Jake & Illian
Pocketing the remainder of his foodcube, Jake jerked himself into a stiff standing position, as the voice of Sergeant Cameron
Medina disturbed their peace. From the corner of his eye, he notices Illian is moving sluggishly. "Lian, hurry."
"You will remain silent Cadet!" The officer stood immediately before Jake and Illian. "Eyes front!"
"Why are you in quarters before the assigned sleep cycle?"
Illian's eyelids subconsciously darted toward the floor, as she twirled a loose strand of her hair around her finger.
"Look at me when I am speaking to you Cadet....Cadet Sun!"
"I...we were..." Illian tried to find her voice, as her half eaten fruit rolled onto the floor.
"Speak up!" Bellowing, the officer's eyes followed the tumbling piece of fruit. "Better yet, give me one hundred push ups.
Now! Food is never to be brought into or eaten in quarters."
As Illian folded herself into position, the officer focused her attention onto Jake. "So you're the little snit that's
everyone's been talking about." Yanking the ensignia of Scorpius command carrier from Jake's shoulder, the officer began to
pull buttons from the tunic as well. "You haven't earned these yet." With a snarl, she stooped down to Jake's face. "Everyone
starts at the bottom here."
His blue eyes burning at a low simmer, Jake maintained his composure. "Yes Sergeant Medina!"
Jake & Illian
“Scorpius sent me here to learn, not to be bullied!” Jake says to the Sergeant sternly, his ice blue eyes cutting
through the fat. “I demand to see the Commandant!”
“That’s it! Drop and give me 100!” Sergeant Medina orders, reaching to grab him.
“No!” Jake backs away. “Lian and I have the best scores in this facility! I will contact Scorpius and
tell him of our mistreatment! You don’t deserve to have us here.” He narrows his eyes at her.
“Why you…!” she grabs for him again.
“Gotta be faster than that!” Jake yells as he runs out and through the Grand Hall toward the Commandant’s
Jake runs right in and past the Lieutenant’s desk. “Stop Cadet!”
Jake bursts in on the Commandant ‘talking’ to one of the young female graduates. The female graduate hurriedly
straightens herself and runs out of his office. The Commandant shifts and stands behind his desk.
“Commander, sir!” Jake jumps to attention.
Sergeant Medina runs in after him, stopping suddenly at the sight of her Commandant. “Commander Taggert, sir!”
“Sergeant Medina! What is the meaning of this?” Taggert throats.
“Cadet Crichton, sir. Was caught in the bunk room…” She begins.
“Jeffery Crichton?” He looks at Jake.
“Yes sir.” Jake answers.
“I will remove him sir.” Sergeant Medina says breathlessly, grabbing at Jake.
Jake runs from her to the Commandant’s side.
“Sergeant Medina!” Taggert snaps. “Scorpius has put his nephew into my care! Who has mauled him?”
“Well sir I, I…” Medina stutters.
“See that it doesn’t happen again!” Taggert blusters. “Assign a detachment to be certain of it!”
“Sir?” Jake stands awaiting Taggert’s attention. “There is the matter of Lian Sun.”
Commander Aeryn
Sun Commander Sun pilots the Scarran Attack Craft towards Scorpius’ Command Carrier. She opens the Comms “Communication
for Scorpius.” She says.
“Officer Sun!” the deck officer says in surprise. “What are you doing on this Scarran frequency?”
Sun sighs and changes the frequency to regular battle Comms. “Is this better?" She asks, annoyed with him. "Now,
give me Scorpius!”
Scorpius rests in his cabin. He gets a Comm. on his head. “What is it? Has the child arrived?” he says sitting
“No sir.” The deck officer says and patches Sun in.
“Scorpius, this is Commander Aeryn Sun.”
“Blast it Sun! What are you playing at? Clear this frequency. I am awaiting a very important communication!”
“More important than owning Crichton?” she asks simply.
“Crichton?” Scorpius growls. “Where?”
“In the prowler bay. I’ll be awaiting your apology.” Sun says and closes Comms.
“Pagar!” the helmsman hits the alert. “One of our craft is approaching the Peacekeeper Carrier! It appears
as though it is going to dock! Shall I dispatch a squad to destroy it?”
“No!” D'Argo looks at the scan. “Lord Crichton may be aboard.”
“Lord Crichton?” Pagar asks in surprise.
“Which bay did it leave?” D'Argo asks.
“Tet 5.” The Helmsman reports.
“Port side, run the playback.” D'Argo orders.
“Running on forward screen sir. Last activity was from 400 Microts.” Helmsman answers.
The playback is run showing Commander Sun carrying Lord Crichton into the bay and loading him into an attack craft.
“He is aboard it. Hold your fire from the attack craft. Charge main cannon to fire on the Command Carrier.”
Pagar snarls. “We must demand his return.”
D'Argo hits Comms. “Aeryn! Return Crichton now!”
“No. He told me what you did.” She answers confidently. “You captured him and held him against his will.”
D'Argo screams. “Aaaaaag!” and hits the Comms.
“Is this true?” Pagar looks at D'Argo for an answer.
“He is not my Lord, Pagar. He is my friend.” D'Argo answers sternly. “Now are you going to demand his
return from Scorpius or not!”
Jake and Lian
It is the dead of night. The cadets lie sleeping. The marauder captain
and lieutenant walk briskly to the academy’s command bunker. The remaining commandos wait by the marauder.
The captain and lieutenant emerge, marching double-time with Commander Taggert. They enter the cadet’s bunker, into
Jake and Illian’s bunkroom. “This is the one.” Commander Taggert walks to Jake's bunk and stands over him.
“Captain!” the lieutenant says with surprise looking at Illian. “Isn’t this the other one we transported
before? Why don’t we take her now? Then we won’t have to double back for her.”
“No lieutenant.” the captain answers. “In the Peacekeepers we follow orders. No reason to displace her
just because we ‘think’ command will want her too." he turns and looks at Jake. "Now bring him.”
The lieutenant rounds the bed and lifts Jake out of his slumber.
“Is this his locker?” the captain asks.
Commander Taggert opens the locker and checks the contents. “Yes sir.”
“Bring all of it.” The Marauder Captain orders. “He won’t be coming back here.”
Illian listens quietly. She cries into her pillow.
Commander Aeryn
Sun Commander Sun glides the Scarran Attack Craft gracefully into Scorpius’ Command Carrier prowler bay and waits
for repressurization. Shortly thereafter Scorpius enters. She opens her canopy and allows Scorpius to peer in at Crichton.
“Good work Sun. I take back what I said Commander. You take your duty very seriously.” Scorpius says contrite
then smiles.
“However,” Sun looks at Scorpius, “your plan for him to remain for his… love. I may have spoiled
it.” She looks down at her hands as she removes her gloves. “I had to take him by force.” She looks at Scorpius’
“Not to worry Commander. Remember, it is only one event. And one event can easily be extracted.” Scorpius smiles.
“Are you sure that will be necessary sir? After all, you still don’t know how Reconditioning will effect him.”
“He knows you’re Special Ops identity Commander?”
“Yes sir. But I…”
“Then we have little choice.”
“Please sir, I am concerned, what this may do to the human.”
Scorpius looks sternly at her. “When he wakes Commander, Crichton will remember it is you who brought him back.”
He sucks in a breath. “For my plan to work he must not know your true identity.”
“I think we can resolve that Sir.”
“I… do not.” Scorpius says sharply and motions to the guard to take Crichton.
“Sir,” Sun exits the Scarran Attack Craft suddenly and stands in the way of the guard. “I think this
is a mistake.” She stands firm, glancing at the guards then staring at Scorpius for an answer.
“I am your commanding officer, Sun. I will make the decision that is best… for all concerned.” Scorpius
eyes her.
Scorpius again motions to the guard. The guards circle around Sun. Bumping her; they pull Crichton from the Scarran craft.
Sun steps to the side and watches as they take Crichton away, he is still unconscious from the hit she gave him on the Scarran
“Thank you again Commander Sun, for returning him to me.” Scorpius says and turns following behind the guards
as they take Crichton to Reconditioning.
Sun stands, dumbstruck at what she’s done.
Memories Lost
Outside of Scorpius’ Command Carrier the battle rages. Again the smaller, slower invisible Attack Craft get the better
of the faster prowler squadron. The prowler pilots are flying and firing blind.
Commander Sun knows she must join her squad in defense of the Command Carrier. She stands outside the hall of Aurora Chair
as Crichton is Reconditioned, unwilling to be part of this monstrous act; she still wants to be near Crichton as he undergoes
the transformation. The some of his parts are being diminished. She closes her eyes at his screams. She wants to run in and
stop Scorpius! Crichton’s knowledge of my Command status won’t change anything. He is becoming as I am, hollow
of memory. Void of a past. She breathes erratically, angrily as she waits.
The Scarran cannons continue to pelt the Command Carrier. If the Scarrans succeed, he will be free. But a well-placed shot
to the hull could just as easily kill him. Sun knows she must report for Prowler detail. Realization that she may die in battle
drives Sun to open the door to the hall and take one last look at Crichton. The chair turns. Crichton seems strangely calm
as he sees his memories lost.
Scorpius catches sight of Sun. “Commander! Welcome! I thought you had returned to your squad. Good, come in.”
Commander Sun shivers. “I just wanted to see that he was alright.” She climbs the scaffolding timidly.
“Hi Aeryn.” John looks at her, his face drenched with sweat and his own tears.
Sun looks at him. She knows she is only delaying the inevitable.
Crichton’s fear can be seen. Still he speaks fearlessly. “Thanks for droppin’ by. Came to see your handy
work Commander?”
Sun looks at Scorpius. “Will he remember this?”
“No.” Scorpius looks, studying Sun as she stands near Crichton.
“Then, may I speak to him before I join the battle.” She asks softly.
“Certainly, Commander.” Scorpius turns and descends the scaffolding. Waving to the tech to join him, he leaves
the hall.
“What do you want Aeryn?” John’s voice cracks.
Sun swallows, fidgeting with her hands. “I wanted to tell you I’m sorry Crichton. I…”
“You have got to be kidding!”
“I must join the battle.”
“Then what are you doing wasting your time here?”
“This is who I am. Who I have to be.”
“You’ve said what you have to say.” John swallows and gasps a breath. “Just go.” He closes
his eyes. His tears blend with those already tracked on his face.
Sun is taken aback. “Alright then Crichton.” Her eyes are locked on him. “Goodbye.” she turns slowly
and descends the scaffolding.
As Aeryn descends the stairs, John can feel his heart crack. Such pain travels through him as she leaves him. He tries
to catch his breath. Finally he breathes in a sharp gasp and screams. “Scorpius!”
Closing the door, Sun leans against it, her heart is racing, she tries to catch her breath.
Scorpius enters the Hall of the Aurora Chair speaking on his personal Comms. “I will be there in as soon as I am
finished with Crichton! Do your duty Braca!” Scorpius growls angrily. “Get the defense shield back up!”
Nurse enters with the tech and takes her position at the Aurora chair console. She powers up the chair. It turns. Scorpius
climbs the scaffolding to John. “I only wish you could remember this one thought, John. Aeryn Sun cares about what happens
to you here.”
Crichton yells echo through the hall. “Just get it over with!”
Scorpius raises his arm to begin Crichton’s treatment. John screams as the pulse fires through his brain. The screen
plays his memory of Commander Aeryn Sun, of his escape from Pagar’s cell. His thoughts of Aeryn, his feelings of hope
slip from his mind along with his fear.
Commander Sun hears Crichton’s screams. Her breath catches in her throat. She sprints, running the long distance
to the prowler bay. Wiping her face, she suits up and climbs the side of her prowler.
Commander Aeryn Sun
Commander Sun suddenly stops on the side of her Prowler and climbs back down. She runs to the Scarran Attack Craft and
slips into the cockpit. Checking the frequency, she opens Comms.
“Officer Shard!” She Comms her squad leader as the outer bay doors open. “Signal me when your squad nears
the Command Carrier.”
“Frell Sun! You’re late!” Shard responds. “Get your Emma out here!”
“I have a way to spot the Scarran’s fighters.” Sun says. “I must be at the lead. Drop your speed
as you pass!”
‘Cadet school maneuvers.’ Nhylar Shard is in no mood. “Are you insane, Sun? We need attack speed!”
“No, you don’t. You need to locate them. They are slow and clumsy.” Sun reports.
“What?” Nhylar says in shock. “I am your Commanding Officer, Sun.”
“With all due respect Officer Shard. I am Commander Aeryn Sun, Pleisar’s Special Ops. Now as you pass the Carrier,
follow me.”
Nhylar doesn’t hesitate. “Yes sir, Commander. We are on approach now. Dropping speed by one third. Will that
be adequate Commander?”
“We’ll see, Shard.” Sun says as she blasts out of the bay. She abstains from using stealth.
Shard and her squad gasp at the site of a Scarran Attack Craft emerging from the Command Carrier ahead of them.
“Take your orders from Commander Sun!” Shard orders her Officers.
A Med tech places the injector to Crichton’s neck and gives a shot. Crichton slumps and lies lifeless. The guards
remove him from the Aurora Chair. Scorpius watches as they carry Crichton from the hall.
Scorpius listens to the battle chatter and hears Officer Shard refer to ‘Commander Sun’! He catches his breath.
“Sun!” he growls.
“Do you wish me to recall her, sir?” Braca offers.
“No lieutenant. Without the fleet, what other choice do we have?” Scorpius walks pensively to command allowing
Sun to run her gambit.
Battles Lost
“On my starboard wing Shard! Fan out in single wing formation!” Sun orders. “Fly Pattern Decca Officers.
‘Just as in practice maneuvers.’ Adjust your pulse gun ports down. The Scarrans run their maneuvers parallel to
the Transport Carrier’s port vector. We fire as we pass over them. ‘We have to make the first hit count. They
will scatter after this.’ Follow my lead!” Sun goes at top speed for her craft. The prowlers stay behind her in
wing formation as they approach the Scarran Transport Carrier. “Fire! All weapons now!” Sun orders.
Gun ports down, the prowler’s pulse blasts impact on the unseen enemy. The prowlers continue to fire as they pass
over the Scarran Troop Carrier’s port side.
“Break attack! Top speed to one-quarter distance! Reform for another pass!” Sun orders.
Quickly the prowlers are in position. Sun’s Attack Craft cannot keep up. She falls behind. “Fire! All weapons
fire! Continue until clear of the carrier’s port!”
Already the Scarrans are breaking formation to go after the Commander Sun’s rogue Attack Craft. Soon three squads
are on Commander Sun’s tail. She continually maneuvers to avoid their fire. Knowing their tactical Intel isn’t
enough to save Commander Sun from the heavy firepower directed at her. She is being pounded.
“Officer Shard.” Shard hears Scorpius over Comms. The last time she heard his voice over her Comms, Shard was
on a suicide mission chasing Lt. Commander Crichton.
Shard shivers. “Yes Sir!” she acknowledges.
“After you finish your current pass over the Scarran Transport vessel, have your squad assist Commander Sun. She
is aft of your current position. Vector 9 degrees.” Scorpius closes Comms. and turns to Braca. “Estimated time
of arrival for the fleet, Lieutenant?”
“Not within gun port range yet sir! Approaching fast from 200 metras Sir.” Braca says excitedly watching the
tactical. “Any Microt sir!”
“Good. I would hate to lose Sun and still lose the battle.” He sighs. ‘ There is a pattern for Crichton’s
attraction to her. Sun and Chiana. Cut from the same cloth. Dora Lee… what a loss! You would have made me proud.’
“Hull breach!” Commander Sun yells over Comms. “Cabin pressure is down by half!” She reports. “Loss
of shield, maneuverability….” Her transmission fades.
“Shard!” Scorpius yells. “Retrieve Sun immediately!”
‘ You never ask for much do you…’ “Yes sir!” Shard responds.
The remainder of Officer Nhylar Shard’s squad thunders to Commander Sun’s position firing full at clear space,
hoping to hit something. Avoiding Sun’s disabled craft.
John Crichton walks through the dark eerie mist. “Oh no. I know where this is headed.”
“Hello John.” Harvey paces sprightly up behind him and slaps his hand onto John’s shoulder.
“I told you, no more nightmares!”
“No, not this time.” Harvey sucks in a breath. “I have decided to do an experiment John. I want to see
Chiana. I want to see her as your wife. I want to see and feel her in that one position where she has her leg over your shoulder.”
“You sick twisted voyeur bastard, emphasis on sick and twisted.”
“Were you or were you not married to her?”
“What? Married to her? Are you developing deep psyche psychosis Harvey?”
“Oddly... not." Harvey paces, circling John. "Your memories have been selectively erased. I on the other hand remember,
but I don’t have the ability to remember with the color and vibrancy that you do John. I want to hear her lovely screams
as she climaxes! I want to feel her skin again!” He clasps his curled fingers to his chest in ecstasy.
The mansion bed appears ahead of John. Chiana lies under the sheet, sleeping. John looks down on her.
“You are sick.”
“Don’t you?”
“Want to remember her John?”
“What is there to remember?”
“You were married, made love to her, let’s see... 37 times...”
“Who’s head have you been in Harvey? We had sex, sure, but married?”
“Yes John. Married.” Harvey begins to pace, frustrated. “She wore your Scarran ring, sealing your vow
to love her forsaking all others. You have, rather had a beautiful baby daughter that you named Dora Lee for this extraordinary
beauty you knew in High School.”
“I’m not listening to this Harvey." John says sing songy and throws his hands in the air. "When I wake up I’ll
ask Scorpy to scoop you out for once and for all.” He turns and begins to walk away.
“Please John. For me, for old times sake.” Harvey contritely pleads. “I taught you how to fight the Scarrans,
how to defeat Scorpius’ suit!” he raises his hand after John as he walks away, “And how about all the other
times I whispered advice, thus saving your life?"
John continues to walk away.
"You need me John!” Harvey shouts after him, “Just as I need you!”