DarkSide III: The Visage of Evil

DarkSide III pg 4
DarkSide III pg 1
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DarkSide III pg 3
DarkSide III pg 4
DarkSide III pg 5
DarkSide III pg 6
DarkSide III pg 7



"Scorpius. I havent much time." Mallan keeps his voice low. He sits in the prowler docked in Mokans landing bay. "How do I distinguish Crichtons prowler? How can I be sure this is the one?"

"There is a display Mallan. When you turn on the sensor array, there should be a display for spatial vortexes." Scorpius turns to Braca. "Isnt that right, tech?"

Lt. Braca holds his pulse pistol to tech Hendas head. Hendas eyes flash with terror. He swallows. "Yes sir. The new program is linked to the sensor array." He says. His eyes fixed on Bracas pistol.

"Well?" Scorpius asks to Comms.

"It does not appear to be the one were looking for." Mallan reports. He turns off the display.

"We can waste no more time Mallan. Already the carrier may be too far from you to make the delivery."

"Not a problem sir. I can easily take command of Mokans trade vessel. I can rendezvous in 20 arns."

"Good! Good! Mallan." Scorpius smiles. "Attempt once more to secure the prowler, then bring her to me. She is more important than Crichtons creation." He punctuates the word with a devilish laugh. "Creation!" He closes Comms, continuing to chuckle to himself.

"What do I do with him sir?" Braca asks, still holding his pulse pistol to tech Hendas neck.

"Why, return him to duty of course!" Scorpius paces to Henda. "You will tell none of this to your commander, understood?" He pats Hendas shoulder as Braca reholsters his pistol. "We dont wish to alarm him, do we tech?"

"No sir. I mean I wont tell him sir." Henda says fearfully.

"Then you are dismissed tech." Scorpius says to him and watches as Henda scurries quickly from his presence and out the door.

"Why do you want him to be silent about this sir? I thought you wanted Crichton to know your plan, for his obedience."

"I do Braca. I do. However" Scorpius puts his finger to his lips and smiles looking at him askance. "Still, I dont want to show him my strategy until it is too late for him to make plans of his own."

"Humph!" Braca huffs involuntarily. "Plans, Sir?"

"Yes Braca." Scorpius turns and glares at him disapprovingly. "Crichton's plans."


I awoke this morning, numb. Not feeling anything. I looked at Jake, I held him. I spoke to him, all the while it seemed like a dream. I couldnt feel him anymore. Perhaps in preparation of him leaving today. I know that sometime during my absence he will be gone.

I suddenly find myself in the prowler bay. My class is assembled. I look at them. So many faces looking to me for knowledge. I was only passing to them what the ancients stuck in my head. God! I wish theyd just let us pass by. Their curiosity has killed me and those I love. Well not them, but Scorpius greed for the knowledge.

I sigh and let Witer take over the class. Henda knows what to do with the prowler program. So pretty much I stand around useless, wishing I could be with Jake for every last second he is still on board.

I feel a crushing weight on my chest. I notice on and off that I am forgetting to breathe. Henda asks me a question. I see his lips move. No sound. I find myself pacing closely to the Scarran attack craft, wishing that Jake would run past me and blast out of the bay! But he wouldnt. I mean he said it himself. He WANTS to be in the elite squad, go to academy, be a Peacekeeper.

God Jake! God. I cant stop you. Even if you didnt want to go, Scorpius would still send you. Every second I stand here I feel I am dying! I cant save you. I want to at least BE with you!

Our last hope is your mom. I know Chiana must stay away. Still, I keep looking for her among the tech faces. Looking for a guard who is a little too short for the uniform. She will come for me. I know it! But she will be too late to save you Jake.

Class is finally over. I expect to see Jena waiting for me at the hatch. It must mean Jake has gone. I am afraid to return to quarters. I went into a panic the last time I went there and couldnt find him. The thought of going there he is gone forever from my life. The only time his name will ever be mentioned is when Scorpius threatens me to perform for him.

My hands are shaking as I leave the prowler bay. Tech Witer is talking to me, as she often does. I need help. Everyones help. But the last time, I remember the tears Gelina shed before I kissed her, before she died. I cant drag anyone into this! Its like painting a bullseye on their back to Scorpius!

He claims he doesnt torture people! I saw the look on his face when he shot her. The bastard loved it! Got off on it! I had my chance to kill him more than once. goddamned chip wouldnt let me! Just one more kind of hell that he can reach right in my head. Worse than Varlas eye popping Nabarri mind chip. I belong to him!

I find myself standing at the Raslak bar in the Peacekeeper Officers Lounge. Maybe this is the best place for me. Maybe I need to get drunk, find a pulse pistol and end my misery. Ive lived all these years without Aeryn. Its been hard, but having Jake, talking to him, being able to see Aeryn in him growing up has made my life bearable. Now my life with him is gone.

I down my second round of Raslak and feel slightly better. The edge is off of my numbness enough that now I just only feel like I am POISON to lives of all that I love instead of the guy with the gun. I put down the canister and bolster myself to go home excuse me, my cell away from home.

I wander down the passageway. Nothing looks familiar. Like I cant focus. Everything is different now. I have no life! Scorpy saw to that. Every day I will be literally chained to my job with no hope for any future.

I reach my door. I stand there hoping to hear him bouncing around inside. Screaming as he sometimes does waiting for me. Going insane from nurse keeping him cooped up all day.

I hope nurse isnt in there! God! If I see that Peacekeeper bitchs face one more time! Ill drag her down to conditioning and get medieval on her ass! Kicking and screaming at her until Scorpy has to break us up! Or maybe I can find a convenient airlock for her to walk through.

I just stand there. I dont have the nerve to open my own goddamned door!

I take a deep breath, swallow and open the door. Jena is sitting on the couch. No Jake. She looks up at me with somber eyes. Suddenly I hear a most joyous noise! Jakes feet hitting the floor as he comes running out to me!

"Jake! My man!" I call to him. Then I hear the sweetest sound ever created in life.

"Dad!" he says to me and runs into my arms.


John kneels, holding Jake close to himself, crying on his small shoulder, kissing his neck. Jena can suddenly see, John thought Jake had been taken already. She stands, waiting patiently during the hug. "John." She finally says.

John breaks the hug to look at her. "Jake and I wanted to meet you at the prowler bay hatch." She apologizes. "We were stopped in the hatchway and told Jake wasnt permitted."

"Thank you Jena. Its alright." John wipes his tears and smiles.

Jena waits while John tucks Jake into bed. John comes out of Jakes room and closes the door. He stands for a moment composing himself then looks at Jena. "Did you hear anything?"

"I spoke to the directorate in your behalf. They referred to the last report on you. It was quite black." Jena tells him.

"Yes, I think I heard most of that." He says.

She walks to John. "I was surprised to learn that is what makes you attractive to them!" she smiles. "I thought they would be put off by the bad Intel."

"What?" John asks, surprised. "They want me?"

"They feel you have the perfect cover to gain the trust of any anti Peacekeeper faction."

"Who would a thought." John rubs his neck.

"Your identity is already established. Your cover is secure." Jena smiles.

"What about Jake? And how soon can we get released back to the planet?" John asks.

Jena catches her breath. "Im sorry John, I cant promise you that youll return to Rashari." She keeps her voice low. "It is a matter of being assigned. Youll be governed by the same principles as the rest of us. Though I will urge them."

"Ok." He says distrusting. "Tell me the rest of it."

"Please John." Jena says caringly to him. "Dont worry." She places her hand on his shoulder and looks into his face.

"I need to know all of it Jena. If I have to go with the directorate to save Jake and get away from Scorpius, I will. But I need to know all of it!" He says to her waiting for her answer.

"You will be judged by Peacekeeper rules and regs John. That means going where they assign you, giving up your life with Chiana and" She holds her breath and looks, searching his eyes. "You have to take a blood oath John. To obey your commanding officer under penalty of death."

John paces. "Military. Peacekeeper for life. I become what I hate! I become what has destroyed my life! The ones I love! My family?"

"Its a matter of saving your life John. A matter of survival." She says concerned.

He shakes his head. "I can't do it Jena! It goes against everything I believe in, care about."

"Have you eaten yet?" She asks.

"Huh? No." He shakes his head. "I couldnt eat. How can I eat?" He looks down at the floor then back up at her for some glimmer of hope.

"We can pick up a copy of the regs in command. We'll have a bite to eat in the Officers Lounge while you study them." She puts her hand on his shoulder and smiles into his face. "Hmmm?"

"Maybe there's a loophole, a way outta this Hell hole!" John sighs. "Lets get this over with." He offers his elbow to her.

Jena takes his arm and they walk to the hatch. "Officer, watch Jake for me." John says to the squad leader. "You know what to do." John mutters.

"Yes Commander!" She snaps to attention as John and Jena walk away.


Witer studies the arrest reports for John Crichton. They don't tell much. John Crichton is referred to as an alien, human. She doesn't understand.

John Crichton's first arrest was on planet Schen in the Pellar province. Wanted for questioning, suspect in a murder investigation initiated by Captain Crais. Escaped! With two others, a Luxon and an Officer Aeryn Sun.

John Crichton's second arrest. Sealed. Inaccessible to a Tech! But it has Scorpius' personal encrypted code indicating he was the one to seal the record.

The third arrest, aborted. Royal planet. Escaped from Lt. Braca's custody.

John Crichton's fourth arrest was from an unknown system. That's the one, which brought him and his son onboard. The record shows he was only held in a cell overnight.

Why so brief? She wonders. An alien? She wonders. With the rank Lt. Commander? And obviously a scientist of high regard. Knowledgeable in theoretical mathematics and a science none of them knew. Her mind is full of questions about this man and how can she find out more about him and his son.

Scorpius treats him very well, and then arrests him. Why? His son lives with him. Scorpius old nurse was guarding him, now replaced by a squad. Why is his son staying with him? Peacekeeper's children go directly to institutional care!

He is a Lt. Commander yet not allowed to leave the Command Carrier. The way he gains access to the experimental prowler. He is authoritative with the guard.

There is something else, though. She felt it when he was first standing, teaching them. He is completely different from anyone she has ever met. His high rank does not prevent him from treating techs as equals. He jokes with us. Looks at us as though he is a Tech. But he's not! Not a tech.

No matter how many questions she asks herself she still cannot think of any answers. She has to know! She has to find out!

She tells herself that the Lt. Commander is only an intellectual puzzle. But its more. When he steps into the class in the morning, she brightens. She feels she would do anything for him that he asks, if only he would ask.

He goes home to his son every night. She never sees him anywhere else. Perhaps briefly in the corridor. She never sees him with other officers, maybe once in the Officers lounge, only with the class or working with the technical aspects of this project, or with his son.

There has to be more! Her palms begin to sweat. Such an odd feeling was taking hold of her. Will she risk her life just to learn a little about this man? This alien? Will she risk anything just to get a little closer to knowing him? The answer is yes! She can no longer stand the pain he suffers. She has to help.


Officer Shard sits with her squad late after their duty cycle is complete. Lt. Commander Crichton enters the Officers lounge with what appears to be a directorate official. Nylar eyes them. At first Crichton seems upset. Gradually he begins to smile. They seem very friendly together. Nylar begins to get angrier by the Microt. Her fight with Crichton was cut short by Scorpius. They still have unfinished business!

She abruptly leaves her squad and walks to Command. She enters and asks the Duty officer, "Officer, I need to see records for Lt. Commander Crichton.

"It's odd, Officer. You are the second person to ask for information on Crichton."

"I am?"

"Yes. The first inquiry was made by a Tech."

"A Tech?" Nylar asks surprised.

"Evidently Crichton teaches a 'class'? To them. Anyway, Officer Shard, you can work at this station to look into his records." He says indicating a command module and walks away.

Officer Shard searches the records. She pulls up the records for John Crichton. "Seven arrests! One of the arrest reports is sealed. She shakes her head in disbelief. "Multiple arrests? Murder?"

"Arrested with an Officer Aeryn Sun. Pleisar Regiment, Icarion Company. Arrested on a charge of Irrevocable Contamination for exposure to an unclassified alien, a human, one John Crichton, accused of Murder of one Officer Talvo Crais!" Suddenly she is very upset.

Her mind cannot understand, she thinks. "How could Crichton be an unclassified alien? A murderer! He is a Lt. Commander. A Peacekeeper! Not Sebacean?"

She continues reading. "Murdered. Officer Talvo Crais, Icarion Company, Pleisar Regiment. One of her own men!" She gasps at the report. "She escaped with the human John Crichton and a Luxon, a Ka D'Argo!"

"How could a criminal become a Lt. Commander? Serving on a Command Carrier?"

Nylar reads the Directorate report. Her mouth drops open in shock. "Lord Crichton!" She blurts out. "A spy!"

The confusion shows on her face. "It's like reading fiction!" She remarks. "There must be more in the records to corroborate this."

Nylar stands up and turns to the Deck officer. "This Tech. Do you know where I can find her?"

"I'm sorry Officer. All Techs look the same to me. But she did say she has Officer status."

"And you say the Tech was in Crichton's 'class'."

"Yes officer."


Chiana pulls Mokan's prowler in behind the squad just coming off patrol duty. They pull in and taxi into position in the Command Carrier Prowler Bay. She sits and waits in the prowler until the pilots disembark.

Chiana refers to Geyos data pad to find Crichtons quarters and leaves the bay. It is as Geyo said. There is a squad posted outside John's quarters. She stands near one of the doors along the corridor where she can observe.

Suddenly she sees the door open and John emerge. He is wearing a uniform like the one he wore when she rescued him from the Scarran Hezmat facility. John is holding Jake. He kisses Jake at the door and puts him down. Chiana notices Jake is so much bigger now. He could easily be mistaken for twice his age. As John puts him down a woman comes out of the door. Is this the nurse Jake always talked about? No. She seems an officer of some type. The uniform is unfamiliar. Chiana watches them as the woman takes Johns arm and they walk together toward the prowler bay. Four guards follow.

Chiana leaves her post and walks along the corridor behind them. She smirks at the thought of this woman hanging off John. "What you been up to Johnny boy?" She smiles and coos, raising her visor briefly to place a capsule in her mouth. She chooses a section of the corridor that seems confined, after they turn the corner, unobserved she drops a canister of Melar gas.

The gas swirls around the guards and the two officers as they walk. They suddenly fall to the deck. Chiana bites the tip off of a capsule and runs to John, squeezing the contents into his mouth. She then pulls him, dragging him along the deck towards the prowler bay.

As they approach the Prowler Bay, she turns and yells, "Help!" to the guard. "Something has happened to Crichton!"

The guard leaves his post at the Prowler Bay hatch and comes to them.

"Whats happened?" He asks standing over Crichton.

Chiana opens a small canister of the Melar gas into the guards face. He gasps and falls to the deck at her feet. Chiana smiles crookedly and opens the inner hatch to the prowler bay. She continues to pull Crichton into the bay.

"Come on John! You have to wake up!" She makes it to the stealth prowler. "Wake up!" She raises her hand and slaps him. "John wake up!" He doesnt move. She slaps him again, then again. "Frell! This is not working!" She struggles to lift him. "Aaai!" she cries sharply. "We're out of time!"

She leaves John by Mokan's prowler and runs back to his quarters to get Jake. She runs straight into Scorpius! "No!" Chiana gasps and reaches for her pulse pistol. The guards quickly overpower her.

"Let me go you bastards!" Chiana struggles, kicking the guards in the shins. Their Armour protects them.

"Im sorry... Chiana. I cannot allow you to take Crichton or Jeffery." Scorpius reaches and lifts her helmet off. "I must say!" He exclaims, tossing the helmet to one of the guards. "I do prefer you in your ball gown." He eyes her. "This outfit makes you look altogether too frumpy in your... condition." He grins. "Bring her!" He says and walks, leading them down the corridor.


Lt. Commander Crichton wakes with a hell of a headache. He blinks and looks around the room. He sees Jena on an adjacent cot. He sits up and sees his four guards, all unconscious in the Med bay. He holds his neck, rubs his temple. "What the hell happened?" he asks the Med tech.

The tech takes a breath and steps to him, scanning him. "One of the prowlers had a canister onboard of poisonous gas. You were all knocked unconscious as you neared there."

"God! Jake!" John says anxiously. He gets up from the cot and promptly falls, unable to stand. "Our quarters are near there!"

"Your son is alright commander. The gas did not reach that far."

John stands with the Med techs help. He sits on the edge of his cot.

"The Prowler Bay guard was able to seal the doors before any more gas could escape. He saved your lives sir." The tech continues. "He vented the gas into space. Unfortunately he received a lethal dose. There is a full investigation underway. Ive been told to inform you that you are not to return there today." The tech says nervously. "Scorpius orders until the investigation is complete."

"The others. Jena? Will she be alright?" John says watching her.

"We have to wait until they wake sir. Its lucky you werent all killed." The Med tech gives Crichton a shot. "Here sir. This will help steady you." The tech swallows and turns to scan the others.

John stands; steadying himself against his cot then walks to Jena. "Jena." He says softly and takes her hand. He reaches and strokes her face with the back of his hand.


Scorpius escorts Chiana to her cell. "I will soon return. Make yourself comfortable Chiana. This will be your home for sometime I would think." He says condescendingly and leaves her. She sits on her cot. Suddenly she hears someone outside the door. There is a "Clunk!" as the cell door lock is lifted.

Chiana gets up and faces the door. She gapes in shock. Aeryn stands before her with Scorpius.

"So this is the one." Aeryn says disdainfully, eyeing Chiana.

"I'll leave you two to get reacquainted." Scorpius says with a slight head bow to Aeryn. He glances askance at Chiana then turns from them and exits the cell.

The guards close the cell door behind him. Aeryn and Chiana stand facing eachother.

"Aeryn!" Chiana gasps. "We thought you were dead!"

"No." Aeryn sneers. "I am very much alive."

"Crichton said that you died!" She breathes. "That you died in his arms."

"Scorpius saved me after Crichton abandoned me." Aeryn says bitterly. "So." She says sizing Chiana up. "You are what's kept him busy."

"No." Chiana begs for forgiveness. "He thought you were dead. We've only been together a few days."

"Perhaps if he had not run away" Aeryn begins.

"No! John would never leave you!" Chiana swallows. "He was trying to escape Scorpius. You told him to go. He held you until you died."

"That's what he told you, did he?" Aeryn is unscrupulous in her posturing. "He abandoned me alone on an uncharted planet after I was injured." She says in a clipped tone. "He kidnapped our son and ran to you." Aeryn steps closer to Chiana.

Chiana backs away. "I'm sorry Aeryn. I, I'm glad you're alive." She begins to cry. "Please, forgive us."

"That isn't enough." Aeryn snarls. "Chiana, is it?" Aeryn asks. "I understand you are carrying his child." She suddenly turns her head away. She folds her arms and paces. She swallows, awaiting Chianas answer.

"No! We dont know. I mean, I was raped by Captain Shelan right after our wedding" Chiana gasps. "Its probably his." Chiana can only look at the floor. She suddenly feels so horrible.

"Scorpius can determine that after youve been examined." Aeryn turns her head to deliver her decision.

"Examined?" Chiana looks to her for mercy. "No!" She gasps.

"Scorpius will question you, then you and I will have a long talk about yourself and Crichton." Aeryn looks at her and takes a deep breath as though she may spit on Chiana. Instead, she swings her arm and slaps Chiana hard, knocking her to the floor.

"Aaaa!" Chiana shrieks in shock. She cries and looks up at Aeryn holding her cheek. "Forgive"

Aeryn looks down at Chiana then turns and exits the cell allowing the guards to enter. "Stay away from me!" Chiana says through her tears. She moves away from them. The guards pick her up from the deck.

"What are you Frelling doing?" They place her on the cot and move to chain her there. "No!" She screams and pulls her arm from one of the guards. She hits him knocking him to the floor. She kicks him. "Stop it!" She yells to the other one and pushes him away. He manages to shackle her arm before she knocks him on his ass.

A third and fourth guard enter and hold her to finish securing her to the cot. She is tightly fastened there. She can no longer move to hurt them.

"Let me go! You bastards!" She yells as they leave her there. She hears the cell door close, then footsteps. She turns her head to see Scorpius. "Ask your Frelling questions and let me outta' here!" She says angrily.

"Questions?" Scorpius says as he paces in smiling. He looks as though he is keeping a delicious secret. "I'm not here to ask you any questions, Chiana." He looks her over then faces her. "I have long looked forward to having you in this situation." Scorpius leans over. "The Aurora Chair revealed some tantalizing secrets about you." He purrs.

Scorpius face is close to hers. Chiana can feel his hot breath on her. She turns her face away from his foul stench. Scorpius longingly kisses her neck, groaning with pleasure.

"Aaaai!" She screams and quickly headbutts him. "Stay away from me!" She yells.

Scorpius recoils, holding his head. He turns back to her, raises his arm and sharply slaps her face.

"Aaa!" She yells, more from his touch than from the hit. She turns her head sharply back to him in defiance. "Keep your Frelling hands off of me!" It hurts, but she won't give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She looks at him with piercing eyes.

"I understood you like having your neck kissed." He backs up briefly, checking if his Comms still work. "You didn't mind when Crichton did this, you shouldn't mind me." He growls softly.

She pulls against her chains.

"Don't fight it Chiana. You can't escape." Scorpius sighs.

"Don't you dare touch me!" she says threateningly.

"Or what, my dear? Crichton will kill me?" Scorpius licks his lips in anticipation. "Why?" He says softly, moving his face to hers enjoying the proximity. "He doesn't even know you're here." He touches his lips to hers breathlessly.

Chiana turns her head and groans in disgust. Scorpius looks at her lustfully and reaches slowly to undo her top. His other hand goes to touch her breast.

Chiana bends her neck over and bites Scorpius wrist.

"Aaaaa!" He yells and backs away.

"I told you not to touch me! You bastard!" She seethes.

Scorpius' eyes widen as he holds his injured hand. He steps toward her.

From outside of the cell, the guards hear a thud and Chiana's scream. They chuckle to eachother and begin to pace, guarding.


Crichton passes the afternoon and late into the evening tirelessly studying the directorates rules and regs with Jena. Looking for the illusive loophole. John tucks Jake in and sits by his bed. He cries softly watching his son sleep.



A door closed deep within her mind, blocking all sensory consciousness of Scorpius' depravity.


"Shh...I'm listening." A male hand gently swatted her away.

"What? Lemme see, lemme see." Chiana stood on tiptoe, anxious to see through the curtain separating she and Nerri from the others. A secret ceremony was to be performed in that room on this night. Referred to as "Crossing", the ceremony is ritually performed when the children of a Nebari household reach the age of genesis. It is customary for the parents to 'cross' first, then the children. The cycle of 'crossing' repeats as children become adults, and have families, and so on. The details of the ceremony remain secret, since no one who has ever completed it can remember what came before. It is believed that 'crossing' brings one to a closer level of uniformity within Nebari society.

"Alright, but you must promise to be very quiet." Nerri pulled Chiana close to him, folding her protectively under his arm.

Chiana's eyes widened as their mother and father, Cathcart and Andress, were instructed to kneel before the Minister of Information and his Policy Lieutenants. All were dressed in black flowing robes, and carried candles that burned through the darkness of the room.

Agitated, Nerri paced while fighting the urge to grab his sister and run. "Oh, what are they saying!? I can't hear from this distance. Can't they hurry?"



John falls asleep next to his sons bed. Again he walks through the mist with Harvey. But this time they walk through the Command Carriers dungeon. He hears his own feet resonate on the metal plating in the deck. He hears a distant scream. He moves toward it. He leaves Harvey behind and begins running toward it. The screams gets louder and louder until he gets to the cell door and opens it. He sees a flash and instantly wakes up with a gasp. The scream rings in his ears! "John!"

"Chiana!" He says in confusion, gasping he stands suddenly knocking over the chair. He feels lost, confused. Expecting to find her there. He walks to the door, through the main room and out into the corridor. The guards still stand their long vigil, keeping him from escaping. He is crying, not certain why. But his heart is in his throat. Still catching his breath from the screams he heard. It was her voice! Chianas voice! Such an intense feeling of dread takes him over.

Its late, he chances it. He looks at the squad leader. "Would it be out of the question to tour the dungeon?" he asks her.

"As long as we accompany you sir." She turns to him and raises her visor. "Is there a problem sir?" she asks.

"Could I get in to see any new prisoners?" he holds his breath for her answer.

"Ill check the records sir, if you wish."

"Good. Lets do that. Any new prisoner, say within a day or so." He rubs his hands together nervously.

The squad leader signals to one of her men who runs down the corridor, returning shortly with a data pad. He hands it to his squad leader.

"The prisoners are all assigned a number until their release commander. It makes it difficult to identify them to anyone outside of their directive." She tells him.

"No offense taken." John says. "But we can still open the cell and look inside, right?"

"Yes sir." She snaps to and walks leading John and her squad toward the cells.

They descend the metal grating, clanging deafening tones into the surrounding narrow stairways. John looks down, remembering so many times being forced to go here. So many times pulled over these same stairs, covered with bruises from the rough handling, perhaps of these same guards. The squad leader takes them down to level three and walks into the darkness. She stops next to a pair of guards.

"Open it!" she demands of them.

John walks to where he can see into the cell. There is a man inside. John backs away. "This isnt the one." He says, turning to the squad leader. "Im looking for a woman."

"As I said sir, they are referred to by number until their release." She apologizes.

"Carry on officer." John says and waits.

The next stop is close by. Again, this prisoner is a man. The third cell holds a woman, looks like a Peacekeeper, wearing her uniform waiting for release. John backs away. "All of these in the past two days?" John asks.

"Three days, commander. There is only one more prisoner in the log. This way, sir." She turns and descends another stairwell, leading them down the dark hallway she stops outside a cell and reaches to release the lock.

John stands anxiously waiting. His eyes fixed on the door as the squad leader pulls it open. John hurriedly steps inside. He gasps. The cell is empty. He swallows and turns to the squad leader. "Where?" He asks. He is suddenly lost, confused. He felt certain that

"Im sorry sir. The prisoner must have been released." She apologizes. "Please sir. If any new prisoners are brought in, I will notify you." She reaches and touches his arm.

John jumps and turns to her. She can see he is crying. Crying for this last prisoner they could not find. She feels a sudden anger, that the record did not show the release of this prisoner. "Please sir." She says.

John turns slowly and follows her again up the stairs, into the lit corridors to his quarters.


Scorpius stands in the Med bay. He stands observing the techs do a procedure. He paces anxiously, watching. After several hundred Microts there is a weak cry, as if from a baby. Scorpius looks on with great interest.

The Med techs dont seem to be moving fast enough for Scorpius. He walks around the bay to them and holds out his arms. A Med tech sprays his hands and arms then hands him a small child in a blanket. It is a soft pale pink color with yellow wisps of hair.

"So delicate." Scorpius smiles at the child. "So robust for such a frail thing!" he says near awe. "I never expected you to be awake!" He smiles at it.

One of the Med techs reaches for a data pad. Scorpius shoots a glare at him. "Dont record the birth immediately tech!" Scorpius growls. "It may not seem appropriate! The honored guests we have on board may become suspicious. We need be careful in these matters." Scorpius smiles at the baby having difficulty taking his eyes off of her. "What shall I call you, Illia? Allia? If only I knew I would be having a daughter I would have planned for you my dear. Oooo Oooo Oooo my dear."

The Med techs grow nervous at Scorpius' odd behavior and continue quickly to finish with their duties. "We are finished with this patient sir." The Med tech says, even though it is obvious that his staff is still working with her. "May I take the child now?"

"No tech." Scorpius smiles at the child. "I will keep her until her feeding time. I still need to choose a name for little Nekala? How about that lovely planet where we just were Rashala?" he smiles. "Little Rashala? My little one." He coos to her.

"What about the mother Scorpius?" the tech asks nervously.

Scorpius speaks to the tech as he looks at the childs eyes. "Take the best of care of her! She needs rest. Yes, lots of rest and a private room. She is to be guarded with the same arrangement as Commander Crichton. A squad positioned to prevent her escape. Unfortunately, she will have to continue to wear her chains. Aaaaand soundproof." He suddenly rivets his eyes on the techs. "No visitors of any kind!" He looks back to the child, smiling. "If anyone wants to see precious Dieneas mother send them to me."

"Yes sir." The tech answers and motions his staff to move the mother.


Jena gently raps on Commander Crichtons door. It immediately opens. John motions her to come in. He looks a mess, as though he has spent the night in his uniform. He hasnt shaved or combed his hair. Jena nearly startles.

"I need your help Jena." He starts.

"Yes I know thats what I came to tell you." She begins.

"No. No. Not that. This is something else. I couldnt sleep last night." He rambles.

"John, what is this all about?" Jena asks.

"Here." John motions for her to sit on the couch. "Please. I had a feeling last night. I know that Chiana will come for me. Try to save me. She did twice before." He can see that Jena isnt following him. He hands her the data pad. "I went into the cell block last night and opened them and looked inside to find her. This one was empty. The prisoner was missing. This prisoner!" He points to the data pad. "They werent checked out, just missing. Gone!"

Jena looks at the pad then at John. "This prisoner is missing?"

John swallows and takes a breath. "Yes. They have not been returned to their cell and they have not been released and I want you to find out for me if this prisoner could be my wife."

"Now John." Jena says beginning to think hes lost it. "There is no proof it is!"

"Please Jena. Please check. Who is this? And where are they? Thats all I ask. Its just I couldnt sleep and I have a very bad feeling about this."

"Please calm down. Ill do it!" Jena caves. "Just so long as you know that just because they may be temporarily missing its no reason to believe it is her."

"Yes, yes. I understand that. Oh, Im sorry. I probably should get cleaned up. It wont take a Microt. Jake isnt even up yet." He leans and kisses her cheek.

She smiles and blushes. John turns and walks into his room leaving his door ajar.

"Well, Ill just go check on this while you get ready." Jena tries to sneak a peek as she talks to him.

"Thank you!" John can be heard over the sound of the fresher.

Jena sighs and walks, leaving Johns quarters toward command. She walks light heartedly, arriving quickly. She takes the data pad and plugs it into a receptacle in command. I only takes a Microt and she is able to read the data on the prisoner. Her mouth drops open. the record is sealed! She inputs her command codes and waits. Still the record is unavailable to her! She begins to fume. She knows that only Scorpius could have done this. She has a feeling that Crichton may be right.

She does a search for all dead. One man died yesterday. From the accidental gas canister discharge. Certainly not a prisoner and not a female. Then she checks the duty rosters.

Med bay records shows unusual activity. Extra Med techs were on duty late last evening and early morning, however no patient was admitted. No deaths. No surgeries. No injuries.

"How curious." She remarks. "Still. I dont want to get Crichtons hopes up. I have to find this missing prisoner, this missing patient."

Jena walks to the Med bay. She looks around. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Then again they could have just been meticulous. "Tech." She speaks to the Med tech on duty. "The surgery that was performed last night. Im here to pick up the report on it." She bluffs.

"I am to direct you to Scorpius if you want to know anything." The Med tech cowers. "Im sorry sir."

"Was there a death? An injury? Tell me what occurred here that the record had to be sealed?" she nearly grabs the little mans lapel to thrash him. "You are aware that I am the representative for Peacekeeper directorate?" she prompts.

"Yes sir. But under penalty of death" He gasps. "I must refer you to Scorpius on this matter."

"Jenavian is becoming a liability. I did not wish to bring your existence to light yet my dear. But it seems we have little choice." Scorpius sighs, viewing the display from the Med bay. "What can we do about her?"

"I think I have an idea. If you would allow me." Aeryn growls.

"Really. Enlighten me!" Scorpius says delighted.

"Would the directorate really miss her?" Aeryn says disdainfully to him.

"Dont be like that Aeryn. She has kept Crichton occupied while we have had our fun." He smiles.

"Just watch the display." She says and leaves his quarters. She sprints quickly to the Med bay. She enters breathlessly. "Im here to have my wound checked tech!" Aeryn demands and pulls up her shirt.

She shows a great gash in her side, a bandage over it. Obviously she has had recent surgery on it. The tech has her sit on a gurney and attends to it. Jenavian watches with interest. "Arent you Officer Aeryn Sun?"

"Yes, what of it?" Aeryn snaps.

"Its just that I understood that you were dead. Or at least under arrest for irrevocable contamination." Jena nearly mumbles the last of her statement under her breath.

"I am not to be seen by the regulars until it is certain I am completely reconditioned. I am a prisoner here until I prove myself." Aeryn says. "But I saw your uniform and figured you have clearance for this."

"A prisoner? And your wound?" Jena winces at the extent of Aeryn's wound. "Were you in here last night with that?"


Jena is taken aback. "Its uncanny." She remarks with a twisted smile.

"Hmm, hows that?" Aeryn sees that the tech is finished and stands down from the gurney.

"It's just that Crichton had a feeling. John is the one who sent me on this errand." Jena smiles wryly. "To find his wife."

"I wouldnt say I am his wife." Aeryn says coldly. "He is an alien." Her dark blue eyes shoot ice with the words. "And Ive been reconditioned to before we ever met. I do not remember anything about our supposed relationship, nor do I wish to." She snarls. "You do remember your duty is not to reveal my presence here?" Aeryn reminds her and sharply turns. She leaves Jena standing with her mouth open and hand raised after her.


Jena pensively walks the distance from the Med bay to Crichtons quarters. It suddenly seems a long way. She tries to think what to tell him. Her mind is blank. He was right, yet not right. He deserves to know! But this woman is nothing like the one he loves. Peacekeeper hardliner! Soldier preening herself for Commando duty.

Jena enters Johns quarters and just stands. John hears her and comes out of his room, still drying his hair. He has on his leather officers pants and no shirt. "So? What did you find out?" he says anxiously.

He can tell from her expression it isnt good. "Was it her? Is she hurt?" John is getting upset. "What?"

"Its not her John." She herself is near to tears telling him.

"Not Chiana?" John says, almost confused. "Then why? What is it?"

"I found out something John. You have to get away from here." She looks into his eyes.

"Ive been trying to Jena." He says surprised at her lack of sharing.

"I have to report directly to the Directorate what Ive found here. I can stay with you at best, 2 more solar days. I will do everything I can to help you John. But whatever you decide to do, please, dont remain here. I can perhaps persuade the directorate to wave the blood oath. But!" she is quick to add. "You must do your duty or you will become a hunted man. The death squads will not be content to return you to Scorpius." She is upset as she tells him. She takes a heavy breath and looks at him. She takes a step and hugs him softly. "Ill do whatever I have to, to help you get away from here. Please believe me."

John steps away from her, studying her. He knows she is still holding something back. But her assurance that she will get him out makes him feel somewhat more secure.

"I hope she doesnt come." He says. "I hope she gives up. Lives our estate, has our child." John looks at the floor. He is crying. "Ill make my life with the Peacekeepers if it saves her Jena."

Jena smiles weakly at John and kisses him softly on the cheek. She fights her tears of what he must certainly soon discover. The dark secret she must keep from him.


John and Jena hold eachother when they hear the alert. Jena looks at John. "Were under attack. I should move Jake to a more secure location."

"No more accidental canisters." John agrees. He goes in to jakes bedroom.

Jake sits rubbing his eyes. "Alert?" he says sleepily.

"Yes Jake. Were going with Jena." John lifts him from bed and sets him on his feet. Then takes his hand and they walk together to Jena.

The three of them walk to leave quarters. The guards stop John. "Sorry sir. Under Alert status you are to remain in quarters. Scorpius orders sir."

John looks at Jena and swallows. He lets go of Jakes hand. "Go with Jena." He tells him and watches them run down the corridor.



She leaped over the beam shooting across the two arch shaped rods, laughing as Nerri followed with a loud "Whooo!" as he fliped over it like a gymnist. She ran with him and five others down the dimly lighted underground.

"Get this," Nerri smirked as he danced sharply around them. "I've got an idea for the west block check."

"Yeah sure," Chiana laughed as a taller boy came behind her and began to wiggle his hands through her hair, tossing it around her head until she turned into him, placing her hand on his waist as she looked into his eyes. "I bet it's your idea Tillan. You prompting my brother into some dren again?"

"Maybe," He narrowed his eyes on her with a wry smile. "You want to get there don't you? Not much around here, everybody else manages. So can we."

She looked to Nerri, tocking her head towards her shoulder as he nodded, his eyes softening with the hope that sparkled in them.

"A better sector Chiana," he nudged his head. "For us. There will be greater oportunities for us in the buiser sectors, if we can just get past west blocks security checks.

"But," she glanced at the others, drawing closer to Nerri as her dark eyes filled with solemn worry. "Mom and Dad..."

Nerri sucked in his breath as he grasped her shoulders, looking carefully into her eyes as he straddled his legs. "You know they're gone ... don't you?"

"Yeah," she turned her head away from him as she scowled and then grunted in protest. "But - but Dad could - could still be..."

"No Chiana," he spoke very gently, his eyes deeply saddened when she cut her eyes to steal a glance into them. "He blew it little sister. Right now, they're both being mind frelled."

"It wasn't our fault," Chiana suddenly began to cry, trembeling as she grasped his forearms. "We were just arguing..."

"Arguing," Nerri smiled gently as he stared into her. "Do you remember that look on Dad's face when he hit the security man and told us to run? That is the father I wanted. The one that couldn't hide from the Greater Good anymore ... for our sake Chiana. We must survive, we can't do that here much longer."


Chiana opened her eyes slowly, trembling as pain coursed through her. She tried to move, struggling against the chains as she became aware of the sound of her voice coming through her nostrils and the swelling of her busted lip. She felt numb, the life drained from the tips of her fingers. She gazed over the room with half closed eyes, looking for escape, anything. Her heart began to pound madly in her chest as she searched for her voice, willing it to come out of her in the depths that began to boil deep within her. It rose like a slow heat in her chest as her breath sucked in. She sobbed, feeling as if there was a hurricane some where beneath her, riding on top of it,

exhausted, almost numb. The pain thrived through her so intensely she didn't want to move. She could see her own blood on her torn cloaths. Her shirt ripped, stained. Dark bruises beggining to rise.

"B - Bastard," she whispered as she glared up towards the door and her breath heaved in as the slow storm boiled inside her. She could only see that cold, seething smile on his face. His enjoyment for her pain.

Hot tears spat out of her eyes. She wanted to scream but she was afraid it would bring him back in to make her shut up. She looked around herself again desperately but couldn't see anything of any use to try to free herself. She slammed her eyes shut, clenching her fists as she choked. A sob began to rise out of her. Her only thought was to be with Crichton, safe and warm in his arms, but it seemed like he was gone. She had to escape ... for herself.

She let out a harsh grunt as she slipped her left hand through the shackle and wrenched her face from the sudden burst of pain through out her. Her body swung from the bed and collapsed to the floor at the freedom. She felt like a live fire. She could not remember hurting this much since - since the mountians, when the cat had laid with her... She groaned, slamming her eyes shut as she tried to will herself to keep together. She felt exhausted, her body in shock and refusing to move like she wanted to.

Fear krept into her. If he found her now like this he would kill her for trying to get away. She looked to the door in tears, pleading within herself that Crichton would walk through it and she could get out. Anyone. Her dark blood ran freely from her nose as she pulled herself as far away from the bed as she could still in one shackle, trembeling violently as she planted her foot on its edge and tried to pull her other wrist out, blood seeping around the shackle until she slid lax into a half sprawl. She closed her eyes in the shadows of her damp hair as everything seemed to darken around her. She touched the side of her lips to the stone floor in comfort of its cold smoothness against the cut to her bottom lip.

"Crichton," she barely spoke as unconsiousness took her in a dim acceptance no one was going to come ... and there was no way out.

"For now," her thoughts drifted.



Captain Phillip Shelan lands his Prowler in the Command Carrier landing bay landing bay. The inner bay doors are sealed. He swipes his ident chip. The doors open slowly. He swiftly walks to command and again swipes his ident chip. Command deck is in pandemonium! People running without direction. His mind is on his cause. He places his hand in the Velca scanner for clearance and looks at the arrest records. He immediately finds it. Chiana is in the Med bay under arrest.

Phillip leaves command and runs to the Med bay. He gasps at what he sees. Chiana is on the floor. Her clothes are torn. She's been beaten. Her face is swollen. Her wrists are bleeding from her rending her arms from the shackles of her Med cot. The cot is on its side. He quickly goes to the facility and throws up in the wastehole. The shock of seeing her like this! He cries, trying to get ahold of himself. He rinses his mouth. He realizes there is no time left! The distraction that Mokan is running wont last forever. Soon they will be discovered.

Phillip takes off his long coat and pulls it around her. She seems dead inside. Her fire is lost to this place of terror. She has been tortured and left for dead! Phillip fights his tears for her. He helps her stand.

They walk slowly toward the prowler bay. Suddenly she stops. "Come on Chiana. We have to keep moving." Phillip tells her.

She is crying, she slowly lifts her trembling hands and pulls Crichtons ring from her finger. She hands it to him. "Give this to Crichton." She says.

"Yes, of course." Phillip says and takes it and begins to walk again.

Chiana refuses to move. She stares at the door to Crichton's quarters. "Now."

"This is farbhot Chiana!" He tries to pull her further. She presses herself, against the wall and begins cry. "We have to go!" He tells her. She wont move.

"No." she stands against the wall and cries bitterly.

Phillip looks at her and realizes he has a fight on his hands. "Alright Chiana but if theres trouble here." He hands her a Comms button and his dagger. He walks quickly to Crichtons quarters. He glances at the guards. "You may hear something. You are to ignore." They remain at attention.

They see his captains rank and jump to his command. "Yes sir." The squad leader responds.

Chiana stands in the shadows of the dark corridor. She trembles nearly frozen from lying half naked on the floor. She peers to see as Phillip knocks on Crichton's door. John opens the door. She strains to see him.

"Shelan!" John snarls and pulls Phillip inside.

Chiana can't see anymore. She sighs and pulls Phillip's coat tightly around her.

"No!" Phillip blocks Crichton's hit.

"You got what you wanted Shelan!" John swings hitting Shelan's jaw. "You stole my life! My son's life!" John swings hitting Phillip in the stomach. "Chiana! Where is she? Is she your prisoner now?"

John swings furiously, hitting Phillip. He hits Phillip's face hard, knocking him into the wall. John swings again hitting him in the stomach. Again and again John hits him. Phillip's mouth is bleeding, his nose, his eye. John presses his arm against his throat. Phillip begins to choke.

Phillip struggles to free himself. "Chiana." Phillip chokes out to him.

"Yes." John says. "I am killing you because of Chiana." He wears the expression of marked determination.

"Save her." Phillip says.

"What?" John says releasing some of the pressure off Phillip's throat.

Phillip continues to push him away. Suddenly he pulls his pulse pistol and holds it on Crichton. "I will shoot you!" Phillip says out of breath. "That's why I'm here! Scorpius captured her. I have to get her out!"

John gasps, he backs up. "Then what are you doing in here?"

"I'm sorry for everything I ever did to you Crichton." Phillip says, finally able to catch his breath, he stands. "I haven't changed my opinion of you. I still believe you used your power and position to take control of her!" Phillip snarls. "Chiana realizes that now. She sent you this!" Phillip holds out the ring.

John stands just looking at the ring. A chill goes through him.

"Take it!" Phillip demands.

"No! I don't believe it. You took it from her. You have her somewhere!" John steps toward him. "You kidnapped her again Shelan? Drugged her? You let her go!" John tries to disarm Shelan.

Shelan hits John in the head with his pistol knocking him to the floor and backs up. He throws the ring at him. John holds his head and picks up the ring.

"I'll never believe it Shelan!" John says looking at the ring. He suddenly looks at Shelan as though he will attack again. "You lie!"

Phillip reasserts his pulse pistol toward him. "Don't make her talk to you. This is painful enough for her." Phillip turns to the door. "We have to be leaving now before she is recaptured."

"I will NEVER believe that she wants this!" John says looking at the ring.

"Very well." Phillip says and holds out his personal communicator.

John looks at it curiously, then at Phillip, questioning and takes it. He stands and presses it. "Chiana?" There is a silence.

Chiana opens the Comms badge. She gasps. "John."

"Shelan is trying to tell me that you want to return my ring." John says turning the ring in his hand.

"I am John. I release you from your vows." She answers.

"Chiana, I don't understand. What's happened?"

"You belong here John. I'm letting you go."


"This is the way it has to be John."

"You can't mean it. Did he do something to you? He made you say this."

"No John. Its my own decision. You'll understand."

"I love you." John swallows. "Please don't do this."

Chiana gasps. "Please, let me go John." She cries, trying to keep her voice low.

"Please, Chiana. Why?" He begs.

"The baby isn't yours John."

"What?" He gasps.

"The baby isn't yours."

"I am the father. You know I am. You had the symptoms before Shelan kidnapped you." He pleads with her. "Please Chiana."

"No John. I'm not having your baby!" She cries to him. She sinks to the floor trying to keep her silence as waves of sorrow pass through her. She places her hand to her stomach and lifts her face in pain.

John kneels to the floor and holds his head in his hands. He is sick to his stomach at the sight of Shelan. "Please don't do this honey. I love you, please." His heart is breaking, he begins to cry. "Don't leave me like this." He begs her. "What can I do to win you back? Please tell me." John begs.

"Please, don't ask me any more. I, I can't." She sobs. "Goodbye John." She says in a mere whisper and closes Comms. She hugs her knees and cries quietly in the shadows.

John pushes the Comms again trying to signal her. "Chiana! Please! Please answer me!" He says anxiously.

"That's enough!" Phillip says angrily. "Do you believe now?" He rips his Comms badge out of John's hand.

"I can't." John shakes his head and looks at Phillip. "Why?" He says, stunned. Then he looks at Phillip and points. "It's you! You said something to her! What did you tell her?"

"It is her own decision, Crichton. I said nothing to her." Phillip continues to hold his pistol on John. "She has had enough of you, Crichton!" Phillip walks backward to the door. "She has had enough." He leaves closing the door with a slam. Once outside he turns to the squad leader. "Hold him!" he says.

John is left standing alone in his quarters. He moves quickly to the door. As he opens it he catches site of Phillip running away down the corridor. The guards push John back into the room. "No!" John struggles. "Chiana!" he shouts. The guards wrestle him down to the floor. "No! Let me up!" John yells. One guard pins him with his knee in his back while another cuffs him.


Captain Shelan runs to Chiana and walks with her slowly to the prowler bay. The alarm has stopped sounding. He approaches his stealth prowler.

Chiana stops again. "Mokans." is all she says and turns to go to Mokans prowler."

"Chiana! Stop!" he walks ahead of her. "We dont have time for this!"

"Alright." She says, climbing the side of Mokans prowler. "Ill fly it."

"Youre in no shape to fly Chiana!" Phillip tells her. "Come down from there!"

"Go. Im fine." She says. His coat drops from her shoulders as she climbs into the cockpit.

Suddenly an alarm sounds. The prowlers are returning from the skirmish to the bay. The inner bay doors are closing in preparation for depressurization!

Phillip picks up his coat and runs to his prowler. He hits the power switch and watches Mokans prowler carefully to see if Chiana is doing the same. He waits anxiously as the outer doors open and Chiana blasts out of the bay. He follows her and puts stealth on full. She does not. Still none of the prowlers follow them.


John sits on the couch waiting for Jena to return with Jake. His shirt is ripped from his fight with Captain Shelan. His head in his hands he cries.

Sometimes he looks at her ring on his trembling hand then puts his hand to his head, pressing against the pain of loosing her.

It is torture waiting. He feels his loneliness is tearing him in half. His heart feels like ice. He can no longer feel it beating. There will be no reconciliation. 100,000 metras between them and no way to find her. He should have run after Shelan when he left. At least seen her! Gotten down on his hands and knees and begged her!

"Why?" He sobs. "Why Chiana?"

John gets up and goes to the facility and splashes his face to stop his eyes from burning. His tears come in angry bursts, thinking of captain Shelan with her. She was now with her rapist! Her last words trembling with pain as she begged for his release.

She had been Scorpius prisoner! What tortures she suffered when he was in comfort? He suddenly hates himself that he didnt look harder! Keep looking until he found her! He lies down on his bed and cries her name into his pillows. A bed forever empty of her sweet presence.

DarkSide III pg 5

Chiana enters DarkSide III from DarkQuest on page 5