The Visage of Evil
John Crichton sits in the Aurora Chair. The chair turns. Scorpius paces, reading a dispatch from Peacekeeper directorate.
"Peacekeeper Directorate Official Dispatch: Peacekeeper Officer Lieutenant Commander John Robert Crichton," Scorpius does
somewhat of a dip. "Junior, 44, was accused Today of spying for Scarran planetary forces. Crichton is now in custody after
15 days of being Absent Without Leave. Hmmm." Scorpius looks at John.
"Crichton is accused of stealing a Peacekeeper secret weapon and accompanying technology, betraying Scorpius to be captured
by the Scarrans." Scorpius sucks in his breath at the report of his capture. "You are fortunate that I don't hold a grudge
John." Scorpius continues reading. "and disclosing inestimateable volumes of Peacekeeper secrets in return for an opulent
Scarran estate, title of Lord to the estate and an undisclosed amount of currency." He places his finger to his lips to ponder.
Scorpius waves the report. "Well, only we know the real truth, don't we John." He continues reading. "Lt. Commander Crichton
is only the fourth Peacekeeper Officer ever accused of espionage. Peacekeeper directorate calls it 'worthy of the living death.'
Scorpius double takes to John. "My, my, my! It's surprising that you still have brain function John!" He says in mock surprise.
"Crichton, a 3rd-year Peacekeeper Officer, was arrested after escaping an attempt to capture him on the planet surface.
Scorpius' forces Captured Crichton, confiscating the stealth fitted Scarran attack craft Crichton piloted in his escape."
Scorpius whistles. "And I thank you for that little piece of technology that here-to-fore we had not." He smiles.
Scorpius pauses and speaks seriously to Crichton. "You surely earned the death sentence, John. Luckily for you, I need
you to replace the stolen Prowler and complete your task." Scorpius refers back to the document.
"Espionage, theft, murder, hmmm, the only charge that cannot be leveled against you is traitor. After all, you never took
the blood oath." He makes a noise in the back of his throat like chuckling. "You were held here as my prisoner, against your
will. Isn't that right John?"
"You murdered my wife, kidnapped my son. Held me in slavery to work on your ultimate weapon!" John fires back.
"Peacekeeper directorate is very seriously looking into your actions of these past few days." Scorpius clicks his tongue
and waggles his head. "You are fortunate that I can save you from this fate John."
"Out of the goodness of your heart you bas-t..." John's speech is cut short. Scorpius raises his arm and the chair fires,
blasting through John's brain. It's painful shock shoots through him.
"AAAaaaaaa!" John screams in grotesque pain and terror, being in the chair again. Memories of his marriage to Chiana display
on the screen. He slips his ring on her finger.
"So, you married Chiana. I had heard this. Tell me Crichton, how was she?" Scorpius looks at John for his reaction.
"I want my life back you bastard!" John cries. His tears bathe his face. He will be lucky to live the day in the hands
of this psychopath.
"I'm sorry John. I cannot do that. Your life and mine are inexorably entwined, can't you see that?" He raises his arm.
The chair fires.
John cannot answer Scorpius. "Aaaaagg!" He screams. The chair shows his first night with Chiana. He takes her hand and
leads her from the party to the bedchamber. They disrobe and sit on the bed.
Scorpius smiles with delight. His face turns toward the display, watching every detail as it is shone. John and Chiana
sit on their marriage bed in their first tender moments. They look at eachother.
Scorpius watches the screen, transfixed at every microt of their first lovemaking. Scorpius wears a lecherous visage. He
wipes the drool from his hideous mouth.
Forced to remember the most intimate of details of their life together for Scorpius' amusement, John's body writhes in
agony at the sight of his love made public.
John's torture and pain in the Aurora Chair is nothing next to his separation from Chiana. His separation from her, the
loss of their lives together, he cries unrestrained in deep sobs.
Crichton is thrown in his cell. He lies in a heap, unable to stand.
Scorpius gloats over him. "Thank you Crichton, for the sensitive Intel on Scarran planetary forces. I am doubly glad to
know your intimate relations with that tralk of yours."
John is barely coherent after his torture. But that word makes his mind burn. He suddenly jumps, lunging. His hands are
around Scorpius' throat strangling him.
"Shut up about my wife!" John screams.
Scorpius pulls Johns weakened hands from his neck and throws him against the cell wall. "Uh." John groans and falls to
the deck.
The guards forcibly grab John and chain him to the wall. John struggles against them.
"You can't hurt me John." Scorpius growls, his hand is at his throat. "I can however hurt you, Chiana, Jake and anyone
else you care about. Remember that the next time you think of attacking me!" He hisses down at John.
Scorpius stands over Crichton. "I can see you are going to be unreasonable. I will return to speak of our relationship."
He turns and paces away.
John spits at him. "Frell you Scorpy. We have no relationship!"
Scorpius stops in the cell door hatch and turns. "Yes, John. We do." He leaves.
The guards close the hatch behind him with a terrifying groan and clunk sealing Crichton in.
Rough Landing
In Scorpius Command Quarters he is heatedly debating over Comms to a lesser.
"I must have her on my Command Carrier immediately! I have a use for her!" Scorpius growls.
"Please Sir." The nervous Officer answers. "She is at her indoctrination training. It may be days until her return."
"Are you refusing to do your duty Officer?" Scorpius hisses.
"No! Sir, no." The Officer answers. "I will secure the child myself. She will be there in 8 solar days."
"That isn't good enough Lieutenant!" Scorpius paces. He seethes. He wipes his mouth in frustration. "Your fastest ship.
I will direct my Command Carrier to meet you. There can be no delay." He tells the Officer. "Is that understood Lieutenant?"
Scorpius growls.
"Yes, yes sir! Immediately sir!"
Scorpius closes Comms. He inserts his ident chip then opens Comms. "Security scramble 3 Velca. My package, Commander, is
it ready?" Scorpius asks pensively.
"Nearly ready sir. Expressly as you ordered. Training is nearly completed. I think you will be pleased sir."
"Time has become a concern Commander. Can you hurry your progress?" Scorpius asks thoughtfully.
"The process is very dangerous sir. Many have died at this point in their assessment."
"I... understand Commander." Scorpius twitches. "If I must wait. Please let me know the microt, and I do mean the microt
that I may take possession."
"Yes Scorpius." The Commander answers. "The Microt."
Scorpius closes Comms. He stands looking out his portal into space. He suddenly turns and growls. He hits his head Comms.
"Change it!"
John is chained against the wall of his cell. He calls to the guard.
"Hey! You there!" John yells. "Can I get some help here?"
The guard enters. " Shut up! Scorpius hasn't called for you yet." The guard moves toward John to strike him.
"Wait. No trouble!" John puts his hands up. "I just need to use the facility." He tells the guard. "Please. I'll probably
be here all night like this."
The guard holds his pulse rifle on John and begins to loosen his chains. The guard backs up and lets John stand and move
toward the facility.
John's back is to the guard, he swiftly turns and kicks the guard, hitting the guard in the head and knocking him into
the bulkhead. The rifle flies out of his hands across the floor. The guard begins to stand. John takes a defensive stance
and kicks the guard in the head again knocking him out.
John pulls off the guard's armor and puts it on. He grabs the rifle and marches double time to the prowler bay.
"I'm here to relieve you! Scorpius' orders!" John tells the guard.
"Very well Officer." The guard answers and walks away.
John quickly goes into the prowler bay. He looks to be sure there is no activity and seals the inner bay doors. He climbs
onboard one of the prowlers and blasts out of the bay toward a group of neighboring planets.
One planet looks hospitable. John lands. It is a rough landing through thick atmospheric clouds. He hits his head on landing
and lies unconscious.
A dark figure approaches the prowler, weapon drawn.
John can feel movement. His head aches. He opens his eyes. Everything is a blur. He tries to move. He is tightly bound,
hand and foot. He tries to focus on something. He sees a dark man, looks like D'Argo. Is it D'Argo? He thinks.
"D'Argo? Is that you?" He says.
"I'll ask the questions Peacekeeper!" Comes a growl back. "Did you signal our location before your crash?"
"Peacekeeper? Location? D'Argo what are you talking about? I would never..."
"Answer me Peacekeeper!"
A blade presses to his throat. John can feel the anger in his tone. "I'm not a Peacekeeper!" John knows the danger. "I,
I was trying to escape the Command Carrier. I think I escaped undetected."
Scorpius' coolant rod pops. He hisses with discomfort. He growls in anger. "Find him!"
Rough Landing
The man squatted. It wasn't D'argo he realized as he creased his brows. The Luxan was chocolate dark, darker than Mokan
... A Jaboan, but, this guy was pretty tall compared to Mokan's size and his eyes were closer to gold than hers had been.
The man gazed apon him with a sharp apearance. His features were very defined, his hair a jet black with a moustache braided
down to his chest. All of his tatooes were done in yellow.
"Are you Luxan?" Crichton chuckled as he raised his brows and looked at the mans uniform much like what D'argo wore but
it was royal blue with a gold tassle rope tied around the waist.
"I will ask the questions," he snipped as he pressed the dagger at his throaght in emphisis.
"Fine, fine," Crichton raised his tied hands. "But I'm not a PeaceKeeper. I'm Human."
"kh'uman," he gruffed as he narrowed his eyes. "I think you're saying this to escape having your throaght cut by a Jaboan."
"Hey y'know man," Crichton smiled as he rolled his eyes. "It's like, what ever dude 'cause I don't ..."
He snatched the wrist holding the blade and pulled the Jaboan over his head. He rolled with him, narrowing his eyes on
the Jaboan as he straddled over him and pointed his own blade into his throaght. "Feel like explaining anything - to YOU!"
He wrinkled his nose in a snarel, biting his lip as he pushed the blade into the Jaboans throaght, tempted to slit it and
be done with him.
"I think you should," the Jaboan let a wry smile cross his face as he grasped Crichton's wrists in the same maneuver and
sent him flying over his head as he brought up his knee.
He turned, laughing as he came to sit cross legged while Crichton stood with his blade still in his hands. "Look! Around
you that is, dude."
He turned his head, falling to the ground as his tied legs tangled him. He saw only blurrs for a moment and blinked to
try to clear them as the Jaboan took his dagger back.
"I am Krestan," he spoke with pride as he toed Crichton in the chest. "And you are now my war prisoner."
Rough Landing
"How long has he been missing?" Scorpius hisses as he walks through Command. "Do we even know if he is aboard?" He looks
as though he may throttle Braca.
"Sir." Braca shows Scorpius a report. "A prowler is missing. We estimate it has been gone, perhaps 4 arns."
"It is unlikely that a prowler could have made it back to that system Braca, still." Scorpius ponders. "Dispatch the marauders
Braca! Search every planet and moon we have passed near. Return the Command Carrier to where we were 4 arns ago. We will concentrate
our search there."
Crichton winces under Krestan's foot. "Jaboan." He groans out. "I know a Jaboan."
"You can't Peacekeeper, unless you took one as slave! I should kill you at your confession." Krestan presses his dagger
to John's throat.
"I know her and she is free." John struggles to say. Tears come to his eyes from the pain of Krestan's dagger piercing
his skin.
"Free?" Krestan is incredulous. "No one of our race is free. We hide from Peacekeepers! The scourge of the universe!" Krestan
moves to slice Crichton's neck.
John sees as Krestan raise his arm. "Please! Krestan, let me prove it to you! I can help you find Jamaica!"
Krestan holds his dagger skyward as John speaks. His gold eyes flash in anger; he narrows his eyes to Crichton and slowly
lowers the dagger. "Then prove it Peacekeeper!" He says, cautiously standing and stepping away.
John feels his warm blood running down his neck. His hands go to his throat. He looks at his hand to see how badly he is
cut. "God!" He gasps when he sees how much. He holds his hand on the cut to stop it.
Krestan watches, wondering. "Your blood." He says. "It runs as ours."
John swallows in fear. "I told you. I'm a human being, not a Sebacean!"
"K'Human being?" Krestan says watching as John tries to stop the blood. He reaches with his dagger and cuts the rope from
John's ankles. "Perhaps. I never saw a Sebacean bleed like that."
"How bad is it? Will I die?" John tries to stand. The sight of his own blood, perhaps even the loss of it makes his knees
Krestan stands watching him, not trusting enough to help him. John falls unconscious on the ground. His neck continues
to bleed freely. Finally Krestan reaches and presses on John's wound. He holds his dagger firmly in his other hand, ready
if John moves.
Krestan checks Crichton's wound. The bleeding has stopped. He holds his hand on John's cheek and looks at him.
"Peacekeeper or K'Human, you will lead me to the Jaboan Jamaka." Krestan shakes Crichton slightly. "Wake." He says. "Wake
and show me where she is." He demands.
John wakes woozily looking up again at Krestan with blurry vision.
"Now!" Krestan insists. "The Peacekeepers will be upon us. They are certain to find your prowler." He pulls John to his
feet and forces him to walk.
"Wait a minute. I can't even see yet." John stumbles as he walks where he is pushed. He falls.
"We must leave immediately!" Krestan threatens, standing over him. He realizes looking down at him. "The crash. You have
been injured." He leans over and hefts John up over his shoulder.
"Hell if I have! You almost killed me!" John yells as he is thrust over Krestan's shoulder. "Watch it!"
Krestan carries John to the prowler and puts him down on the ground against a tree. John is in bad shape. He groans as
his back hits against the side of the tree. He tries to hold himself up while Krestan checks over the prowler.
"I was wrong, it's not a crash you had, it's a disaster. You destroyed the landing gear. Luckily we wont need it in space."
Krestan reaches again and picks John up, throwing him in the back of the prowler, securing his hands under the harness.
John groans from the rough treatment. He gasps trying to stay awake.
"Now! How do I find her?" Krestan holds his knife to John's throat, more carefully now, still nearly cutting him.
John swallows and lifts his head from the blade. "Do you know where Rashari is?" John asks watching Krestan's eyes closely.
"Has the prowler been there?" Krestan asks as he powers up and closes the canopy.
"I don't know. I stole it from the Command Carrier." John answers. He tries to stay awake.
"Then we will find it together." Krestan says with determination as he blasts off the planet's surface.
"Let me Comm them to get their location." John offers.
"One wrong word Peacekeeper!" Krestan warns. He checks the data for their location and that of Rashari. Then he turns and
flicks on John's Comm button. He goes back to studying the Command readout.
"D'Argo." John calls over Comms. "I need to speak to Mokan."
Krestan turns around sharply. He closes Comms. "You are with Zareth!" Krestan yells. The knife again goes to John's throat.
"I knew you couldn't be trusted!"
"No! No!" John says in fear of dying from Krestan's knife.
Krestan's eyes light of fire. "Mokan was taken with us! You are the Peacekeepers who attacked and killed my people!"
John's heart stops as he looks in fear to Krestan for his life. Krestan's dagger nearly killed him earlier. He says a silent
prayer that he may see Chiana again. Suddenly there is a beep.
"John! Where are you!" It is D'Argo.
Krestan silences the Comms. "She lives or you die!" He says darkly, his eyes narrowing on John in his last moments. Krestan
reaches and opens the frequency.
John draws fearful breath. "D'Argo. Put Mokan on the phone. Someone wants to talk to her." He says watching Krestan's eyes.
D'Argo looks at Zhaan. "She is still under sedation. She cannot speak to anyone!"
Krestan slaps closed the Comms. "Enough!" He yells. "Peacekeeper liar!"
Krestan flips the dagger over in his hand. He holds the blade in his hand and hits John with the hilt, knocking him unconscious.
John slumps over in his harness.
Krestan speaks angrily to him. "No more contact with your command! You plan to trick me using her as bait! I won't allow
you to capture me Peacekeeper!"
He makes a wide turn leaving the atmosphere. Krestan sets his course and heads out into space. "The coordinates are set.
I will get her exact location from you when we reach the planet."
It is a few arns later. The prowler quickly approaches the planet. Krestan's heart is on wings that he may see Mokan again.
He had long believed her dead. He wishes there were time to perform a ceremony to see his future again. His heart is suddenly
weighed with the last vision of her in another's arms. He shakes his head and growls. He seeks a remote area of Rashari and
glides in slowly. He lands carefully, the fuselage touches directly to the ground. He turns and looks at Crichton.
"Time to tell me what I need to know to save her Peacekeeper." Krestan reaches, undoes John's harness and lifts him out.
Krestan ties John securely to the prowlers hetch drive. He raises his hand and slaps John to wake him. He is displeased
that Crichton does not wake. He reaches and slaps him again. John wakes groggily.
"Uuuuh." John groans in pain from the crash and Krestan's mistreatment of him.
"Time to tell me what you know!" Krestan yells into his face.
John is sick to his stomach. Without the rope to support him he would surely fall. He tries to focus his eyes. "Krestan."
He says, wearily. "Why have you got me like this?"
"You forgot? Your Command admitted to drugging Mokan!" Krestan paces watching John. "I will save her from you and your
kind!" He snarls. "Now tell me the location of your ship!"
"Please, I mean you no harm. The ship is hiding behind the second moon. I am no threat to you." John nearly passes out
Krestan approaches him. "I will end your fear Peacekeeper."
Krestan holds his dagger tightly in his hand. John can barely see. Krestan raises his arm. John knows what it means.
"God! Please Krestan! Don't kill me!" John begs. "My wife is with her. Please don't!"
John can barely speak. He is at Krestan's mercy. He is unable to even struggle against the ropes. His long torture in the
chair and his injuries in the crash have placed him in this situation. He begins to cry. John watches as Krestan's arm falls.
Krestan stops. "A Peacekeeper with a wife?" He is taken aback. "That isn't allowed!"
He stands looking at John, puzzled. Suddenly he sees a ship approaching. He starts running. He looks back briefly to see
the prowler land. Then runs furiously fleeing into the jungle canopy.
Seek of the Lost Ones
"Unacceptable Braca!" Scorpius stands austere among the frightened command staff. "Find him, without delay!"
Scorpius walks briskly to his Command quarters, his nurse in tow. He bars her from entering, giving her a look. He enters
and secures the door.
Going to the Comms Scorpius inserts his ident chip and opens the frequency. "Security scramble 3 Velca." He says.
"Your communiqué is late Scorpius." The voice is that of a woman.
"It could not be helped. My command duties dictated I attend to a matter of great importance." Scorpius says coolly.
"And your position has changed. That was not our agreement." The woman sounds annoyed.
"Again, my command duties." Scorpius answers.
"I cannot delay my report Scorpius. If I must, I will write it with the content already presented. Still I need to see
to the health of your prisoner. The matter of him being Regent to such a strategically important system is of great import.
It is my job to see his integrity is maintained." She says pointedly.
"I am certain the directorate will find your report complete on every count. We will be holding our position until further
notice. Forgive me. It was a simple misunderstanding. My underlings do not understand the immediacy of completing our business."
"See that they do, Scorpius! My report will include their incompetence in this matter as well as yours."
"Please! Except my sincerest apologies." Scorpius says smoothly. "I promise, you will find Crichton fit and at his duties
upon your arrival." He tilts his head. A snarl begins to form on his lips at this directorate subordinate.
The prowler's engines whine down. The power drops as the canopy opens. A tall figure climbs down the side of the ship and
walks deliberately toward Crichton.
John is secured to the Hetch drive of the disabled prowler. he is unconscious from his mistreatment and his accident. The
figure lifts his head to see him.
"Crichton!" He says with surprise. "I didn't expect to find you let alone in this tattered condition!"
The figure pulls a dagger and cuts the ropes. Crichton falls to the ground. The figure lifts him and places him into the
copilot seat. He hits Comms. "I have found Crichton!" he says simply as he powers up the prowler. He hits the launch sequencer
and flies the prowler toward the hidden base he approaches cautiously and lands in the bay. He powers down and lifts Crichton
out of the copilot seat. He walks with John slung over his broad shoulder to the Med bay. The Med tech sees to him.
"Hezmana!" the Med tech says involuntarily when he sees him. "What the Frell happened to him?"
"I don't know. He was tied to his prowler fuselage and tortured."
"I can see the tortured part!" the Med tech exclaims. He runs the scanner over Crichton to see the extent of the damage
to his system. "His knee, there is also trauma to his head in two places."
"Perhaps from the crash. I found his prowler without his landing gear extended." The figure turns to go. "Let me know the
microt he is conscious!"