillip searches tirelessly. Has Lord Crichton only been using Chiana? Is it possible that Leah's prediction is coming true? That Chiana will stop loving Lord Crichton?

Phillip finds himself wishing he had not taken liberty with Chiana. His one chance at happiness has disappeared with his Peacekeeper life style. He has always been ruthless. That ruthlessness has cost him his love. He begins to cry as he works. He keeps his face turned from the crew. Unobserved, he wipes his tears.

Phillip's research may free Chiana. However, he will never be free from this torment. He downloads the data into a data pad and then into a data crystal. He walks with them to his command quarters and plugs the data crystal into Comms with his Ident chip.

Phillip hits Comms. "Scramble, Priority one message to Pankar Base, Meridian, Command Carrier Atalla and Tamult, this is Captain Phillip Shelan of the Command Carrier Rac'tarajin. Please confirm status and bio of one Officer Aeryn Sun, reported to have been stationed at your local within the last three years. Please respond ASAP Scramble to me personally. Captain Shelan out."

Phillip's heart races wondering if he has been right. Or is it just wishful thinking. The evidence is there! There is an Officer Aeryn Sun. He bites his lip. He paces waiting. His mind drifts back to Chiana. She waits with Mokan. She has left Crichton in anger. But would she stay away from him now?

If only, Phillip thinks, if only he could win her. It feels hopeless. But she did ask for his help. Suddenly Comms beeps. Incoming transmission,

"Scramble, Priority One: Captain Phillip Shelan, this is the Command Carrier Atalla. There is an Officer Aeryn Sun serving here currently. Her status is Officer Tech. She has served aboard for 5 years without incident. Bio is 68 denches tall, blond hair, brown eyes age 56." The transmission ends.

Phillip's heart sinks. The Officer Aeryn Sun that bore Jeffery is 76 denches tall, black hair, blue eyes, a Prowler Pilot. A name isn't much to go on. If this search turns up negative he has to search again.

Phillip sits down and sighs, hoping. It is several arns and Comms activates again. The display flashes a young dark hair girl with the recording.

"Scramble, Priority One to Captain Phillip Shelan, this is Commander Garner Walen of the Base Meridian. Officer Aeryn Sun Prowler Pilot, status has served 2 cycles without incident. Bio, 74 denches, black hair, blue eyes, age 28 cycles." The transmission ends.

Phillip's heart is racing. Could this be her? He hits Comms.

"Scramble, Priority one message to Commander Garner Walen of the Base Meridian." This time he sends the most recent image of Aeryn Sun in the transmission. "Please send an updated transmission of Officer Aeryn Sun. Also her service record or whereabouts for the last 8 cycles to me ASAP. This is Captain Phillip Shelan of the Command Carrier Rac'tarajin. Your cooperation is appreciated in this matter."

"It has to be her. It must!" Phillip says hopefully. He studies the most recent image he has of Officer Sun. Could it could be her? He paces, wringing his hands.

Some arns pass before he gets another transmission.

"Scramble, Priority One to Captain Phillip Shelan, this is Officer Aeryn Sun, of the Base Meridian. Commander Walen asked me to transmit my image so that you would be able to properly identify me. Before serving with Commander Walen I spent the previous 4 cycles pilot duty on the Command Carrier Tamult. Before that I served Defense Perimeter on Sebacea prime. My entire service record is being transmitted encrypted to your station." The transmission ends.

Phillip walks briskly to command. He inserts the disk into Comms and compares the voiceprint to existing recordings. He waits anxiously for the data to appear. He looks at the two waves. They do not match. He chooses another word. The comparison is also negative. He tries again. Also, negative. He gets up and walks back to his quarters.

Some time passes. The other transmissions failed to produce the proper bio for Officer Aeryn Sun. He walks from his quarters, weary.

He wonders if he should return to Mokan's vessel or report the findings over Comms. Crichton will surely kill him. But Chiana is there. She may remain there. His hope is to see her again before he dies. He goes to the Command Bridge.

"Deck officer! I have begun a search. Here is the data I have collected so far. Continue the investigation. I must find her as soon as possible." Phillip tells the Lt. with urgency. "Remember, Lt. I am Special Ops. My duties often remove me from sight. Keep that in mind the next time you think of issuing a search for me!"

The Lt. cowers. "Yes Sir."

"Scramble security Velca when you transmit Lt." Phillip orders him. He pivots and leaves quickly, to see her again.

Phillip runs to the prowler bay and powers up. He straps in and hits the launch sequencer blasting out of the bay at maximum speed.

He reminds himself he will probably die. He reminds himself that she hates him. He reminds himself that it is hopeless. Yet he hurries to her. In all of his life this is his last wish. To be with her.


Phillip Shelan lands in Mokan's landing bay. His hands tremble at the thought of seeing Chiana again. The landing bay doors open. He goes to Command. Neither Mokan nor Chiana are there. He goes to Mokan's quarters and peers in. Chiana lies on the bed alone.

Phillip gasps and backs away. He starts to hyperventilate. He feels dizzy. He runs back to the landing bay and just stands trying to think what to do. The old Shelan would go in to her and take her. But Leah warned him. He must change his Peacekeeper ways if he truly loves her.

Suddenly, the inner bay doors start to close. He has to get in his prowler or run for the door before he is caught in the bay's depressurization. He chooses to dive for the door. He barely makes it. He waits for Mokan, pacing. The landing bay repressurizes and the inner bay doors open.

Crichton stands with his pulse pistol drawn. "What are you doing out of your cage, Shelan?"

"Mokan let me out." He swallows and raises his hands.

Crichton disarms him and slips Shelan's pistol and dagger in his belt.

"Now move!" John says, pressing his pulse pistol into Phillip's back.

John pushes Phillip rudely into the cell and clamps the cell door shut. "What did you do to Mokan?"

"Nothing!" Phillip is nervous. Crichton still points the pulse pistol at him waiting for an excuse to fire.

"Please, I don't know where she is."

"And my wife?" John is getting angry just looking at him. "What did you do with her?"

"Nothing. Please, believe me." Phillip gets ready to jump if he fires.

"So, she IS here. Where?" John points the Pistol through the bars at Phillip. "You better tell me quick! Winona has been known to have a hair trigger!"

Phillip knows he doesn't dare tell Crichton where he saw her. He is sure to jump to the conclusion

"Where?" John yells.

"She's on the ship." Phillip says hoping it is enough.

"On this ship with you?" Crichton says acidly. "In that case? She is probably in the bedroom!"

Phillip is beginning to feel sick. He is suddenly afraid to die. And Chiana? He has seen jealous men kill women for less.


The Search for Aeryn Sun

"John!" Chiana stood in the doorway, her dark eyes full of expression.

Crichton's head tilted in the direction of her voice, winona still pointed at Shelan.

"It's me you want to talk to, let's go!" With that, she turned on her heel and stalked
back to Mokan's quarters.

Licking his lower lip, he facetiously spoke to Shelan. "Look dawg, the misses wants
to chat."

"No, don't hurt her Crichton...please. I'm sick, it's me you want."

Crichton viciously hit Shelan in the head with the butt of his pistol
knocking him unconscious. "Shut up! I'll be back for you later."

Swaggering into the gangway, he strapped his pistol back on his hip.


The Search for Aeryn Sun

"What the Frell are you doing here?"

"I came to find you."

"Well you have. Now GO!"

"And leave you alone with him? I can't do that, Chiana!"

"What?" You can see Chiana curse him in her eyes. "Is this another proof of your trust in me?"

"Shelan raped you! He is loyal Peacekeeper. He can't be trusted!" John yells.

"I'm not drugged John. I'm not sick or knocked out." She yells back. "And I can take care of myself!"

"No! You're coming back with me." John moves to take her arm.

Chiana pulls her arm away from him. "I came here to get away from you! Now, get the Frell away from me!"


The Search for Aeryn Sun

"Nuh-uh, 'fraid not. You're coming home." Crichton took a stronger grip
of her arm, as his muscles flexed.

"What are you going to do?" Chiana's head rocked side to side, as she
raised herself to his eye level. "Drug and throw me over your shoulder?"

"Hey, if it works, don't knock it."

Bending down, he prepared to pick her up. Chiana took the opportunity to knock him off balance. Kicking him in the chest, she took off running toward Mokan's quarters.

Continue to DarkSide II