DarkSide III: The Visage of Evil

DarkSide III pg 7

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DarkSide III pg 3
DarkSide III pg 4
DarkSide III pg 5
DarkSide III pg 6
DarkSide III pg 7


Peace Talks

John wakes in a cell. D'Argo stands watch.

“You’ve killed them.” Johns sits on a cot hanging his head. “Do you understand D'Argo? If I have anything to live for, I left it back there. The Peacekeepers own them now.” D'Argo appears to be ignoring him. John gets up and goes to the bars, gripping them tightly. “If you don’t let me go back they’ll both die. Do you hear me D'Argo? I said, let me go!” He shouts, hitting the bars.

“Scorpius will return Jake to you. We have assurances from him that he will not harm your son.” D'Argo tells him calmly.

“And you believe Scorpius? Since when?” John says angrily. “And what about Aeryn? She’s probably in a cell right now! Or in interrogation.” He closes his eyes at the thought. “Please let me go back D'Argo. I was without her for so many years. I finally have her back.”

“Whatever has returned to you, cannot be the Aeryn you knew. She is a Peacekeeper.” D'Argo snarls.

"You're right, D'Argo. She's a Peacekeeper. Scorpius did something to her called Reconditioning. But she's still Aeryn." John swallows and turns from him. “I don’t think I care anymore.”

“You can’t be serious! She is just as likely to stab you in your sleep as, as... Hezmana Crichton! You’re thinking with your mivonks!” D'Argo grabs at the bars and growls. If the bars weren’t there he’d surely thrash Crichton to knock sense into him. “Pagar has already called Scorpius for the release of Jake. If you wish we can call for Aeryn Sun as well.”

“I already asked her. She said no.” John sighs. "She and I..."

“You have changed Crichton.” He snarls. "For your own protection, you will remain here!" Near rage, D'Argo turns sharply and leaves John caged.


Jake & Illian

Jeffery Crichton has taken the three-day Marauder journey to the elite training academy. He waits in the great hall between the landing pad and the facility. Large groups arrive and leave. Young people appearing his height and taller to perhaps 12 cycles arrive while teenagers leave. He sees no higher grade than Lieutenant, though he expects the facility is run by at least Captain’s grade.

Looking around he sees a young girl. She seems out of place because she is so small. Jake stands head and shoulders taller than her. He guesses she is about a cycle younger than his age, perhaps a bit younger. She stands with her small duffle, looking, perhaps frightened by the activity, wearing her institutional clothes. She occasionally puts her hand to her mouth or wrings her hands, fidgeting with her duffle cord.

Jake is somehow drawn to her. Jake picks up his duffle and walks to her. “Hi, I’m Jake Crichton.” he says and puts out his hand to shake hers.

She stands looking at him. Her inquisitive dark blue eyes sparkle at the sight of him. Reddish-brown wisps of hair curl around her ears from her battle braid. Hand near her mouth, she looks at Jake’s hand then his face. She gets a wrinkle between her eyebrows as she studies him. “I should be in uniform.” She says strongly, pointing at him. “If I am to be in the academy.”

“The graduates have uniforms. This is what I wore on the command carrier."

“Were you on a Command Carrier?” She says excitedly.

“Yes with my father.”

“I don’t know who my father was. But I know my mother’s name!” She smiles. “Aeryn Sun!”

“That’s my mother’s name. It can’t be... she’s dead.” Jake says, surprised.

The girl frowns and looks at the deck.

“Not the same person, I mean.” Jake says seeing his new friend’s feelings are hurt. “What’s your name?” he asks her.

“Illian Sun.” she says timidly. “They advanced me from my group because of my scores. I had 13,000 kills!” she smiles.

“I got 28,000.” Jake again offers her his hand.

Illian makes an, ‘Oh!’ shape with her mouth as her hand goes to her cheek. She reaches, takes Jake’s hand and holds on to it as she smiles.

“My name is Jake. My father’s name is John Crichton.”

She stands close to him and looks up into his face then to their hands.


Crichtons Hard Writer
(5/11/01 6:15 am)
Reply | Edit | Del  New Post Re: Dark Side III: Aeryn Works Out OOC: Ty so much for my new sig Rit!

(((((((CG))))))) Something is quirky. Took 4 hours to post this.


Footsteps, voices coming! Commander Aeryn Sun ducks into a darkened corridor to avoid detection. Her hand brushes against metal the metal of a prison cell bar. The Prison section; Cells for war prisoners. Aeryn takes a chance and looks for her comrades. All cells are empty but one. A man lay on the cell cot, his arm over his face. Sebacean, Peacekeeper uniform pants and Civilian clothes? Aeryn has a glimmer of recognition.

“Crichton!” she says in realization. “Is this what you call freedom?” she asks sarcastically.

John peeks out from under his arm at the sound of her voice. He looks at her questioning. “Aeryn? Aeryn!” He sits up and rubs his eye then smiles. “You came!” He walks to the bars and looks longingly at her. “Yeah, D'Argo thinks he’s doin’ me a favor by keeping me in here.” John reaches through the bars and touches Aeryn's arm.

Aeryn looks at his hand then backs away from the bars. “Stand back.” Aeryn aims her weapon at the lock and fires. There is a loud “Thunk!” as something hits it. The lock is not affected but for a smoldering hole. John backs away and looks at it curiously. Suddenly there is an explosion! The lock flies apart in fiery glory!

“AAAaaaaa!” John screams, throwing himself against the bulkhead, he covers his face from the blast. Shrapnel flies everywhere. A piece hits very near his face, buckling the plate! When the explosion settles John peeks cautiously from his arm. “What the hell was that?”

“Special projectile pellet. For fighting Scarrans, it explodes after penetration. The ammunition must be old. Shouldn’t have delayed like that.”

“Sure gets the job done!” John says as he cautiously squeaks past the still smoldering lock to exit the cell. "Fine, let's go see Pagar."

Aeryn stands at ease watching Crichton. As he turns to face her John takes a step toward her. Aeryn steps back and brings her weapon to bear, leveling it at Crichton's stomach.

"No Crichton, you're coming back with me." Aeryn says, eyes locked with his.

John stands for a moment staring at her eyes then sees that she is serious. He slowly raises his arms in surrender.


Jake & Illian

Room assignments are made. Jake and Illian are assigned to bunk with 48 others. Even the slight titter of the recruits make an almost deafening noise in the bunkroom. Jake notices he is the only recruit wearing a uniform. The others all wear their institutional clothing.

Jake and Illian stash their gear and go exploring, well maybe just to get away from the noise. “The Command Carrier only got that loud when we went on alert.” Jake comments.

“My group was always loud until nurse or the commander came. Then we had to be very quiet.” Illian shudders. She reaches and takes Jake’s hand.

They walk through the grand hall and head toward the landing pad to look at the different craft. “There is my transport.” Illian points.

“I came on a marauder. I think that is it.” Jakes says. “But my favorite way to travel is by Scarran Attack Craft!” he tells her.

“What is that? Scarrin?” Illian asks.

“It's smaller than a prowler so I can fly it and it has awesome firepower! But the coolest thing about it is? It has stealth!” Jake tells her.

“What is steth?” Illian attention peeks.

“Stealth is where you flip a switch on the console and no one can see you! You are invisible and can blow the crap outta anyone! I used one against a marauder once and there was smoke pourin’ out of it. It had to limp back into space!” Jake tells her.

Illian gasps. Her mouth drops. Her eyes get big. She smiles and giggles. “I want one!” She squeals as Jake backs up and holds his ears grinning.


Aeryn Works Out

“What are you doing?” John scowls.

“If I do not return you to Scorpius, I will lose my life.”

“Seems to me, you already have.” John swallows. “Don’t you remember anything? Our life we had? Please, you’ve got to try. We have a chance here, Aeryn. Pagar may be able to free Jake, if we only stay here.” He begs.

“You live in a dream Crichton.” Aeryn shakes her head with a twisted grin. “Scorpius will not rest until he has you working on his top-secret project.” She shifts her weight to better grip the weapon. “He is convinced that you can save the future of the Peacekeepers. And I already told you-” She reasserts her weapon toward him. “-I will not go with you! Now move!” she orders.

“You are more than this Aeryn.” John pleads. “More than a soldier for Scorpius.”

“You’re right Crichton. I am more.” She raises an eyebrow and states with pride. “I am Special Ops Peacekeeper Commando.” She sneers.

John gasps at her admission. "All right." He swallows and slowly turns his back to her. He takes a step then suddenly pivots and hits her in the face!

“Uh!” Sun goes down! John takes the pellet rifle from her. Aeryn grabs his legs and pulls. “Hey!” Crichton falls on her. Quickly Aeryn hits him in the face, “Uh.” stunning him and pushes him off. “Aa!” She stands and quickly cuffs him.

“Try that one again and you’ll die for it.” Sun says coldly, shoving the pellet rifle into his neck.

John lies stunned, he tries to catch his breath. He shifts away from the rifle barrel, lifting himself up on his elbow. He gasps and looks up at her.

“Go with her John.” Harvey pipes in, kneeling at Crichton’s level, eyeing the pellet rifle. “Returning to Scorpius is better than death at the hands of your… wife.” Harvey stands and begins to pace around the star crossed couple.

John touches his lip and sees his blood on his hand. “I thought Scorpius had a standing order. You have to return me alive for me to finish his top secret project.”

“Humph.” Aeryn smirks. “Scorpius only told me that I would be the first to die if you did not return. He didn't specify you had to be alive Crichton.”

“Please Aeryn. Don’t do this.” John looks up at her, the rifle barrel in his face. “You are his hostage, can’t you see that?”

“If Scorpius orders my death it will only be for my failure of this mission.” She utters staunchly.

“Mission?” John suddenly understands. Aeryn is a Hard-line Peacekeeper, Commando. His heart sinks. “D’Argo was right,” he mutters. John closes his eyes to his pain and shakes his head. “This can’t be happening.”

Harvey examines the melted cell lock. “This is no time for your piteous denial, John. She intends to kill you! You cannot allow that. You have to act!” Harvey sucks in a breath and puts his face next to Johns. “Remember John, killing her is a viable alternative. After all, she is a Peacekeeper now, hmmm? A heartless killer.” Harvey stands and paces to her. “As D'Argo said. You cannot remain loyal to her… now.”

Sun reaches down and grabs John by the lapel. “Now get up Commander!” She grunts as she pulls John to his feet. “And get moving!” She shoves him toward the passageway.

John stumbles then walks toward the passageway. As he walks he begins to chuckle, gradually moving into a mad laugh.

“Keep silent Crichton!” Sun snaps at him. “You’ll give away our position!” she looks quickly around the corner, checking.

“Do you know why I was locked in a cell, Commander?” John chuckles.

“Keep your voice down or I will carry you out of here.” Sun grabs the front of John’s coat and slams him against the bulkhead, pinning him.

John’s head bounces against the bulkhead. “Ow! Watch it!”

Sun holds him there, staring at his eyes with fire, her pellet rifle at his throat.

She is close now, her breath on him. Looking at her eyes, at her, John sighs. For a lost moment his mind is fixed on her. Those luscious lips that sweet neck.. He thinks dreamily then snaps back to reality. Now belong to a vicious enemy.

“The reason D'Argo locked me up is because..” John gasps and breaks into laughter. “He locked me up because..” He laughs. “I wanted to go back to you!” he guffaws, tears filling his eyes. “What a stupid fool I was!” he laughs.

Sun suddenly backs away and looks at Crichton as though her feelings are hurt. Gradually as Crichton laughs Aeryn's hurt turns to anger. Her eyes narrow. She swings her fist and hits Crichton with a pantac jab, knocking him out against the bulkhead. John’s eyes roll up into his head as he slides down the wall.

Commander Sun kneels and hoists Crichton up over her shoulder. She walks to the corner and again peers to see if it is clear. She carries Crichton cautiously but directly to the nearest landing bay and Loads him into a Scarran attack craft. Aeryn blasts out of the bay, stealth on full she flies back to the Command Carrier.


Jake & Illian

Jake and Illian walk back through the grand hall to the cadet’s mess. Illian holds onto Jake’s hand as they find their way. They get their trays. Food cubes, a liquid refreshment and portion of fruit. They sit at a crowded table with other new recruits. Some of the older cadets eye Jake and his custom uniform and nudge each other.

“How do you rate a uniform your first day cadet?” one of them says, ribbing him. “They should strip it from you before you're mistaken for a lieutenant!”

“We shouldn’t wait for command!” another cadet says. “They are obviously already confused or they wouldn’t have let him in, in the first place! We should pull it off him now, before he starts giving the orders!”

Jake sits ignoring them and keeps eating. Illian is nervous. Especially since the other cadets are so much bigger than they are.

“I asked you cadet…” the first one asks him again, “how do you rate?” he stands over Jake’s shoulder threateningly.

Jake continues eating slowly, allowing the older cadet to appear the fool. Jake readies himself. The older cadet moves to strike him from behind. Jake takes his tray and spins, thrusting it into the boys stomach, making him double over and spilling Jake’s refreshment over the boys clothes. Jake and Illian jump down and run away quickly. Illian looks back as they round the corner, she giggles at the sight of the older boy's condition.

Once they return to the bunkroom, Jake asks. “Did you get enough to eat Lian?”

“I was too afraid of them to eat, Jake.” She blinks at him.

Jake smiles and pulls his piece of fruit out of his jacket. “Here, have mine.” He says.

“Oh, thank you Jake.” She smiles as she takes the fruit.

“Yer welcome Lian.” He says as he pulls a food cube from his pocket and munches it, smiling.


Jake & Illian


Pocketing the remainder of his foodcube, Jake jerked himself into a stiff standing position, as the voice of Sergeant Cameron Medina disturbed their peace. From the corner of his eye, he notices Illian is moving sluggishly. "Lian, hurry."

"You will remain silent Cadet!" The officer stood immediately before Jake and Illian. "Eyes front!"

"Why are you in quarters before the assigned sleep cycle?"

Illian's eyelids subconsciously darted toward the floor, as she twirled a loose strand of her hair around her finger.

"Look at me when I am speaking to you Cadet....Cadet Sun!"

"I...we were..." Illian tried to find her voice, as her half eaten fruit rolled onto the floor.

"Speak up!" Bellowing, the officer's eyes followed the tumbling piece of fruit. "Better yet, give me one hundred push ups. Now! Food is never to be brought into or eaten in quarters."

As Illian folded herself into position, the officer focused her attention onto Jake. "So you're the little snit that's everyone's been talking about." Yanking the ensignia of Scorpius command carrier from Jake's shoulder, the officer began to pull buttons from the tunic as well. "You haven't earned these yet." With a snarl, she stooped down to Jake's face. "Everyone starts at the bottom here."

His blue eyes burning at a low simmer, Jake maintained his composure. "Yes Sergeant Medina!"


Jake & Illian

“Scorpius sent me here to learn, not to be bullied!” Jake says to the Sergeant sternly, his ice blue eyes cutting through the fat. “I demand to see the Commandant!”

“That’s it! Drop and give me 100!” Sergeant Medina orders, reaching to grab him.

“No!” Jake backs away. “Lian and I have the best scores in this facility! I will contact Scorpius and tell him of our mistreatment! You don’t deserve to have us here.” He narrows his eyes at her.

“Why you…!” she grabs for him again.

“Gotta be faster than that!” Jake yells as he runs out and through the Grand Hall toward the Commandant’s building.

Jake runs right in and past the Lieutenant’s desk. “Stop Cadet!”

Jake bursts in on the Commandant ‘talking’ to one of the young female graduates. The female graduate hurriedly straightens herself and runs out of his office. The Commandant shifts and stands behind his desk.

“Commander, sir!” Jake jumps to attention.

Sergeant Medina runs in after him, stopping suddenly at the sight of her Commandant. “Commander Taggert, sir!”

“Sergeant Medina! What is the meaning of this?” Taggert throats.

“Cadet Crichton, sir. Was caught in the bunk room…” She begins.

“Jeffery Crichton?” He looks at Jake.

“Yes sir.” Jake answers.

“I will remove him sir.” Sergeant Medina says breathlessly, grabbing at Jake.

Jake runs from her to the Commandant’s side.

“Sergeant Medina!” Taggert snaps. “Scorpius has put his nephew into my care! Who has mauled him?”

“Well sir I, I…” Medina stutters.

“See that it doesn’t happen again!” Taggert blusters. “Assign a detachment to be certain of it!”

“Sir?” Jake stands awaiting Taggert’s attention. “There is the matter of Lian Sun.”


Commander Aeryn

Sun Commander Sun pilots the Scarran Attack Craft towards Scorpius’ Command Carrier. She opens the Comms “Communication for Scorpius.” She says.

“Officer Sun!” the deck officer says in surprise. “What are you doing on this Scarran frequency?”

Sun sighs and changes the frequency to regular battle Comms. “Is this better?" She asks, annoyed with him. "Now, give me Scorpius!”

Scorpius rests in his cabin. He gets a Comm. on his head. “What is it? Has the child arrived?” he says sitting up.

“No sir.” The deck officer says and patches Sun in.

“Scorpius, this is Commander Aeryn Sun.”

“Blast it Sun! What are you playing at? Clear this frequency. I am awaiting a very important communication!”

“More important than owning Crichton?” she asks simply.

“Crichton?” Scorpius growls. “Where?”

“In the prowler bay. I’ll be awaiting your apology.” Sun says and closes Comms.


“Pagar!” the helmsman hits the alert. “One of our craft is approaching the Peacekeeper Carrier! It appears as though it is going to dock! Shall I dispatch a squad to destroy it?”

“No!” D'Argo looks at the scan. “Lord Crichton may be aboard.”

“Lord Crichton?” Pagar asks in surprise.

“Which bay did it leave?” D'Argo asks.

“Tet 5.” The Helmsman reports.

“Port side, run the playback.” D'Argo orders.

“Running on forward screen sir. Last activity was from 400 Microts.” Helmsman answers.

The playback is run showing Commander Sun carrying Lord Crichton into the bay and loading him into an attack craft.

“He is aboard it. Hold your fire from the attack craft. Charge main cannon to fire on the Command Carrier.” Pagar snarls. “We must demand his return.”

D'Argo hits Comms. “Aeryn! Return Crichton now!”

“No. He told me what you did.” She answers confidently. “You captured him and held him against his will.”

D'Argo screams. “Aaaaaag!” and hits the Comms.

“Is this true?” Pagar looks at D'Argo for an answer.

“He is not my Lord, Pagar. He is my friend.” D'Argo answers sternly. “Now are you going to demand his return from Scorpius or not!”


Jake and Lian
 It is the dead of night. The cadets lie sleeping. The marauder captain and lieutenant walk briskly to the academy’s command bunker. The remaining commandos wait by the marauder.

The captain and lieutenant emerge, marching double-time with Commander Taggert. They enter the cadet’s bunker, into Jake and Illian’s bunkroom. “This is the one.” Commander Taggert walks to Jake's bunk and stands over him.

“Captain!” the lieutenant says with surprise looking at Illian. “Isn’t this the other one we transported before? Why don’t we take her now? Then we won’t have to double back for her.”

“No lieutenant.” the captain answers. “In the Peacekeepers we follow orders. No reason to displace her just because we ‘think’ command will want her too." he turns and looks at Jake. "Now bring him.”

The lieutenant rounds the bed and lifts Jake out of his slumber.

“Is this his locker?” the captain asks.

Commander Taggert opens the locker and checks the contents. “Yes sir.”

“Bring all of it.” The Marauder Captain orders. “He won’t be coming back here.”

Illian listens quietly. She cries into her pillow.


Commander Aeryn

Sun Commander Sun glides the Scarran Attack Craft gracefully into Scorpius’ Command Carrier prowler bay and waits for repressurization. Shortly thereafter Scorpius enters. She opens her canopy and allows Scorpius to peer in at Crichton.

“Good work Sun. I take back what I said Commander. You take your duty very seriously.” Scorpius says contrite then smiles.

“However,” Sun looks at Scorpius, “your plan for him to remain for his… love. I may have spoiled it.” She looks down at her hands as she removes her gloves. “I had to take him by force.” She looks at Scorpius’ eyes.

“Not to worry Commander. Remember, it is only one event. And one event can easily be extracted.” Scorpius smiles.

“Are you sure that will be necessary sir? After all, you still don’t know how Reconditioning will effect him.”

“He knows you’re Special Ops identity Commander?”

“Yes sir. But I…”

“Then we have little choice.”

“Please sir, I am concerned, what this may do to the human.”

Scorpius looks sternly at her. “When he wakes Commander, Crichton will remember it is you who brought him back.” He sucks in a breath. “For my plan to work he must not know your true identity.”

“I think we can resolve that Sir.”

“I… do not.” Scorpius says sharply and motions to the guard to take Crichton.

“Sir,” Sun exits the Scarran Attack Craft suddenly and stands in the way of the guard. “I think this is a mistake.” She stands firm, glancing at the guards then staring at Scorpius for an answer.

“I am your commanding officer, Sun. I will make the decision that is best… for all concerned.” Scorpius eyes her.

Scorpius again motions to the guard. The guards circle around Sun. Bumping her; they pull Crichton from the Scarran craft. Sun steps to the side and watches as they take Crichton away, he is still unconscious from the hit she gave him on the Scarran vessel.

“Thank you again Commander Sun, for returning him to me.” Scorpius says and turns following behind the guards as they take Crichton to Reconditioning.

Sun stands, dumbstruck at what she’s done.


Memories Lost

Outside of Scorpius’ Command Carrier the battle rages. Again the smaller, slower invisible Attack Craft get the better of the faster prowler squadron. The prowler pilots are flying and firing blind.

Commander Sun knows she must join her squad in defense of the Command Carrier. She stands outside the hall of Aurora Chair as Crichton is Reconditioned, unwilling to be part of this monstrous act; she still wants to be near Crichton as he undergoes the transformation. The some of his parts are being diminished. She closes her eyes at his screams. She wants to run in and stop Scorpius! Crichton’s knowledge of my Command status won’t change anything. He is becoming as I am, hollow of memory. Void of a past. She breathes erratically, angrily as she waits.

The Scarran cannons continue to pelt the Command Carrier. If the Scarrans succeed, he will be free. But a well-placed shot to the hull could just as easily kill him. Sun knows she must report for Prowler detail. Realization that she may die in battle drives Sun to open the door to the hall and take one last look at Crichton. The chair turns. Crichton seems strangely calm as he sees his memories lost.

Scorpius catches sight of Sun. “Commander! Welcome! I thought you had returned to your squad. Good, come in.”

Commander Sun shivers. “I just wanted to see that he was alright.” She climbs the scaffolding timidly.

“Hi Aeryn.” John looks at her, his face drenched with sweat and his own tears.

Sun looks at him. She knows she is only delaying the inevitable.

Crichton’s fear can be seen. Still he speaks fearlessly. “Thanks for droppin’ by. Came to see your handy work Commander?”

Sun looks at Scorpius. “Will he remember this?”

“No.” Scorpius looks, studying Sun as she stands near Crichton.

“Then, may I speak to him before I join the battle.” She asks softly.

“Certainly, Commander.” Scorpius turns and descends the scaffolding. Waving to the tech to join him, he leaves the hall.

“What do you want Aeryn?” John’s voice cracks.

Sun swallows, fidgeting with her hands. “I wanted to tell you I’m sorry Crichton. I…”

“You have got to be kidding!”

“I must join the battle.”

“Then what are you doing wasting your time here?”

“This is who I am. Who I have to be.”

“You’ve said what you have to say.” John swallows and gasps a breath. “Just go.” He closes his eyes. His tears blend with those already tracked on his face.

Sun is taken aback. “Alright then Crichton.” Her eyes are locked on him. “Goodbye.” she turns slowly and descends the scaffolding.

As Aeryn descends the stairs, John can feel his heart crack. Such pain travels through him as she leaves him. He tries to catch his breath. Finally he breathes in a sharp gasp and screams. “Scorpius!”

Closing the door, Sun leans against it, her heart is racing, she tries to catch her breath.

Scorpius enters the Hall of the Aurora Chair speaking on his personal Comms. “I will be there in as soon as I am finished with Crichton! Do your duty Braca!” Scorpius growls angrily. “Get the defense shield back up!”

Nurse enters with the tech and takes her position at the Aurora chair console. She powers up the chair. It turns. Scorpius climbs the scaffolding to John. “I only wish you could remember this one thought, John. Aeryn Sun cares about what happens to you here.”

Crichton yells echo through the hall. “Just get it over with!”

Scorpius raises his arm to begin Crichton’s treatment. John screams as the pulse fires through his brain. The screen plays his memory of Commander Aeryn Sun, of his escape from Pagar’s cell. His thoughts of Aeryn, his feelings of hope slip from his mind along with his fear.

Commander Sun hears Crichton’s screams. Her breath catches in her throat. She sprints, running the long distance to the prowler bay. Wiping her face, she suits up and climbs the side of her prowler.


Commander Aeryn Sun

Commander Sun suddenly stops on the side of her Prowler and climbs back down. She runs to the Scarran Attack Craft and slips into the cockpit. Checking the frequency, she opens Comms.

“Officer Shard!” She Comms her squad leader as the outer bay doors open. “Signal me when your squad nears the Command Carrier.”

“Frell Sun! You’re late!” Shard responds. “Get your Emma out here!”

“I have a way to spot the Scarran’s fighters.” Sun says. “I must be at the lead. Drop your speed as you pass!”

‘Cadet school maneuvers.’ Nhylar Shard is in no mood. “Are you insane, Sun? We need attack speed!”

“No, you don’t. You need to locate them. They are slow and clumsy.” Sun reports.

“What?” Nhylar says in shock. “I am your Commanding Officer, Sun.”

“With all due respect Officer Shard. I am Commander Aeryn Sun, Pleisar’s Special Ops. Now as you pass the Carrier, follow me.”

Nhylar doesn’t hesitate. “Yes sir, Commander. We are on approach now. Dropping speed by one third. Will that be adequate Commander?”

“We’ll see, Shard.” Sun says as she blasts out of the bay. She abstains from using stealth.

Shard and her squad gasp at the site of a Scarran Attack Craft emerging from the Command Carrier ahead of them.

“Take your orders from Commander Sun!” Shard orders her Officers.


A Med tech places the injector to Crichton’s neck and gives a shot. Crichton slumps and lies lifeless. The guards remove him from the Aurora Chair. Scorpius watches as they carry Crichton from the hall.

Scorpius listens to the battle chatter and hears Officer Shard refer to ‘Commander Sun’! He catches his breath. “Sun!” he growls.

“Do you wish me to recall her, sir?” Braca offers.

“No lieutenant. Without the fleet, what other choice do we have?” Scorpius walks pensively to command allowing Sun to run her gambit.


Battles Lost

“On my starboard wing Shard! Fan out in single wing formation!” Sun orders. “Fly Pattern Decca Officers. ‘Just as in practice maneuvers.’ Adjust your pulse gun ports down. The Scarrans run their maneuvers parallel to the Transport Carrier’s port vector. We fire as we pass over them. ‘We have to make the first hit count. They will scatter after this.’ Follow my lead!” Sun goes at top speed for her craft. The prowlers stay behind her in wing formation as they approach the Scarran Transport Carrier. “Fire! All weapons now!” Sun orders.

Gun ports down, the prowler’s pulse blasts impact on the unseen enemy. The prowlers continue to fire as they pass over the Scarran Troop Carrier’s port side.

“Break attack! Top speed to one-quarter distance! Reform for another pass!” Sun orders.

Quickly the prowlers are in position. Sun’s Attack Craft cannot keep up. She falls behind. “Fire! All weapons fire! Continue until clear of the carrier’s port!”

Already the Scarrans are breaking formation to go after the Commander Sun’s rogue Attack Craft. Soon three squads are on Commander Sun’s tail. She continually maneuvers to avoid their fire. Knowing their tactical Intel isn’t enough to save Commander Sun from the heavy firepower directed at her. She is being pounded.

“Officer Shard.” Shard hears Scorpius over Comms. The last time she heard his voice over her Comms, Shard was on a suicide mission chasing Lt. Commander Crichton.

Shard shivers. “Yes Sir!” she acknowledges.

“After you finish your current pass over the Scarran Transport vessel, have your squad assist Commander Sun. She is aft of your current position. Vector 9 degrees.” Scorpius closes Comms. and turns to Braca. “Estimated time of arrival for the fleet, Lieutenant?”

“Not within gun port range yet sir! Approaching fast from 200 metras Sir.” Braca says excitedly watching the tactical. “Any Microt sir!”

“Good. I would hate to lose Sun and still lose the battle.” He sighs. ‘ There is a pattern for Crichton’s attraction to her. Sun and Chiana. Cut from the same cloth. Dora Lee… what a loss! You would have made me proud.’

“Hull breach!” Commander Sun yells over Comms. “Cabin pressure is down by half!” She reports. “Loss of shield, maneuverability….” Her transmission fades.

“Shard!” Scorpius yells. “Retrieve Sun immediately!”

‘ You never ask for much do you…’ “Yes sir!” Shard responds.

The remainder of Officer Nhylar Shard’s squad thunders to Commander Sun’s position firing full at clear space, hoping to hit something. Avoiding Sun’s disabled craft.


 John Crichton walks through the dark eerie mist. “Oh no. I know where this is headed.”

“Hello John.” Harvey paces sprightly up behind him and slaps his hand onto John’s shoulder.

“I told you, no more nightmares!”

“No, not this time.” Harvey sucks in a breath. “I have decided to do an experiment John. I want to see Chiana. I want to see her as your wife. I want to see and feel her in that one position where she has her leg over your shoulder.”

“You sick twisted voyeur bastard, emphasis on sick and twisted.”

“Were you or were you not married to her?”

“What? Married to her? Are you developing deep psyche psychosis Harvey?”

“Oddly... not." Harvey paces, circling John. "Your memories have been selectively erased. I on the other hand remember, but I don’t have the ability to remember with the color and vibrancy that you do John. I want to hear her lovely screams as she climaxes! I want to feel her skin again!” He clasps his curled fingers to his chest in ecstasy.

The mansion bed appears ahead of John. Chiana lies under the sheet, sleeping. John looks down on her.

“You are sick.”

“Don’t you?”


“Want to remember her John?”

“What is there to remember?”

“You were married, made love to her, let’s see... 37 times...”

“Who’s head have you been in Harvey? We had sex, sure, but married?”

“Yes John. Married.” Harvey begins to pace, frustrated. “She wore your Scarran ring, sealing your vow to love her forsaking all others. You have, rather had a beautiful baby daughter that you named Dora Lee for this extraordinary beauty you knew in High School.”

“I’m not listening to this Harvey." John says sing songy and throws his hands in the air. "When I wake up I’ll ask Scorpy to scoop you out for once and for all.” He turns and begins to walk away.

“Please John. For me, for old times sake.” Harvey contritely pleads. “I taught you how to fight the Scarrans, how to defeat Scorpius’ suit!” he raises his hand after John as he walks away, “And how about all the other times I whispered advice, thus saving your life?"

John continues to walk away.

"You need me John!” Harvey shouts after him, “Just as I need you!”


Double Take

It is the dead of night planetside. “Wake up Crichton.” The lieutenant wakes Jake and sees his jacket is ripped.

Jake recognizes that he is inside of a marauder. He looks up at the lieutenant. “Where are we going Lt.?”

“There.” The Lt. opens his locker and slips his jacket over Jake’s shoulders.

“Where are we?”

“All you need to know is you’ll be joining your father soon.”

“My dad is here?”

“Let’s go see.” The Lt. walks from quarters with Jake in tow.

The marauder lands in the Gammak base port. Its captain and lieutenant disembark. Jake walks between them wearing the lieutenant’s spare jacket. They enter the base in the underground. Jake can see where they are is at least 100 X the size of the Secret Resistance base on Rashari where he lived with mom and dad on Mokan’s trade vessel. Peacekeeper banners flutter in the artificial breeze churning through the circulation ducts.

Jake looks up at the marauder captain. “Please captain after I see my dad, take me back to Elite training, I’m worried about Lian!”

“We left a detachment to watch her.” the captain looks down at him. “We have to hold you here, for your father.”

“Why sir? Is my father in trouble?” Jake asks.

“My orders are to hold you here for your father. I can’t tell you anymore than that.” The Captain answers.


Continue the adventures of Arcane Cavine in Double Take
Follow The Darkside of John Crichton into DarkSide IV