DarkSide III: The Visage of Evil

DarkSide III pg 5

DarkSide III pg 1
DarkSide III pg 2
DarkSide III pg 3
DarkSide III pg 4
DarkSide III pg 5
DarkSide III pg 6
DarkSide III pg 7



Jena stands as silently as a statue in the doorway of Chrichton's bed chamber. She is repulsed by his show of emotion. Coldly, she stalks over to his side, causing him to jerk upright.

"Chiana?" Confused and disappointed, John quickly looks away from Jena's repulsed contenance. "Oh..Jena, where's Jake?"

Tentatively stepping toward him, she reaches out to smooth John's hair, but retracts her arm just as suddenly as she thought of it. "John, we really have to talk about these emotional outbursts." She begins to pace in a tight line. "This really won't do. Why are you still thinking of Chiana? The trelk is really beneath you now..."

"Enough! Get out of my sight!" John lunges toward Jena, knocking her backward into the wall.

Reflexively, Jena's wrist stilletto is at his throat. "Relax...." Menacingly, she walks forward, until he is no longer in her personal space. That's it Johnny. Sit down now." She motions to the guards. "Get a tech in here. This one needs a sedative, I think." She faces Crichton with a wide deceptive smile. "You know, it's too bad John. You and I would have made a formidable team."



Commander John Crichton is now lost. His soul sinks to the depths as his last hope for freedom dissappears with Jenavian's betrail! His tears still flow at his lost love. His wife left him suddenly with the realization that he will be imprisoned with the Peacekeepers forever.

Jenavian keeps her stilletto at his throat while the tech injects his neck. She holds him until the drug takes effect. John can feel his body falling, his heart cries for Chiana as his legs grow numb. Cesation of all thought completes his soul's fall. No love. No hope of escape. His life forever belongs to them.

Dark laughter eminates from Scorpius' quarters as he watches Peacekeeper Directorate's minion Jenivian Chatto make her fatal mistake. Crichton will never trust her now! He will remain as Scorpius' willing servant!


 Jenavian Chatto dismisses the guard and secures the door. She watches her prey as he slips further into unconsciousness.

Lt. Commander Crichton lies in a daze on his bed. Neither awake nor in a dream, he feels Chiana in his soul. Her dark eyes haunt him. Her touch tempts him. He gives himself to her willingly, breathlessly. He does not remember Chiana has released him from his vows. “Forsaking all others... I will place my faith in you forever.” The drug gives him ease to be with her. He kisses his love, savoring her throat, her sigh. He lies in love with her until he is spent.

Crichton wakes sometime later, knowing Chiana has been there. He sighs and looks beside himself on the bed. She is gone. He looks up and sees Jena standing over him, watching him. He lies under the sheets, his uniform is off. He suddenly realizes what he has done.


 John sits up in bed. Jena pulls on her shirt.

“What did you do to me?” John asks angrily.

“It’s what we did.” Jena corrects him and smiles. “I would think that would be obvious.” She pulls on her jacket smartly.

“No.” John asserts. “You drugged me. I thought I was with Chiana.”

“You seemed to know what you were doing John. How would I know what you thought?” Jena pulls on her boots and walks toward the door. “I love the way you kiss my neck John. You have given me so many pleasant dreams.” She smiles and walks out the door.

“Wait! Jena! Where’s Jake?” John stands pulling the sheet hastily around his waste trying to catch her.

Jena leans against the doorway facing John as he stops short. She breathes smokily to him as she answers his question. “Jake is with Scorpius, in the Officer’s Lounge. He said he will wait for you there.” Jena reaches and strokes her hand over John’s cheek.

John grabs her wrist and pulls her hand from his face. “I’m a married man Jena.” He says coldly.

Jena pulls her hand from him and lifts his hand to his face showing him the ring. “Not any more John.”

John sees the ring and closes his eyes to it. He swallows and turns his face away. Jena lets go of his hand then turns from him and leaves.

John pulls his sheet up and tosses it on the bed. He hurriedly uses the fresher to rinse Jena from himself, trying to get all of her odor off him. He fights to finish immediately, wanting to linger there to remove her memory. But he has to get Jake from Scorpius!

John dries himself and dresses quickly. He pulls on his Officer’s Jacket as he runs from the room. The guards follow him, double time to the Officer’s Lounge. John nearly gasps at what he sees when he pushes open the double doors. Scorpius stands at the Ras’lak bar. Jake is beside him. Scorpius holds something in a blanket, cradled tenderly in his arms. It must be. It can’t be! A child?

John enters cautiously, inexorably toward Scorpius and Jake. His eyes are fixed on the bundle. He stops some distance away when he sees that it is indeed a baby! He holds his breath.

“Come closer Crichton!” Scorpius says jubilantly. “Meet my daughter!”

John swallows. He glances at Jake. Jake has his eyes on the child. He smiles at his dad then looks again at the baby. “She is a very good baby dad! She hasn’t cried once this whole time!” Jake tells him.

John is stunned. He walks closer and looks at her face. She is so pure pink, perfect with blond hair and blue eyes. “You had a baby?” he finally asks Scorpius.

“Yes!” Scorpius answers.

“It doesn’t seem possible.” John comments. “She seems so... normal.” All of a sudden Crichton overcome with a disturbing feeling of déjà vu. The accompanying nightmare escapes him.

“And why shouldn’t I have a normal child Crichton?” Scorpius asks, annoyed. He tilts his head questioning then smiles. “Maybe you can help me though, John. I need a name for her. Something that suits her.”

“Name her yourself Scorpy. It’s your business.” John reaches to take Jake away.

“Oh, please John.” Scorpius says in a mock begging tone. “It would be an honor to have you name her!”

“Come on dad! How often do you get to name a baby?” Jake asks innocently not knowing how deeply it cuts his father.

John is near tears. He has lost his wife and child today. Betrayed his wife, sleeping with Jenavian Chatto. Lost any hope of escaping Scorpius and will soon lose Jake. John looks at Scorpius with all of his anguish. He probably tortured Chiana! Now he holds this innocent in his power as well! John looks at the baby carefully and swallows. “She looks like a Dora Lee to me.”

“Dora Lee.” Scorpius looks at her thoughtfully. “Yes, Dora Lee suits her. Thank you John.” He smiles.


John takes Jake’s hand and hastily leaves Scorpius’ presence. As they walk out of the double doors. Jake feels his dad’s estate ring on his hand. Jake looks and puzzles at it, nearly stumbling as he tries to keep up with his dad. John stops at Jake’s stumble. “What is it Jake?” he asks.

“The ring.” Jake looks into his dad’s eyes. “Didn’t you give this to mom?”

John’s heart breaks at the look in his son’s eyes. Jake already knows the answer to his question. He asks it anyway. “Does this mean… she won’t be coming for us?”

John cannot speak to answer his question. He lifts Jake to him and hugs him tightly. John cries, holding him in the corridor. Officer’s and soldiers pass, glancing at the sight of a grown man and boy embracing, crying.

Jake wipes his face. “We’ll be alright dad. We always are.” He kisses his dad on the cheek.

John sighs deeply and gives Jake a final hug. He kisses his neck and sets him on his feet. He wipes his face with his hand. “Your right Jake.” He swallows.

John continues walking Jake from the Officer’s lounge to the Officer’s mess to eat. He and his dad sit silently as they eat. Both feeling such profound loneliness. For the first time Jake realizes he is about to go into the midst of strangers. Mom isn’t coming for them, and dad? Maybe he’ll never see his dad again! Jake stands and moves his plate and chair to sit next to his dad. He reaches and touches John’s hand and looks into his face. John is finally able to give him a little smile as he pokes the food on his plate. He reaches and hugs Jake as they finish eating in silence.


Another day is gone. John wants to be alone. Suffer his loss alone. Jena destroyed what little self-respect he has for himself.

Chiana’s words still sting him.“I release you from your vows.” “Don’t make me John. The baby isn’t yours.” His mind turns the words over and over. “You belong here. You’ll understand.”

Is it possible Chiana saw him walking with Jena? Did she think he was staying because of her? Why did she leave him a prisoner of Scorpius? The thought catches in his throat. His tears drip on his hand. He walks to the facility and washes his face. He dries his face on a towel and brings it as he sits on his bed. As his tears drip down he wipes his face on the towel.

There is too much! Too much to think about! She didn’t have to return his ring. “Why did she divorce me?” He cries to himself.

“Because you are a Peacekeeper John.” A voice comes from the doorway.

John doesn’t bother to look up. “Jenavian.”

“I had hoped to find you in a better frame of mind.” She paces toward him, her hands clasped behind her.

“And If I’m not?” John looks up at her with tear stained eyes. “Are you going to drug me again?”

“If you can contain yourself from becoming hysterical.” she states flatly. “There should be no need.” She looks down at him. “We must discuss your future.”

“My future." John laughs. "What future can I possibly have Jena?”

“Your future is bright John. If only you can see that. There isn’t anything you can’t accomplish in the Peacekeepers!”

“Everything except freedom. I am forced to serve you and your kind. I am your prisoner. Your slave.”

“I’m surprised at your attitude John.” She sits by him. “You’ve accomplished so much in such a little time. There are many in the Peacekeepers who never achieve your rank, your status.” She takes his hand.

John stands and pulls his hand from her as he walks away. “I can’t listen to you anymore Jena.” He turns and looks at her. “After what you did today how can I believe anything you say? You drugged me!” He turns his face from her. “Go Jena. Just go.”

“Well I need to know John.” She stands. “Are you still considering joining the Directorate with me or not?”

“I don’t know Jena. I can’t answer you. I don’t trust you anymore.”

“I don’t need to leave until tomarrow. I had hoped...” She steps toward him and strokes his hair. “You would want my company tonight.”

John turns from her and pulls her hand off him. “I just lost my wife Jena! I need to be alone!” He looks sternly at her.

“Very well.” She can’t help but smile at him. “I will check in with you in the morning before I go.” She walks to the door. She turns to him, resting her hand on the doorway. “This will work very well for us John. Don’t turn down their offer. I know what’s been happening here. This will save your life from Scorpius’ torture.”

The word ‘torture’ shocks John’s mind to remember Chiana’s trembling voice. He shudders in fear for her. He can do nothing. It suddenly seems so callus to only think of his own survival. He needs to get out! He and Jake have to find Chiana! She may be hurt! She said she wasn’t having his baby. Could she have lost it during Scorpius tortures? He begins to cry again. “Just go.” He says and turns from her, hiding his tears. “Unless you can assure me that Chiana is alright. That our baby is alright.”

“You are having a child with her?” Jena tries to subdue her incredulous tone. “Yes John. If it will prompt your decision; I will see what I can do.” She looks lustfully at him and smiles. “I will return with whatever information I find.” She says in anticipation.

As she leaves, John walks to the door and closes it. He stands against the door and cries.


Officer Nylar Shard is summoned to Scorpius command quarters. She stands at attention as Scorpius looks over his reports. He looks up from his desk. “I understand you’ve been doing a bit of excavating, digging for information about Lt. Commander Crichton.”

“Yes sir. I have.” Nylar answers nervously.

“I wish to help you in your search Officer. And to that end, I am finally giving you a worthy replacement for one of your lost comrades.” Scorpius stands and paces toward her. “May I introduce Officer Aeryn Sun?”

Nylar cannot suppress the gasp that escapes her lips as Officer Sun paces toward her. She tries to disguise it as an inhale to pronounce… “Officer Sun, a pleasure.”

Scorpius is delighted at their meeting as they face eachother. “Perhaps Officer Sun can give you insights into your quest for knowledge of Crichton.”

“I doubt that sir.” Aeryn speaks up. “I really don’t know much about this alien.”

“Sir.” Nylar looks puzzled at Scorpius and back to Officer Sun. “How can that be?”

Scorpius paces around the two officers. “She has been… ‘Reconditioned’ Officer Shard. Back to the point of her contamination.” Scorpius looks at Aeryn with pride. “She will be more than an adequate replacement for one of your lost Officers.”

“Yes sir.” Nylar answers. She turns her attentions to Officer Sun. “What is your training?” She snaps.

“Prowler tech school at 16 cycles. Pilot duty for Military tech. Squad Commander Icarion Company Pleisar Regiment.” Aeryn’s pride exudes. “My patrols on this carrier are on record before my reconditioning.” Aeryn’s eyes meet with Nylar’s coldly. “You will find I have a perfect record Officer Shard.”

“I’ll be the judge of that Officer Sun.” Nylar snaps. She turns to Scorpius. “With your permission sir.”

“Dismissed Officers.” Scorpius returns to his desk.

Nylar and Aeryn march from Scorpius command quarters to the prowler bay. They suit up and enter their prowlers with the rest of Nylar’s squad. They blast their way out of the bay.

Aeryn feels a sense of freedom and power with her return to her prowler duty. Her return to the starry skies. She sighs and keeps formation on Nylar’s wing as they patrol ahead of the Command Carrier.


Jena paces into Scorpius' Command Quarters. “What is all this dren about the Lady Chiana being here Scorpius? The Directorate will not sit still to your activities. They can’t give you cart blanche to do your dirty work against one of it’s agents!”

“It’s true.” Scorpius pouts. “She was here briefly and then left.” Scorpius rises from his desk and paces toward Jena. “She did not appear to appreciate our accommodations.” He sighs.

“What did you do to her? Is she alive? Is their child alive? Yes! I know about Crichton’s child!” Jenavian says angrily. “If you wanted to start a war with the Scarrans in this sector you have succeeded Scorpius!” She huffs, nearly spitting into his face. “You must submit a formal apology to them! If it is not accepted you may be forced to release Crichton and Jeffery to them!”

“Surely you have not been in contact with the Directorate on this matter. I cannot believe they would take this position against my efforts.” Scorpius says in surprise.

“I have been in contact. I am following their direction on this matter. You are running dangerously close to becoming a renegade Scorpius. You know first hand of High Command’s opinion of those who refuse to follow their orders.” Her jaw lifts as she looks down on him. “Admiral Garret will be contacting you shortly. Tell him of your great efforts." She says bitingly. She levels her eyes at him. "I still need to know... Crichton’s child. Is it dead?”

Scorpius paces looking at the floor he stops and lifts his eyes to Jenavian. “You cannot believe this of me. That I would kill a child, an unborn.” He sighs. “No. I did not kill Crichton’s child. It is as healthy as the day Chiana boarded this vessel.” He asserts.


John Crichton sits on his bed late into the night trying to make sense of it. Nothing makes sense anymore. His life away from the peacekeepers with Chiana seems like a dream now. He looks at his ring. His hands are trembling. He prays that their child is alright, safe and healthy. He prays that Chiana is safe. He prays in fear for Jake, that if the peacekeepers take him he will not loose himself to them.

John pulls off his uniform and places it on the chair. He hits the fresher to cycle and puts his face into the mist to wash away his tears. Chiana, he is certain, is gone forever. He washes to remove his old life, to clear his head of what to do next. Can Jake still be saved?

Suddenly he jumps to a touch on his shoulder. He whips his head to see Jena standing there.

“Don’t be so nervous.” She says. “I only came to tell you what I’ve learnt of Chiana.” She smiles, drinking in what she sees.

The fresher finishes its cycle. John steps out and wraps himself in a towel. He sits on his bed silently to listen to Jena’s report.

“Chiana spent 6 solar days here as a prisoner. During that time she was treated... badly. I’ve been in contact with Pau Zotoh Zhaan. She tells me Chiana’s is recovering from her injuries. Her emotional state requires she be kept sedated.”

"At least she is with those who care about her." John chokes out.

“I asked Zhaan about the divorce, the ring. She says that Chiana is very angry about it and says that if you wanted to be free, you would be.” Jena studies him.

John feels his heart breaking again at Jenavian’s words, Chiana’s words. He swallows and looks at his hand, the ring. “And our baby?” He glances up, holding his breath for her answer.

“I asked Zhaan about that. She says that Chiana is pregnant.” Jena smiles.

John gasps. “Thank God.” He cries with release at the news. "Thank God." He sobs.

“I’m glad John.” Jena says caringly. She reaches to touch him then withdraws her hand. “I apologize about earlier. I didn’t realize. I am sorry she left you. But I believed the reports. I won’t make that mistake again.” She looks down on him. “I’ll be going now John. I need to leave if I am to catch my transport to High Command. Will you still consider joining the Directorate?”

“Jake. How can I protect Jake from Scorpius?” John says with a lump in his throat.

“Any threats Scorpius has made concerning Jake I cannot be certain of. I can only assure you that if you join us the Directorate’s power will extend to his protection as well. If anything were to happen to Jake, we would know immediately.”

“I can’t take a chance with his life Jena.” John sighs and rubs his neck. “I can’t take that chance.”

“I can look into having him transferred after his initial trials, if you like. Especially if he joins the directorate himself. Would that be satisfactory?”

“If it’s possible Jena, that would be great! How soon can you do it?”

“He should finish his initial trials I would think in a cycle.” She answers.

“That’s a long time to be treading water Jena.” John quips.

“I’ll do everything I can to help you John, you know that.” She smiles and lowers herself to kiss his cheek. John startles.

“I’m sorry John. I have to go now.” she turns and walks slowly to the bedroom door.

“Thank you Jena.” John glances up from the floor briefly. Their eyes meet. It seems there is something there. She will do as she says.

“You’re welcome John.” She smiles and gently closes the door.

John lay down between the sheets and stares at the ceiling. His mind is blank. He feels an empty shell of himself. There is a tap at his bedroom door. He sits up sharply and pulls the sheet around his waste. “Jenavian?” He calls out. He gets up and walks to the door.

“No sir.” It’s the squad commander of his guard. “I wouldn’t disturb you sir, accept that I knew you’d be up and we were just informed... your son is to be escorted to a marauder bound for his elite training in 4 arns.”

John feels a knife in his heart. Ice in his stomach. He knew it was coming. Still he stands in shock. The soldier finally opens the door to see him. “Sir?” she says. “Are you alright sir?”

“I may never be.” John says cryptically and pushes the door shut. He dresses and goes to Jake’s bedside. He sits in a chair watching over him until the guard comes again and taps at Jake’s door.

“Sir, it’s time sir.” The guard says.

John looks up then stands. He leans over to Jake and wakes him. “Today’s your big day Jake.” He tries to say cheerfully. His tears will no longer come. His love for Jake is replaced with a dark feeling of foreboding. John stands patiently waiting as Jake runs to the facility and washes in the fresher. Jake emerges and puts on his uniform. Jake stands and smiles at his father with pride in his eyes. “How do I look dad?”

“Like you’re dressed for success.” John smiles and opens his arms. Jake runs to him. John drops to one knee and hugs him, kissing his neck. “Give ‘em hell for me.” He cracks a smile to him. “You’ll do fine.” He says as much to himself as to Jake.

They walk together out into the corridor. The guards snap to and escort them, the squad commander ahead of them, the remainder behind them to the Marauder bay. Scorpius waits at the bottom of the marauder’s gangplank.

It is as in all of John’s nightmares. John feels he is going through the motions of some twisted play. His only son. His last connection to Aeryn, to her existence, is joining the Peacekeepers. Their lives have finished her life circle. Any child of Aeryn's would belong here.

They stand at the bottom of the Marauder gangplank. John kneels and looks into Jake’s eyes. He knows he may never see Jake again. Any efforts by him now to escape will sign Jake’s death warrant.

"Will you be able to visit me in the Elite Corps Dad?"

"No, Jake, sorry I can't."

"Then I'll come and visit you here! Maybe I can get assigned here when I graduate!"

John's eyes tear over. "I'll miss you Jeffery." He says kissing his cheek.

“You don’t have to be so serious dad!” Jake jokes.

“I’m not being serious, I’ll just miss you is all.” John defends.

“I know you are, ‘cause you always call me Jeffery when you’re serious.” Jake smiles.

John hugs him one last time and lets him go. Jake runs up the Marauder gangplank to the hatchway and turns. He gives a little wave and an American salute. John stands and returns the salute then watches Jake disappear into the Marauder hatch.


 John leaves the marauder bay. Scorpius walks beside him.

"You should be proud, John. Jake has already surpassed anyone of his age group in reaction time and number of kills." Scorpius tells him. "And the way he found you and negotiated the Scarrans into releasing him from prison. I was especially impressed by his most recent escape."

"That's great Scorpy." John mutters. Depression has already taken full hold of him.

"What are your plans now, John?" Scorpius asks, bating him.

"I thought I'd get my hands on a Pulse Pistol put it to my head and pull the trigger." John says seriously. Tears from Jakes 'goodbye' still moisten his face.

"Now, now, John." Scorpius stops. "I'm surprised to hear you say that, when you have so much to live for."

John stops and faces him. "Live for what?" He snaps. Standing toe to toe, face to face with Scorpius. His fists tighten.

"Why, for this!" Scorpius answers, opening the hatchway to the Officer's lounge. The door springs open. Inside at one of the tables are seated three female officers. One of them is Officer Aeryn Sun.

John's mouth drops open. He gasps in shock and takes a step toward the door. Scorpius grabs his arm to stop him. John does a double take, unbelieving. He swallows.

"Not yet, John." Scorpius is delighted at John's revelation. "I have to tell you..."

"She's been alive all this time? Where? How?" John turns angrily to him. "You lied to me." He turns and begins to walk inside, toward her.

Scorpius stops him. "Wait. She doesn't remember you John." He watches Crichton's eyes.

John can barely hear him. All he can think is to see her again. His heart and breathing are quick now. He stops. "She doesn't know me?" His mind cannot grasp. He is numb.

"I'm sorry John." Scorpius sounds truly repentant. "It was part of her reconditioning after being irreversibly contaminated."

John is stunned. Scorpius leads him inside to the Ras'lak bar.

"Come John." Scorpius prompts him and snaps his fingers to order. Before he lowers his arm, two Ras’laks appear in front of them.

"Have a drink. It will calm you." Scorpius seems concerned, but cheerful at the prospects.

"Why is she here?" John says out of his shock, his eyes fixed on her.

"Why? For you John." Scorpius encourages him.

"Why would you do this? She doesn't know me anymore. What possible reason could you have...?" John suddenly realizes, he swallows. "Oh, I see. She's a hostage." His confusion turns to anger. "If I don't do as you say." He turns and glares at Scorpius with his piercing ice blues.

"Not at all John! She used to serve on this vessel. She's been reconditioned and returned to her duty. Nothing could be more natural." He says as if in passing. "I would think you'd be glad she is here. After all, she is your wife."

John closes his eyes and turns away. His hand goes to his face. "No. This can't be happening. I was finally getting over her death. Now you bring her back?"

"She was brought to us as soon as her reconditioning and training were complete, John. I couldn't tell you because it is a long and difficult procedure, experimental. We couldn't be certain she would, well... survive it."

"She was... dead." John stands at the bar and stares at his long lost love unbelieving it could be her. "No. It can't be. She's a clone. This is some kind of sick twisted Joke!" John glances at Scorpy. "Just your style."

"No John. It is she. Why don't talk to her and see for yourself?" Scorpius snaps his fingers for a second round. "Here John." Scorpius pours himself another Ras’lak and holds it up. "I will toast to your success. Perhaps, you can win her again?" He looks on with delight.

John looks at him steely eyed.

Scorpius quickly changes his countenance to questioning, eyebrows raised. "Hmm?"

John looks up and swallows. He stands straight and slowly walks toward Aeryn's table. As he walks, Scorpius raises his glass as if in a toast to him and drinks it down in one gulp, smiling.

John's eyes are fixed on Aeryn. He lowers his head with eyes raised, as a cat on the prowl.

One of Aeryn's companions nudges her. "Sun! That Commander who was watching you. The one at the bar with Scorpius. He's coming over here to the table!"

Her other companion looks at her and whispers over the table. "Crichton is the one who out flew Shard's patrol! No one's been able to catch his eye. He's just returned from special duty with Scorpius."

"What does he see in you?" The other one says jealously.

John stops next to the table and looks down at Aeryn. He speaks confidently to her in his best Peacekeeper Commanding-Officer tone. "Officer Sun, may I speak with you in private?"

Aeryn continues to sip her Ras’lak. She does not look up.

Her companions look at him then her, fighting their grins.

"Is that an order, Lieutenant Commander?" Aeryn says unimpressed.

Her companions look at her in disbelief. One lets out a gasp. The other turns to him seriously and says. "I'll be happy to talk to you in private, Sir." She says batting her eyes at him. She looks askance at Aeryn to see her reaction.

John's eyes remain fixed on Aeryn. His expression softens, resting on her. "As you were Officer. I wish to speak with Officer Sun."

"I said." She finally looks up at him. "Is that an order...?" She nearly gasps at the sight of him. This beautiful high-ranking officer stands looking at her. Her observation of him did not prepare her for this face-to-face meeting. She begins to lose her nerve.

"No." John holds out his hand to her. An invitation to go with him.

She can feel an energy, strong and warm. She can feel something else, though she can't be certain. She pushes her chair out from the table and stands next to him. She looks unflinching into his eyes. As their eyes meet her heart begins to pound. She folds her arms, looking at him. She clears her throat then follows as he leads her out of the Officer's Lounge.


John walks with Aeryn out of the Officer's Lounge and down a corridor. He asks her cautiously. "Do you know who I am?" He glances to see her response.

Her voice softens as she looks at him. "Yes. I know who you are, some of our history, that we are genetically compatible..." She looks at him suddenly unable to complete her thought.

"Our son was just here. Did you have a chance to meet him?"

"Jeffery? No." She shakes her head.

John lowers his eyes and swallows.

"I am pleased that he made the Elite Corps." She says. "You must be very proud of him."

"Of Jake. Yes." John stops. He looks at her seriously. "I want to see you."

"You are seeing me now, aren't you?" She asks flippantly.

"I mean really see you." John says trying to indicate what he wants.

"We are on the roster." She says.

"Roster?" John asks, clueless.

"For recreation." She adds.

"Oh." He says realizing what she just said. He looks at her face. Studies her eyes. "I would like to get to know you again. We used to be very close."

"I suppose if we were married, Lieutenant Commander. Yes, we were close." She says coldly.

"Were?" John's lips part.

"You can't expect me to just move back in with you after our separation." She continues.

"Of course not, Aeryn. I'll give you all the time you need. I mean I want to be with you again, when you're ready. Whenever you're ready." John can feel his heart sinking as he speaks, so he stops. There is an ache in the pit of his stomach. He suddenly feels it's hopeless. He looks down and sighs.

Aeryn crosses her arms and gives a long sigh in exasperation. "I have no other interests at this time, Lt. Commander. I don't mind seeing you." She tosses her head back.

"John." He says, his eyes still on the floor. "You used to call me John." He looks at her.

"That will take time, I would think. I'd rather call you Crichton, until then." She says looking to see his expression.

John smiles briefly at her and swallows. "That's alright, Aeryn. That would be fine." He says then thinking adds. "Can I walk you somewhere?"

"Just to quarters. I've finished my duty." She turns her face from him and bites her lip.

"OK." Is all he says and begins to walk with her toward quarters. They walk down the corridor silently. John keeps glancing over to her. So many years he thought she was dead.

Suddenly she stops. "This is it Lieutenant. I mean Crichton." She sighs, opens the door and steps inside. She suddenly turns to him. "Would you care to come in?"

John looks at her face the instant she says it, thinks it! "Are you ready for that?" He thinks aloud.

She looks, sizing him up. She tilts her head. "Perhaps you're right." She says. "Maybe later." She looks into his eyes as though she recognizes something. "I will come to you when I am ready." She hesitates. "Crichton." She gives him a little smile and closes the door.

John just stands there and closes his eyes. He puts his head and hand against the door. He sighs trying to calm his heart then turns walking to quarters. As he arrives at his door he notices the guard has not returned. He looks quickly behind him and sees no guards. He breathes a sigh of relief, which is quickly replaced by a foreboding fear for Jake and Aeryn.


Nightmares Chiana Meets Her Daughter:

OOC: The following is by ChianaGray. The location and tenths have been edited. I have diminished the rape scene. Still it is a very powerful work. CG's original and my first edit are in "Missing Scenes" Forum. Great work CG! Makes me hate Scorpy even more!


OOC: Chiana's capture in DarkIII page 4. A few arns after Scorpius took Chiana's child.


Chiana tries to shrink away as the Med Bay room door opens. Her chains and the wall stop her as Scorpius enters with a small bundle in his arms. The baby is crying. He sits on her cot, smiling as he turns the child to her so that she can see her face.

"Congratulations Chiana," He seethes at her. "A daughter. Would you like to hold her?"

Chiana trembles violently, easing to him, gaping in tears as the child rests into her arms.

"She has an uncanny resemblance to Crichton, does she not?" Scorpius asks as he scoots behind her and slips her torn bodice from her shoulder to expose her breast. "It will be a shame if she starves."

Chiana holds the baby to her, gaping soulfully into her daughter’s pink face as she stops crying and searches greedily for her mother’s milk. "My daughter..."

"My daughter," Scorpius let in a sharp breath as he brings his lips to her ear. "You're just an unfortunate necessity."

"Please," Chiana tries to smile, her lips tremble into a near scowl as she turns her eyes to him. "Let me take care of her."



Aeryn's Duty Crichton is alone now. He enters his quarters after learning of Aeryn. Her mind wipe. Being reindoctrinated into the Peacekeepers. For so many years he thought she was dead. He lived in loneliness grieving for her. Now she is alive but is a heartless soldier. She doesn't even know him. Given the opportunity to meet Jake she walked away. He lies on his bed, face in his pillows sobbing. "Aeryn! Oh, God!"

Officer Aeryn Sun and Scorpius monitor an image in Scorpius' Command Quarters.

"What is he doing?" Aeryn watches Crichton on the screen, puzzled.

"He is grieving." Scorpius looks at her face. "For you."

"How could I have ever been... attracted to such a creature?"

"Your memories from being reconditioned are all at your disposal, if you wish to be enlightened." He looks askance at her.

"And run the risk of being contaminated again?" Aeryn is upset. "No!" She says firmly.

"Oh." Scorpius interjects. "There is little chance of that. He is a Peacekeeper." He says proudly. "If I had any doubt, there is none after I saw how he fought on Rashari. The way he manipulated the Scarrans to fight for him." Scorpius smiles at Aeryn as she watches Crichton in his misery. "He has a brilliant career ahead of him in the Peacekeepers. I can see him becoming Captain of this great vessel one day."

"Captain!" Aeryn is incredulous. "Impossible! Look at this emotional outburst! He can't control his urges!"

"It may appear that way to you, hmmm?" Scorpius has a gleam in his eye. "This man designed a craft that can pass beyond our influence, between planes of existence." He explains to her. "In his escape from us, he piloted a Prowler without injury for several arns against our elite Pleisars." He studies her. "The Scarrans held him in a Hezmat beam at Kelvo 7 for 11 arns. He escaped and killed two of them in hand to hand combat."

Her face shows her searching his image for something, some proof of what Scorpius was telling her.

Scorpius delights at the sight of her changed expression. "His rank of Lt. Commander is well earned, I assure you Officer Sun. He serves us though he has taken no oath. He stays because of you. His... love for you."

"I don't want to be responsible for his 'love'." Aeryn says with contempt. "Whoever I was before? I cannot be to him now. This being will have to find someone else to 'love'."

"Think of it as your first task in your capacity as special ops." Scorpius asserts. "You will maintain your duty as a Prowler Pilot as cover with this…" He looks at Crichton on the monitor. "…as your true duty." He eyes her. "I need you to distract him. As long as he thinks you are entertaining thoughts of loving him he will remain, without further incident."

Scorpius' hand instinctively goes to the wound inflicted in his last battle with Chiana, trying to recapture Crichton. Chiana’s dagger went deep. He winces. He brings his face close to Aeryn's as she still watches Crichton on the monitor. "This is the only reason you were reconditioned Officer Sun. I am surprised that you do not see your duty." His anger is rising. "Do you understand?" He says, threatening her.

His breath is hot on her. The odor nearly brings tears to her eyes. She swallows. She can suddenly see. She must spend time with this Human or die. Her spine stiffens against this enforcement.

Scorpius waits angrily for her answer. His voice deepens. "Do you understand your duty Officer?" He growls.

She stands at attention and slowly turns her face to look him in the eye. Her jaw tightens. She answers out of her own anger. "Yes, Sir."
"You can't be trusted Chiana!" He narrows his eyes as he smiles. "How long do you think it will be before Crichton realizes Aeryn is alive? They're married, an acceptable arrangement. But you, you got in the way. You seduced Crichton into loving you. Your marriage to him is a Scarran’s worth! Crichton's mistress tralk, having his bastard child. Now, I can think of far better arrangements..."

"No," Chiana chokes distantly, struggling against the chains to reach out as he takes her baby and leaves with her. "Please!"

He comes back in, glaring into her eyes as he pushes her down on the cot to lay over her. She gasps, her eyes slamming shut with pain. She turns her face to him, barely touching his cheek with her lips as she draws up her legs. Scorpius snarls as he snatches her by her chin, forcing her down.

"You can't lie to me," He growls as he bares his teeth at her distant stare. "You'll enjoy it when I want you to!"

He digs his fingers into her back as she screams.


nhfearme and Chianagray
Aeryn's Duty OOC: Another CG and nh work: We lovingly call it... "Crichton's Balls."


Scorpius summons John to his Command Quarters:

“I’m here Scorpy.” John says with exasperation. “What do ya’ want?”

“There have been several distractions on this vessel of late Crichton. I hope we can now get back to normalcy.”

“You tortured Chiana.” John says.

“Not torture, I assure you John. She tried to escape and became injured in the attempt. I merely had her here to question her about her forces.”

“Then why does she need a sedative?” John stares at Scorpius’ eyes in anger.

“It is nothing I did.” Scorpius begins to pace. “I know she divorced you John. Returned your ring, released you from your vows.” He reveals. “I had her examined while she was here. Perhaps the separation will not be as painful for you if you are to learn… she is not pregnant with your child.”

John closes his eyes to the news and swallows.

“It is unfortunate. I understand Captain Shelan raped her shortly after your… marriage.” Scorpius looks askance to see his reaction.

John feels his fists tighten.

“I’m sorry to be the barer of bad news John. But you will only suffer further if you believe she carries your offspring.” Scorpius pats John’s shoulder. “I want you to lead a happy productive life here John. Truly.” He smiles. “Which brings me back to my original subject. I wish for you to return to duty. The craft is finished and needs to be tested." Scorpius seems distracted looking at one of his reports. "You'll see to it. Won't you Crichton?" he doesn’t bother to look up. “Dismissed Commander.”

John walks angrily out of Scorpius command quarters and goes to the command deck. He goes directly to Comms and opens a frequency. “John Crichton to Chiana! Chiana pick up the phone!” He waits anxiously.

"John?" Zhaan's voice comes through Comms. "Is that you Crichton?"

"Oh God, Zhaan!" Crichton shouts. "Yes! Please, Zhaan, put Chiana on the horn for me alright?"

Crichton runs his hand through his hair, biting his lip as he waits.

"John?" Chiana’s voice comes through the Comms. hauntingly, as if he were hearing her from some terrible dream that rages in his heart. He wants to scream from the ache to pull her to him, smell her hair, let her know everything is going to be okay. "John..."

"Chiana," He sighs, tears welling in his eyes as he cups his hands to the Comm. as if he could hold her through it. "Honey, I've got to know you're alright."

John hears her cries over the Comm. Swallowing hard he closes his eyes. "I love you Chiana. The ring, why? Why did you give this back to me?" John looks at the ring on his hand.

"I can't." she breathes through her sobs. "John please. I - I can't..."

"Chiana listen to me please." he wrenches his lips, forcing his composure as tears stream down his flushed face. "Did they make you say those things to me?"

"No," she sighs shakily. "You've got to - I'm not having you're baby John. It's Shelan's, nnnnhh! I'm having Shelan's." She gasps.

"I don't care," he chokes as he clenches his fists. The pain in her voice and her revelation stabbing coldly through him like a blade. "Honey, I love you. You've got to know that." His voice trembles as he begs. “Please, know that.”

"No!" Chiana shouts. The Comm. suddenly fritzing out from her pounding on it as a scream comes out of her. "I let you go! So Frelling go!" She breaks, turning from the console.

“Please child.” Zhaan tells her. “You need to rest now.” She turns angrily to Comms. “Why won’t you honor her wishes John? She has done everything to tell you her true feelings.”

Braca reaches to close the Comms. “Who is that you're talking to?”

“Butt out Braca!” John shoves Braca away from the console. “Please Zhaan. Talk to her.”

“Crichton! It’s over! Accept it!” Zhaan says angrily.

“Chiana! Don’t do this.” John looks at his ring and makes a fist.

Braca pushes Crichton away. “Get away from the Console Crichton!”

Crichton grabs Braca and twists his arm until Braca moans in pain. “Let me go Crichton!”

Crichton presses Braca, leaning him over the consol. "Don't! You! Ever! Interrupt! Me! While! I'm! Talking! To! My! Wife!" John grabs him by the back of his hair, pressing his face into the console with a sharp shove. He bites his lip as his arm begins to strain from pushing him down. "That console imprint on your face might permanent press." He stands, breathing heavily, sweat pouring from him as he trembles. John releases Braca, pulls him up from the Console and tosses him. Braca lands roughly on the deck, dazed.

John returns to the Comms. "Chiana," he purses his lips, forcing his breath to work evenly as he strains not to shake so badly. "One thing," he speaks gently fighting his underlying anger. "One thing and I'll say it's over. I'll let you go and you won't have to worry about ever speaking to me again ... Do you want me to come home baby?"

Silence greets him as he waits. It feels like it is forever.

"No." her voice comes shakily, but determined. "Divorce me Crichton. It's what - what I want."

"What you want?" He swallows hard, clearing his throat as his tears spit hot down his face. The cold blade of her words sinks deeper into him, killing him in cold blood. He stares straight ahead and speaks deliberately to her. "As you wish." John closes his eyes, feeling his heart as she rips it out of him.

Braca comes up behind John. Crichton turns to face him. "Rah!" Crichton screams as he punches Braca as hard as he can in his face. The man goes down. Crichton throws himself on top of the consol, slamming his fist into it to close Comms. Sparks fly from the console. He pounds into it until he can feel his own blood pouring from his cut hand.

DarkSide III pg 6

Chiana's version of the comm's with John can be found in DarkQuest on page ..