DarkSide III: The Visage of Evil

DarkSide III pg 3
DarkSide III pg 1
DarkSide III pg 2
DarkSide III pg 3
DarkSide III pg 4
DarkSide III pg 5
DarkSide III pg 6
DarkSide III pg 7


Last Detail

Captain Shelan's stealth prowler waits for him in the Peacekeeper Base's docking bay. He runs a gloved hand over her. He has missed flying. It could not be helped. Capturing Lord Crichton had to take priority.

Scorpius has everything arranged: communications, method of payment. He maintains his salary. Still, if it is seen that he has currency it will bring suspicion. As for his prowler, he can claim he stole it when he escaped the Peacekeeper Base's Med bay.

He can never again return to the life he knew. He has to relinquish command, claim he knows nothing of Scorpius' return and disavow knowledge of Crichton's capture. Phillip's deep cover will continue as long as the Nabarri government, the contagion is a threat. Phillip sighs. He now has to go into hiding and wait for Mokan or other resistance fighters to come looking for him. His path is set.

Now he will have everything he desires, promotion, freedom to follow his own orders and Chiana. Phillip's heart is light as he climbs aboard and powers up his stealth prowler. He wishes he could run to her. He hits the launch sequencer and blasts out of the Base.

The torture he endured, the lonely hours locked in a cell, even his self-imposed separation from the peacekeepers is all worth it to see her free of Lord Crichton!

Phillip remembers her embrace in Mokan's cell. Chiana held him as he cried to her, cried of his love for her. Her delicate hair on his cheek, her sensuous breath, her sweet scent. He at once loves and despises her softness, her naiveté. Part of him wishes she had listened to Crichton, not believed her heart. Still, it is this part of her that saved him from Crichton's interrogation of him. From Setig's deadly heat pulse.

Scorpius is right about one thing. He is hopelessly irreversibly contaminated. Phillip loves her. The time may come when he has to weigh his loyalty to the peacekeepers against this love for Chiana.

He lands next to his makeshift quarters. He settles in and begins his lonely vigil, waiting for what may come.


John Crichton wakes on the cold stone floor. His head hurts from Shelan's hit. His mouth is dry from the drug. His arm is pinned under him having been tossed so carelessly there. He pushes to sit up and finds he is chained hand and foot.

There is movement in the corner. John looks. A guard stands, weapon presented towards him. A second walks toward him, pulse rifle ready. John swallows and looks up. The magnetic lock of the cell hatch clunks open. John looks. Scorpius enters and stands eyeing him.

Scorpius paces to John and stands over him looking down. He sighs with satisfaction. "So glad to see you again John. I have missed you."

"The feeling is NOT mutual. " John answers.

"I see Captain Shelan wanted to be sure you stayed put this time." Scorpius says looking at John's chains.

"Begging your pardon sir." The guard says turning to him. "Captain Shelan has not been here sir."

"Of course he hasn't. If he had you would have held him for me." Scorpius smiles.

"You mean that reconditioning story was no lie?" John asks surprised.

"High Command has very clear parameters concerning irreversible contamination John. It seems that Captain Shelan has deserted the Peacekeepers for your... tralk."

John wishes he could strangle Scorpius for that remark! His mind burns with revenge! He tries to get up to face him. The pain in his arm stings. He struggles against his chains. Scorpius can see he is upset by the word.

"Well, what would you prefer I call her John?" Scorpius asks skeptically.

"She is my wife!" John yells.

"No John, she isn't." He sucks back his breath. "You are married to Officer Aeryn Sun." Scorpius looks at him almost caringly. "Or have you forgotten her already."

John's gasp catches in his throat. It's like a knife in his heart. His shock turns to anger. "How dare you even speak her name? Murderer!"

"hmmm, I see." Scorpius smiles. "Bring him." He growls turning to the guards. He walks out of the cell and waits.

The guards lift John forcibly. It feels as though his arm is being pulled from its socket. They drag him from his cell following Scorpius to his marauder.

Braca meets them and guides them to a cell. He opens it. The guards thrust John in.

Hobbled, John lands roughly on the cell deck. "Aaag." He groans.

Braca stands staring in at him, then seals the cell door and walks away laughing.


John feels a jostling of the marauder. He hopes it is an attack from the resistance to free him. He waits. The cell hatch opens. John's eyes adjust to the stark light streaming in.

Braca turns to one of the compliment of guard's. "May I borrow this officer?" the guard hands him the pulse rifle. Braca takes it and enters Crichton's cell. The guards enter behind him. "Get him up!" Braca orders.

The guards jerk John to his feet. He faces Lt. Braca. "Well look." John comments. "It's Scorpius' errand boy." He drawls.

Braca hits John sharply in the stomach with the butt of the pulse rifle. John doubles over in pain. "I know Scorpius' plans for you Crichton!" Braca laughs. "I don't envy you!" he exits the cell.

The guards follow dragging John out into the landing bay of the Command Carrier. They travel down a short distance to the prowler bay and stop. Scorpius stands before him. They release the chains from John's wrists, then his ankles. John stands for a moment studying the situation.

"What's this?" John asks. "You're letting me go?"

"No John. This is your new workstation. Here you will remain until you complete your task."

John looks at him, then to the guards then back to Scorpius. "Scorpy? You can take this job and shove it!" he answers. The next thing John sees is stars.

Braca promptly takes the borrowed pulse rifle and strikes John down to the groveling position. Scorpius puts up his hand to stop him. "Now Braca. I told you I want to set a precedent for John's cooperation. Based on mutual trust and respect."

Braca backs up, terror in his eyes at his mistake. He quickly returns the pulse rifle.

"Still, if he will not cooperate?" Scorpius turns to Braca. "Do as he wishes Braca. Remove him to a cell until he will cooperate with us."

The guards again roughly grab Crichton and pull him up. John tries to walk this time, not being hobbled. As he is pulled toward the corridor he shouts over his shoulder. "When hell freezes over Scorpy!" he laughs.

Scorpius snarls as Crichton leaves. He turns to Braca. "Signal phase two Braca. We will repay kind with kind." He says angrily and walks from the prowler bay.



John stands in an strange graveyard mist. The graveyard gate opens with a ghastly groan before him. Harvey leads him. The mist swirls around them as they enter. Coffins set on stone atop the ground. The coffins lie open showing their bodies wrapped in death shrouds. Harvey walks John to one particular coffin and pulls away the shroud to show him the face.

John walks to the body and looks. He stares into the face of death. It is Aeryn Sun! His heart stops. He catches his breath. He touches her face. She is cold as ice. He kisses her lips and embraces her. He cries and falls to his knees. "God No! Aeryn!" He sobs. "AAAaaa!" He screams.

John wakes with a start. He is drenched in sweat. A chill goes through him. It takes a moment to realize, he is in the prison of the Peacekeeper Command Carrier.

Suddenly he hears something. Echoing footsteps outside of his cell, they continue past to the cell next to his. The cell door slams shut. The next thing he hears sends a chill down his spine. A child crying in this Hellish place! Crichton's cell door creaks open. Scorpius stands before him.

"Just little added incentive, John. Something to help you decide." Scorpius grins.

"Jake? You put Jake in a cell?" He yells. "Let him out!"

"What is your decision?" Scorpius ask pensively.

"Nurse! Let me out!" Jake yells.

"I'm waiting, Crichton." Scorpius stands sure of himself waiting, watching Crichton in his pain. He knows he has won.

John's heart is breaking. The Peacekeepers took Aeryn's life, his life with Chiana, now his son. Suddenly Scorpius seems more powerful than ever. Perhaps he will carry out his threat to harm those he loves. If he captured Jake from Pagar he could even reach out to Chiana, their child. There seems no way out. John is afraid of what Scorpius may do next. Torture Jake? Kill him? John cries. "Yes, I'll do it, Scorpius. I'll do what you want."

Scorpius signals to the guard. The guard turns and signals to the nurse. She opens the cell and lets Jake out. "Why did you put me in there nurse? I'm gonna' tell my daddy!" Jake yells.

John looks at Scorpius. His eyes red with tears. He pushes his way past the guard and out into the hallway. He takes Jake from the nurse. "It will be alright Jake. I'm here now." John walks up toward their quarters.

As John reaches his door Tech Kamina Witer passes. She stares as he enters his door with Jake in his arms. She can see that John has been crying. A guard positions himself outside of Crichton's quarters. Kamina lowers her eyes keeps walking.


Scorpius' nurse appears at Crichton's door. She knocks and waits. John opens the door.

"I am here for the child." She states simply.

"No! No way are you getting your hands on him again sister!" John shouts, baring her at the door.

"You must report to your class Crichton." She reminds him.

"Fine, I'll take him with me." John says holding his hand behind him to Jake. "Come on Jake. Had breakfast yet?" John asks him.

"No." Jake sounds disappointed. "I woke up on a marauder."

"Let's go then." John says as he pushes past the nurse.

"Scorpius will hear of this Crichton." The nurse says bitterly.

"Go ahead. Tell death himself." John says walking away holding Jake's hand.


Tech Officer Kamina Witer recharges the data pads for Command. She casually inputs the code and scans each one before she deletes the data. She finds Lt. Commander Crichton's arrest record.

Witer sees there are reference codes for previous arrests. She makes a note of them. At the end of her shift, she delivers the recharged pads to Command.

Witer inputs Crichton's reference codes in one and plugs it into the main Command computer receptacle. After a moment, she removes it unobserved. She smuggles it into her quarters.


Scorpius is in his command quarters. His breakfast tray has just been removed. The toilet flushes. He washes in the facility.

His nurse enters. "Scorpius!" She says in exasperation. "Crichton refuses to allow me access to the child!"

"Do you really blame him, my dear? After all, you placed Jeffery in a locked cell in the belly of the Command Carrier. It may be a some time before he warms to you." Scorpius answers unconcerned.

"He insists on taking the child with him to his class." The nurse continues, wondering why Scorpius is not upset.

"I don't see that as a problem." Scorpius paces to his portal looking out at the planet. "Soon we will move from here. I have a pressing meeting that awaits me elsewhere."

"Scorpius." The nurse begs. "This is a dangerous allowance you will be giving to Crichton. How can you be certain he will do as you wish?"

Suddenly Scorpius' Command Comms gains his attention. He presses his head Comms to receive. "What is it Braca?" Scorpius asks. "Patch him though Lt." He listens. "Allow them to show you where it is Officer Mallan. Then bring it to me." He turns and looks at the nurse. "By the way Officer Mallan. How would you like to secure the Lady Chiana as well?" he waits for Mallan's answer. "As I thought. Bring her with the prowler. If you succeed, Officer, you may have any duty you may desire."

Scorpius smiles and closes the frequency. "Not to worry." He says to nurse. "I will soon have more to laud over him. Perhaps his tralk will bring a more satisfactory response." He coos.


Crichton enters the prowler bay holding Jake's hand. "Did you see it Jake?" John asks him as they enter the bay.

"I see it." Jake says. "You'll play with me?"

John smiles down at him. "I'll join you as soon as I can." He answers.

Jake runs to play around the prowlers making his favorite roaring sound. John smiles over at him playing.

Class is assembled. John crosses to them. He looks them over. "I see a lot of new faces." He says under his breath. "We're in trouble." John shakes his head and puts his hand on his neck. "Scorpy didn't tell me I'd be having newbies."

"Tech Officer Witer!" John waves her to come up front.

She jumps up from her chair and nearly runs to John. "Yes commander?" she asks.

"I don't have time to review all the material I've covered the last three cycles. You were always my best student." John tells her.

"Thank you sir." Kamina says, blushing.

"I need you to teach them." He continues. "While the advanced group puts together another prowler." John tells her.

Kamina hesitates. "I don't know sir. I've never taught before."

"Come on, Witer. You've seen me do this for three cycles." John looks at her eyes. "I need you to do this for me. Scorpius wants the project completed mach schnell. So would you?" he puts his hands on her shoulders and looks into her face. "Please?"

"I'll try." She looks at John's eyes and smiles slightly. "You'll be here if I need help?"

John puts his hand to his temple. "I don't know. I can't promise you that."

Her face falls. She looks at the floor.

John sees her reaction. "Yeah, sure, I'll be here Officer Witer." John rubs her shoulder. "Where else would I go?" John picks up the chalk and hands it to her.

Kamina takes chalk from John's hand, touching his hand in the process. She blushes. "I'll do my best sir." She smiles.

"Thanks Officer." John wipes his hands with a cloth then walks over toward the prowlers.

Suddenly a detachment marches into the prowler bay. They make a line between Crichton and the prowlers.

John watches them then calls to the class. "You grad students!" He shouts. "Front and center!" he stands waiting.

The three cycle students separate out and scurry to stand in front of him.

"Do you remember the last equation we studied?" he asks them.

A man steps forward. "Yes sir, I remember." He swallows.

"Tech Henda, good. I want you to be my projects manager." John stands, hands on his hips as he tells Henda what he hopes will finally free him from Scorpius. "Your project is to program a prowler to generate the vortexes from that formula. Do it just the way that you did it before. I need it done today!"

Henda is taken aback but doesn't balk. His training has taught him it would mean his death. "Yes Lieutenant Commander." His voice shakes with fear.

John puts his hand on Henda's shoulder. "It will be ok, Henda. If you don't get it today, it's no problem." John says looking into his face.

"Yes sir." Henda says, afraid to look into Crichton's eyes.

In the mean time, Kamina is flustered. She takes the chalk and stands for moment thinking. Then she scrawls a formula on the wall then turns and addresses the class. "You are here to learn a new format of equations." As she speaks, she gains confidence. "These will allow you to do what the advanced group is doing now." Displeased with her group she shouts. "Pay attention!"

The newbies jump in their seats and sit at attention.

"I have no intention of taking three cycles to explain it to you!" She yells.

John oversees the project and alternately looks over his shoulder to see how Officer Witer is handling the class. He smiles as her Peacekeeper military style kicks into her teaching. The class is in terror of her.

As they get to work programming the prowler, John tries to work his way around to the prowlers unnoticed. The guard stops him. "We have strict orders not to let you in here sir."

John nods and steps away from them. The day wears on. He becomes anxious. "Henda. Go to lunch and come back to finish this." He says. "Take Witer with you." He looks at them. Then follows them out. The prowler bay hatch is sealed. He glances back then walks to the officer's lounge to get a Ras'lak.

As John stands at the bar, he begins to weep. He covers his face with his hand and turns toward the wall.


"Lt. Commander Crichton!" a voice behind John demands his attention.

John is crying for Jake. He wipes his tears away with his hand and turns slowly to face the one who disturbs his solitude.

John sees a female officer. Her jaw is set. Black hair, dark eyes, nearly his height wearing a battle braid and prowler pilot uniform. She stands with one hand resting on her pulse pistol.

"Finally we meet." She says with disdain. "I am Officer Nylar Shard."

John's mind is only on Jake, his hope for his escape. His heart breaking, he glances at her face. "I'm sorry. I'm really not up for introductions right now." John tells her. "Maybe we can do this later."

"Why Lt. Commander?" She says angrily. "Did you lose someone in combat?"

John's head begins to hurt from her line of questioning. He puts his hand up to her to signal he isn't ready for this. She slaps it down. John pulls his hand back. The barman jumps at the slap and walks away.

"What was that for?" John asks, surprised. His eyes still wet from crying.

"There's much, much more where that came from Lt. Commander." She breathes. Her eyes flash with fire.

"I can't deal with this right now Officer." John turns his back to her and sips his ras'lak. "You'd be better off just, just go away."

"I can't do that sir." She says firmly. "I've waited for your return. I won't wait another Microt for your answer." She stands very close.

"I told you." John turns suddenly finding himself face to face with her. He gasps in surprise at her persistence. He begins to feel angry at her intrusion.

She is nose to nose with him now. "It's a matter of engagement, sir. A matter of honor, sir." She says bitingly. "I suggest we take this up in physical conditioning, sir." She says abruptly and stands at attention.

John closes his eyes, not believing her tenacity. He sighs. "OK, Shard." He says, thinking he needs to get his mind off Jake. He downs the rest of his ras'lak and looks at her. "Let's go."

They walk together to conditioning. Nylar breathes her anger as she walks and enters ahead of John. She throws her officer's jacket into the corner. She snaps out her pulse pistol and places it on a chair. She picks up a pair of sparing gloves and pulls them on sharply.

John enters behind her. He takes off his officer's jacket and places it on a chair then pulls on the gloves.

John is barely finished when Officer Shard attacks. She swings her leg at his head. John throws up his arm. She hits him, knocking him down to the mat.

"Uh." John grunts and begins to get up.

Shard's leg careens toward John's face. He is able to block her leg from hitting. He catches it just before it connects. He gasps.

"If you would just allow me sir." She pulls her leg from his hands. "We could be finished here much quicker."

"I did what I had to do Officer." John gets up. "I had to escape."

"And what's stopping you today?" She asks bitterly, throwing a left at his stomach then a right to his chin.

"Uh." John blocks.

"You killed two of my squad in that little escape of yours. Two good officers I considered a privilege to serve with." Shard yells.

"You don't understand." John holds his arms in defense.

"I understand alright!" she swings to hit his chest. John blocks her arm up. She swings again striking his face.

John falls. He holds his jaw.

"You killed two of my officers." She kicks John in the ribs.

"Uh!" John groans. "Stop!"

"Veccar! Stoddard!" she yells. "They covered your worthless flank when the Scarrans took after you!"

John grabs her leg. She falls. John pins her shoulders to the mat. "Just stop!" His breath blows her hair. "It's over. I can't bring them back, Shard."

There is a clamor at the door. John and Nylar involuntarily snap their heads to see.

Scorpius stands at the hatchway with a detachment of guards. He raises his hand to stop the guards from entering. He enters, closing the hatch behind him.

John looks at Shard. "Did you say you want to meet Scorpy face to face?"

Scorpius crosses to them and stands. He looks down at John and Nylar as they lie breathless on the mat.

John rolls off of her. Nylar jumps up suddenly and stands at attention.

John leans on his arm catching his breath. "Officer Shard? Scorpius. Scorpy? Officer Shard." He introduces.

"Have you finished officer?" Scorpius says coolly. "I have a matter of some importance I wish to discuss with Crichton."

"Yes sir! Finished sir." She glances quickly askance at Scorpius. "May I be dismissed sir?" She asks breathless, trying not to show her fear.

"No, Officer." Scorpius walks to the foil stand.

Nylar swallows and walks to the edge of the conditioning mat. She stands briefly with her back to the two men then slowly turns.

Scorpius picks up two foils. He turns and suddenly tosses one to John.

The sword lands and rolls next to John. John looks at the sword and sighs then looks up at Scorpius. John slowly removes his sparring gloves. He stands and throws them in the corner. He picks up the foil and faces his nemesis.

"I believe this will be instructive for you as well as Crichton." Scorpius takes a defensive stance.

"Yes sir." Nylar answers in fear. She has never before faced Scorpius. She knows how close to death she came in her chase of Crichton. Scorpius could have easily ordered the death of her squad. She continues to stand at attention. A chill goes through her as the contest begins.

"There is little danger of me winning with these safety points Scorpy. Why even bother?" John says circling Scorpius. "This is no contest for us."

"Ahh!" Scorpius says in mock realization. "You believe you have learned all you need from my clone? You feel you are no longer in danger?" His eyes glare at John's. "You have a false sense. I assure you Crichton, you have much more to learn." He snarls. "Where is the boy?" Scorpius lunges at John.

John blocks the thrust. "I'll never tell Scorpy."

Scorpius attacks John, lunging again and again. "I can easily learn by returning you to the chair."

John backs away. "But that would take time." He parries Scorpius' thrusts away with deftness. "You want to know his plan now so you can stop him." John attacks! He slashes across Scorpius new leather's marring his shoulder pad.

Scorpius looks at the damage to his suit and hisses. "Stop wasting time John."

"You were saying Scorpy?" John laughs. "Do you want to make this an honorable combat?"

John quickly blocks and parries Scorpius' angry lunges and thrusts. John backs off the mat toward the weight rack. John suddenly traps Scorpius' sword against the weights. John chuckles.

"That's right Scorpy." Face to face with Scorpius, John's eyes suddenly turn cold. "I forgot. You don't do honorable." John allows Scorpius to escape. He backs up and lunges pressing the guarded tip to Scorpius heart. "Kidnapper!" John accuses.

The guarded tip pinches against Scorpius' skin. He winces. He snarls and backs away clashing his sword against Crichton's blade.

John lunges again! The sword tip presses into Scorpius' neck. "Murder." John yells. His lip curls into a snarl.

Scorpius gasps. He drops his sword. He chokes and backs away nearly loosing his balance. His hand goes to his throat.

Officer Shard is in shock at what she sees. She holds her breath and hopes Scorpius has forgotten she is witness to his defeat.

John moves following Scorpius. "All the innocents you have taken! All of those you have murdered!" He yells.

Scorpius turns and runs toward the hatch. He finally catches his breath. "Guards!" He eeks out, barely audible. His eyes reflect his fear.

The guards burst through the door and grab Crichton. They take his sword and hit the back of his knees forcing him to the floor. A guard hits John across his face with his pulse rifle butt.

"Uh." John groans.

While the guards hold him by the shoulders they cuff him. Then jerk him to his feet. Scorpius is still unable to speak. He points out of the conditioning room. His eyes watch Crichton as they drag John out of the room and down the corridor. Scorpius follows them out of the hatch.

Officer shard stands for several Microts waiting. Finally the corridor falls silent. She grabs her officer's jacket and pulse pistol and runs out of the conditioning room. She gasps and checks the corridor then runs the opposite direction.


Lieutenant Commander John Crichton sits in the Aurora chair. The chair turns. John braces for what comes next. The chair charges. It fires its pulse through his brain.

John screams. Images from the estate flash; Brief glimpses of life with his son, his wife Chiana. Time in agony passes remembering his life for Scorpius. Still no images of Jakes plan of escape. John guards the secret well.

Scorpius paces. "I know this is painful for you John. Just tell us where the boy is and we can dispense with this."

"No!" John gasps. He struggles to speak through the pain. "You cant make me!"

"You have no secrets from me John." Scorpius stares at him. "There will be no secrets." He says menacingly.

The chair fires again, John screams. Scorpius seems distracted by a Comms he receives. He waves to the operator to cease. He motions the guards to take Crichton.

The guards remove Crichton from the chair. They drag him to a cell and rudely dump him in. John lands roughly and lies there wondering what happened. He kept the memory secret of Jakes escape. He is sure Scorpius doesnt know. John crawls to his mat and lies there waiting for the next torture, the next session in the chair.

Some time passes. The cell hatch groans open. Scorpius stands over John. "Have you enjoyed your nap John?" He smiles. "I have something for you."

John wakes and rolls over on his side. He looks up at Scorpius.

"I must ask you first if you want it here or in your quarters?" Scorpius paces and touches the wall. He looks at his hand and rubs his fingers together in disgust.

"What are you raving about Scorpy?" John answers as though he cant be bothered.

"I am surprised John. I would think you would be more concerned that your son is about to join you here." Scorpius watches John for his reaction.

"Jake?" John jumps to his feet. "No! I didnt tell you anything."

"Nevertheless John we have him." Scorpius smiles.

John looks at him, tilting his head, trying to judge if he is lying.

"Very well then. I will have him brought to you. To join you in your misery." Scorpius turns to motion the guard.

"No!" John shouts then says almost pleading. "No." He looks down at the cell floor then up to Scorpius for his answer.

"Clean yourself up first." Scorpius orders. "Go and check on your class progress. Jake will be waiting for you at the end."

John doesnt answer immediately. He begins to walk toward the hatch. Scorpius turns to him suddenly. The guards present their pulse rifles toward Crichton. John stops and looks. He swallows, realizing he wont see Jake if he doesnt answer.

"I will do as you say." John answers.

"As it should be John." Scorpius smiles and lets him pass.

John walks to his quarters and hits the fresher. He changes and finds he is missing his officers jacket. He walks to conditioning and finds it still on the chair. He pulls it on and walks to the prowler bay. A detachment of guards already in position.

John glances over and sees an attack craft is there among the prowlers. He strains to see if it has laser blast marks. The guards stop him again from entering the area. He walks back to his class to look at their progress.

John is distracted and anxious. He watches the time and dismisses class promptly. He walks quickly to quarters. Two guards stand outside his door. Two across.

John opens the door to the horror that is nurse. Jake comes running out to him as he stands in the open door. "Dad!" Jake yells as he runs and hugs Johns waste.

John glares at the nurse. "I thought I told you to stay away from him." He looks at Jake. "Did she hurt you Jake?"

"No. They brought me here dad." Jake hides behind John.

John looks back at the nurse. "Get out!"

"It wont matter what you say to me now Crichton!" She says bitterly. "The child will be sent to elite training tomorrow. There will be a guard with him until he leaves. It can be me or one from those outside. What is your choice?"

"Its alright dad. I want to go." Jake begins to cry quietly. He wipes his face.

"Ill take the one at the door." John says staring at nurse. "You are NEVER to touch him again! Understand?" He points out the door for her to go. "Now get out."

She walks to the door and stops. She stands toe to toe with John and glares at him. "I will report to Scorpius what you have decided." She says in an acid tone and walks out.

John slams the door. He kneels and holds his son to him. "Ill stay with you Jake." John kisses Jake and hugs him tightly.


The hour is late. A guard enters the room and stands inside the door. John tucks Jake in bed and sits in a chair next to the bed. John rests his eyes and thinks about the nurses threat.

Jake wakes crying. "Dad! Theres a monster!"

"Its ok Jake." John hugs him. "Im here. Im right here with you buddy." He sits holding Jake's hand until he goes back to sleep.

John is weary from his torture in the chair. He finally falls asleep watching over Jake. He feels himself falling into darkness as he dreams. He walks in slow motion holding Jakes hand to the marauder bay. Jake kisses him and walks up the gangplank. He disappears into the marauder. John stands and watches as the marauder blasts out of the bay.

John turns and walks with Harvey out of the bay and into the mist. Harvey leads him to an unfamiliar part of the ship. They enter what looks like a Med bay. There is a cot in the middle of the room. Aeryn lies on the cot. John runs to her. She is warm. He lifts her to him and holds her. "God, Aeryn! I thought you were dead!" She doesnt respond. She is limp.

John places her back on the cot and looks at her. He swallows and takes a breath. He looks at her face and shakes her. "Aeryn!" he shouts. "Wake up! Its John!" John sits down next to her in shock. He looks at her in fear. He sits watching her breathe. He hears her voice from so many years ago. "A friend would do it. Family would do it swiftly."

John touches her hand and cries. He leans to her and kisses her. Harvey walks to his side and holds a pulse pistol to him. He hugs Aeryn one last time. John stands. He takes the pistol, lifts it to her temple and fires.


I move from death to death
There is no escape from his evil grip

I am lost

My child is with me
Doomed to darkness

Trapped here
There is no hope

I dream of death


John wakes with a cry. His heart is in his throat. His breath comes in short gasps. In shock from the dream. He looks at Jake. Jake is still in his bed; at last in peaceful sleep.

John gets up and paces. Trapped! His son is about to become a Peacekeeper. His wife may be in danger from Shelan or worse, from Scorpius! He tries to swallow. His mouth is dry. He sits down with his head in his hands. His last hope is that Chiana does not come for him. He fears she may be caught if she does. This is Peacekeeper hell!


A knock comes at the bedroom door. Crichton wakes rudely from is restless night. He stands from the chair and opens the door. The guard stands and salutes. "Lt. Commander. Scorpius requests your presence in his command quarters, sir." He says respectfully.

"Uh." John grunts and walks to Jake. "Its time to wake up buddy." John tells him. "We have to go talk to Scorpy."

"Morning dad." Jake says rubbing his eyes. He gets up and walks to the facility. He is gone for a moment then emerges. He pulls off his pajamas and puts on his uniform. "I should dress for duty, eh dad?" He says and smiles.

"Yeah, I guess so." John says. He stands watching Jake, hands on his hips, pensively waiting.

Jake can see his dad is nervous. "Dont worry dad. Ill be ok. I want to join the elite squad."

"Thats what Im afraid of Jake." Johns hand goes to his face. He bites the side of his fingernail and sighs. "Is this life right for us Jake? The Peacekeeper life?"

"What else is there?" Jake asks.

John walks to Jake and kneels. He looks into his sons eyes. "There is more, Jake. There is a lot more to life than the Peacekeepers. Believe me. You've only had a taste of whats out there."

John feels he is pleading with Jake to come to his senses. It hits him hard that he is about to lose his son to the darkest force in the universe.

Murderers, thieves & rapists. Is this is what his son will like in 10 years? He wants to hide Jake from them. They are both prisoners without hope of ever being free. John hugs his son tightly. His heart breaks. He begins to cry. He breaks down in sobs on Jake's neck.

"No." John says through his tears. "This cant happen to you. There must be a way to save you from this future."

"Scorpius is waiting Crichton." A sharp voice interrupts.

Johns head turns to look. Its the nurse. John stands up with Jake behind him, to protect Jake from her. "No! I told you, you will NEVER touch him again!" John charges her. "Get out!" he yells.

She backs away from the bedroom door and falls behind the guard. The guard makes no move to stop Crichton. He remains at attention and steps back, against the bulkhead.

Nurse feels exposed. She takes a defensive stance. Jake watches from the bedroom door.

"What do you think you are doing?" John asks her. "I wont fight you for my own son! Youre not getting your hands on him!" John points to the main hatch. "Now get out!"

"Maam." The guard speaks in an official tone. He takes a step forward and presents his weapon toward her. "I think you should go now. I will stay with the Lt. Commanders son."

The nurse gasps. And drops her guard. John rushes her and twists her arm behind her back.

"Let me go Crichton!" She grunts and struggles against him. "Scorpius will hear of this!"

"I don't care what you tell him." John escorts her to the door and thrusts her out. "Just stay the HELL away from Jake!" He shouts and slams the hatch. He turns and rests against it. He looks at the guard.

"Thank you for your assistance officer." John says and gives a sloppy salute.

The guard snaps to attention and puts his weapon at rest.

There is a sudden tap at the door. Johns gets ready to fight again. He cracks the door open and peeks out. A tall dark haired woman stands looking at his eye through the slit.

"Well are you going to open the door to me John? Or are you going to cast me out as you did the nurse?" She asks with a twisted smile.

John gasps. "Jenavian?" he says in surprise.

John opens the door to her. She enters. She wears a dark leather uniform with muted red markings on her shoulders. Her Peacekeeper rank is pressed directly into the leather of her left shoulder. She wears her hair strict back in a battle braid. Her leathers and boots are highly polished to a fine shine. Her pulse pistol is strapped on her right thigh. She enters the door swinging her hips gently. She stands just inside the door waiting for an introduction to Jake.

"Uh, er, Jena this is..." John stumbles over his tongue for a Microt then finally spits out. "Jake this is a an old friend of mine. Jenivian Chatto. Jena, this is my son Jake."

Jake takes a guarded step toward her. Jena walks to him and kneels to his level. "I am honored to meet you Jake." She extends her hand to him.

Jake cautiously extends his hand to her.

Jena shakes his hand. "Im here to try and help out your dad on a few things. Im with Peacekeeper directorate. I hear you will be joining the elite squad soon yourself."

Jake warms to her as she speaks. "Yes!" Jake brightens at mention of his advancement. "I will." He answers smiling. "Thank you for coming. My dad needs your help." He tells her looking at his dad.

"I came just at the right time then. Didnt I?" she says and stands facing John. "You are dismissed Officer." She breathes in fully, her eyes drinking the pleasure of Johns company, then lets it out softly as a sigh.

The officer leaves, closing the hatch behind him.

"Thanks for coming Jena. But what are you doing here?" John shakes his head, mystified.

"You are still a most valuable asset to the royal planet." She steps over and lowers her eyes to him. "The directorate wants to be sure that you are well and accessible, in case you are needed." She sighs and tilts her head. "Henceforth, my visit." She smiles. "I must report on what I find here."

John takes a ragged breath. "We are prisoners here Jena. Jake and I have a life on Rashari." He rests his hand on his neck and rubs. He looks up at the ceiling. "I was taken against my will." His hands are trembling as is his voice. "Jake was kidnapped!" He grasps her shoulders and looks into her eyes. "Please, help us get outta here." There is more he can tell her, but for Jake's sake he stops.

"I..." she says, not knowing what to answer. She suddenly feels unable to help. "I understood that you made a life for yourself here. I had no idea that..." a chill goes through her. "I should have known that Scorpius lied in his reports to us." Her jaw is set. "None of the facts coordinate with his truths." She says with revulsion. She swallows and looks at John. "Listen. You have to meet with Scorpius. I will stay with Jake." She puts her hand on his arm. "I will help you John." She looks seriously into his eyes.

John sighs. He fights his tears and looks at Jake. He kneels to him. "Is that alright with you Jake? You wanna hang out with Jena for a while?" he asks.

"Yeah dad!" Jake smiles. "Shes much better looking than nurse!" He suddenly hugs his dad. "Sure dad. Ill be fine. You go talk to Scorpy, k?"

John hugs Jake tightly. He closes his eyes and holds him, perhaps for the last time. He sighs. "k, Jake. Ill go talk to him." John stands. "You two go ahead and get acquainted." John forces a little smile to them. His eyes are wet. He wipes them with the back of his hand and swallows.

"Sure." Jena says. She holds out her hand to Jake again. "What do you say to getting a bite to eat?" She smiles to him.

Jake takes her hand. "Yeah Jena! Lets go to breakfast." He says and pulls her arm toward the door.

"I'll see you later then John. Good luck with your meeting." Jena calls back to John as Jake pulls her through the hatch and into the corridor.

John has to smile in spite of himself at the sight. He chuckles and follows them out of the hatch. He watches them for a moment. As they turn the corner his face suddenly turns darkA knock comes at the bedroom door. Crichton wakes rudely from is restless night. He stands from the chair and opens the door. The guard stands and salutes. "Lt. Commander. Scorpius requests your presence in his command quarters, sir." He says respectfully.

"Uh." John grunts and walks to Jake. "Its time to wake up buddy." John tells him. "We have to go talk to Scorpy."

"Morning dad." Jake says rubbing his eyes. He gets up and walks to the facility. He is gone for a moment then emerges. He pulls off his pajamas and puts on his uniform. "I should dress for duty, eh dad?" He says and smiles.

"Yeah, I guess so." John says. He stands watching Jake, hands on his hips, pensively waiting.

Jake can see his dad is nervous. "Dont worry dad. Ill be ok. I want to join the elite squad."

"Thats what Im afraid of Jake." Johns hand goes to his face. He bites the side of his fingernail and sighs. "Is this life right for us Jake? The Peacekeeper life?"

"What else is there?" Jake asks.

John walks to Jake and kneels. He looks into his sons eyes. "There is more, Jake. There is a lot more to life than the Peacekeepers. Believe me. You've only had a taste of whats out there."

John feels he is pleading with Jake to come to his senses. It hits him hard that he is about to lose his son to the darkest force in the universe.

Murderers, thieves & rapists. Is this is what his son will like in 10 years? He wants to hide Jake from them. They are both prisoners without hope of ever being free. John hugs his son tightly. His heart breaks. He begins to cry. He breaks down in sobs on Jake's neck.

"No." John says through his tears. "This cant happen to you. There must be a way to save you from this future."

"Scorpius is waiting Crichton." A sharp voice interrupts.

Johns head turns to look. Its the nurse. John stands up with Jake behind him, to protect Jake from her. "No! I told you, you will NEVER touch him again!" John charges her. "Get out!" he yells.

She backs away from the bedroom door and falls behind the guard. The guard makes no move to stop Crichton. He remains at attention and steps back, against the bulkhead.

Nurse feels exposed. She takes a defensive stance. Jake watches from the bedroom door.

"What do you think you are doing?" John asks her. "I wont fight you for my own son! Youre not getting your hands on him!" John points to the main hatch. "Now get out!"

"Maam." The guard speaks in an official tone. He takes a step forward and presents his weapon toward her. "I think you should go now. I will stay with the Lt. Commanders son."

The nurse gasps. And drops her guard. John rushes her and twists her arm behind her back.

"Let me go Crichton!" She grunts and struggles against him. "Scorpius will hear of this!"

"I don't care what you tell him." John escorts her to the door and thrusts her out. "Just stay the HELL away from Jake!" He shouts and slams the hatch. He turns and rests against it. He looks at the guard.

"Thank you for your assistance officer." John says and gives a sloppy salute.

The guard snaps to attention and puts his weapon at rest.

There is a sudden tap at the door. Johns gets ready to fight again. He cracks the door open and peeks out. A tall dark haired woman stands looking at his eye through the slit.

"Well are you going to open the door to me John? Or are you going to cast me out as you did the nurse?" She asks with a twisted smile.

John gasps. "Jenavian?" he says in surprise.

John opens the door to her. She enters. She wears a dark leather uniform with muted red markings on her shoulders. Her Peacekeeper rank is pressed directly into the leather of her left shoulder. She wears her hair strict back in a battle braid. Her leathers and boots are highly polished to a fine shine. Her pulse pistol is strapped on her right thigh. She enters the door swinging her hips gently. She stands just inside the door waiting for an introduction to Jake.

"Uh, er, Jena this is..." John stumbles over his tongue for a Microt then finally spits out. "Jake this is a an old friend of mine. Jenivian Chatto. Jena, this is my son Jake."

Jake takes a guarded step toward her. Jena walks to him and kneels to his level. "I am honored to meet you Jake." She extends her hand to him.

Jake cautiously extends his hand to her.

Jena shakes his hand. "Im here to try and help out your dad on a few things. Im with Peacekeeper directorate. I hear you will be joining the elite squad soon yourself."

Jake warms to her as she speaks. "Yes!" Jake brightens at mention of his advancement. "I will." He answers smiling. "Thank you for coming. My dad needs your help." He tells her looking at his dad.

"I came just at the right time then. Didnt I?" she says and stands facing John. "You are dismissed Officer." She breathes in fully, her eyes drinking the pleasure of Johns company, then lets it out softly as a sigh.

The officer leaves, closing the hatch behind him.

"Thanks for coming Jena. But what are you doing here?" John shakes his head, mystified.

"You are still a most valuable asset to the royal planet." She steps over and lowers her eyes to him. "The directorate wants to be sure that you are well and accessible, in case you are needed." She sighs and tilts her head. "Henceforth, my visit." She smiles. "I must report on what I find here."

John takes a ragged breath. "We are prisoners here Jena. Jake and I have a life on Rashari." He rests his hand on his neck and rubs. He looks up at the ceiling. "I was taken against my will." His hands are trembling as is his voice. "Jake was kidnapped!" He grasps her shoulders and looks into her eyes. "Please, help us get outta here." There is more he can tell her, but for Jake's sake he stops.

"I..." she says, not knowing what to answer. She suddenly feels unable to help. "I understood that you made a life for yourself here. I had no idea that..." a chill goes through her. "I should have known that Scorpius lied in his reports to us." Her jaw is set. "None of the facts coordinate with his truths." She says with revulsion. She swallows and looks at John. "Listen. You have to meet with Scorpius. I will stay with Jake." She puts her hand on his arm. "I will help you John." She looks seriously into his eyes.

John sighs. He fights his tears and looks at Jake. He kneels to him. "Is that alright with you Jake? You wanna hang out with Jena for a while?" he asks.

"Yeah dad!" Jake smiles. "Shes much better looking than nurse!" He suddenly hugs his dad. "Sure dad. Ill be fine. You go talk to Scorpy, k?"

John hugs Jake tightly. He closes his eyes and holds him, perhaps for the last time. He sighs. "k, Jake. Ill go talk to him." John stands. "You two go ahead and get acquainted." John forces a little smile to them. His eyes are wet. He wipes them with the back of his hand and swallows.

"Sure." Jena says. She holds out her hand to Jake again. "What do you say to getting a bite to eat?" She smiles to him.

Jake takes her hand. "Yeah Jena! Lets go to breakfast." He says and pulls her arm toward the door.

"I'll see you later then John. Good luck with your meeting." Jena calls back to John as Jake pulls her through the hatch and into the corridor.

John has to smile in spite of himself at the sight. He chuckles and follows them out of the hatch. He watches them for a moment. As they turn the corner his face suddenly turns dark. He faces the direction of Scorpius command quarters and walks the long corridor toward his meeting.


John enters Scorpius Command Quarters:

Scorpius stands at his portal looking out at the stars. "I wanted to inform you John that we are leaving the proximity of Rashari. So any escape attempts by you or Jeffery will now be... difficult."

Scorpius seems at ease. Still, guards stand at attention; witnesses to their meeting. "I cannot forgive your attacks on me, John. Something has to be done."

Johns fatigue from his torture in the chair and his restless night wear on him. "Then let us go." He says seriously.

"That is the one thing I cannot allow John." Scorpius says coldly looking at Crichton askance.

"The prowler is nearly ready." John paces, chewing the edge of his finger. "Why do you insist we stay?"

"The answers are too complex to address here." Scorpius smiles wryly. "Allow me to demonstrate over the next few solar days. And you will see the importance of you remaining here."

"Please then." John pleads. "Let my son go." He swallows.

"That can certainly be done." Scorpius smiles. "It is time that Jake entered the academy." He says with a measure of pride.

"Not!" John punctuates the air. "The academy." He tries to hold his temper, acutely aware as the guards tense.

"You can be assured." Scorpius descends the stairs from his portal. "He will get the best of training there." He paces to Crichton.

"Training to become a Peacekeeper butcher, you mean!" John watches Scorpius as he crosses the floor.

Scorpius levels his eyes at Crichton. "Surely you dont mean that John." He sucks in a breath sharply and studies him carefully. "No more threats John. Jake is in no danger from me."

"No danger! From a monster who put a 5 year old in a Peacekeeper dungeon?" John accuses.

"I need your assurance that you will not attack me again!" Scorpius growls. "Or I will retaliate!" His eyes burn with vengeance. "You are fortunate Peacekeeper Directorate's agent has arrived here. Otherwise you and your son would be sharing a cell!" He hisses.

Unnerved, Scorpius turns and paces away from Crichton, snarling. He composes himself then turns back. He circles Crichton. "I will make the arrangements." He stands, lifting his chin to him as he passes his judgment. "Go. Spend the rest of your time with him. It is the only time you'll have." He relishes John's countenance of defeat.

John looks at Scorpius knowing there is no justice here. Prisoners for life! Their life in Peacekeeper hell will continue. Unwilling to break down in front of Scorpius, John turns suddenly and leaves. He returns to his quarters to find Jena, alone.

"Where is Jake?" He asks looking into Jake's bedroom. "Where is he?" he says upset.

"Hes just gone to physical conditioning with the guard. I thought it would be all right. I wanted to see how your meeting went." Jena says, concerned. "I apologize, John. I will go and get him." she turns to leave.

"No." John says to her as she nears the hatch. "No. Its all right Jena. Stay." He sits on the couch.

Jena crosses to him and looks down at him.

John appears a mere shadow of himself. He looks up at Jena with tear stained eyes. His hands are shaking. "We belong to him." He says quietly. "We'll never be free." He rests his head in his hands.

Jena stands close to John and runs her fingers through his hair. "What happened John? What did he say to you?" she asks and sits next to him.

"Jake may leave as early as tomorrow for elite academy." John tells her.

Jena sits close and rests her hand on his thigh.

"I told him the prowler would be ready. He said it doesnt matter." John wipes his tears with his hand. "He wont let us go."

Jena puts her hand on Johns back and strokes to calm him. "Let me contact the directorate. Perhaps there is a position for you there."

"Its still Peacekeeper Jena." John looks at her. "No offense." He says casually with a bit of a laugh.

"None taken." She answers. "Still, it would get you away from Scorpius." She says thoughtfully. Her eyes flash as she gives him wry smile.

"Yes." John realizes. "It would. Wouldnt it?" He smiles and looks into her face. Suddenly they seem very close. He looks into her eyes.

John is drawn to her. Jena holds her breath in anticipation as they move together in a kiss. Jenas heart jumps. She slips her hand into Johns open jacket and over his chest. They deepen the kiss. John touches her breast and delights to find her hard nipple. He rubs against it with his open fingers. She softly sighs.

Jena's hand finds its way between his legs. She massages him. John moans with pleasure as she does. His deep voice resonates through her. Their arousal peaks. They hold eachother tightly. John doesnt remember how, but he suddenly realizes they are lying down in passionate embrace. Her leg wrapped around him. Her hand in his pants. John abruptly breaks the kiss. He pushes up from her.

"No, I cant do this." He stands and walks away from her.

"What is it John?" she asks in confusion. "Whats the matter?"

John turns to her. "I cant Jena. Im married."

Jena gives a soft giggle. "That didnt stop us before." She smiles.

"This is different Jena." He looks at her seriously. "I love her."


John and Jena sit on the couch in close proximity. They draw together in a kiss. She touches his chest. They deepen the kiss. John reaches and touches her breast, massaging it. She groans. She reaches between his legs and rubs him. John moans with pleasure and pushes her down, laying on top of her. They press against eachother in lustful passion.

"Ive seen enough." A disgusted voice speaks, observing Crichton with Chatto through a black and white transmission of their embrace. A hand reaches and turns off the display.

"You disapprove?" Scorpius asks in surprise. "Is this judgment based on your Peacekeeper training officer? Or on your judgment of the man?" Scorpius asks. "It is a healthy release of tensions through recreation. Surely you take part in its benefits yourself."

"Directorate whore." The voice continues. "He has been without his wife for what? 40 arns?"

"My feelings exactly. However, she serves a purpose. This distraction buys me precious time I need to separate him from his resources." Scorpius sighs. "His last escape, we were still within prowler range of Rashari. Crichton easily returned to the resistance base there. If not for my spies I may not have retrieved him."

"How could she lower herself to be with this alien?" The voice asks.

"You recognize that in him?" Scorpius asks.

"I have been reading the reports." The voice says tartly. "He is after all my assignment." There is anger in the tone.

"It is your affair if you wish to act on this judgment. However, in due course you will find yourself in a similar situation." Scorpius reminds. "Chatto intends to remove Crichton from our sphere of influence. Ready yourself to prevent her."

"You need not worry that this tralk will effect her plan." The voice says confidently. "When am I to meet this alien?"

"All arrangements have been made." Scorpius says in anticipation. "When you reach my Command Carrier I will position you. I suspect he will seek you out."

"Seek me? Why would he do that?"

"I know Crichton." Scorpius answers smugly. "I know his weaknesses."

"I will do my duty Scorpius."

"I anxiously await you arrival." Scorpius says and ends the transmission.

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