DarkSide III: The Visage of Evil

DarkSide III pg 2
DarkSide III pg 1
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DarkSide III pg 7



John slips his newly fitted stealth prowler into the landing bay of the Command Carrier. He wears his stolen suit of armor from his escape. He walks stealthily to Scorpius' command quarters.

Scorpius feels secure. No guard stands at his door. John peeks into his door. Scorpius sits alone. He turns and walks to the galley. Entering he presents the chef with a bottle of special aged Ramna nectar. "Scorpius wants this chilled to be served with his meal."

The chef complies and places the bottle into the refrigeration unit. John goes back and guards Scorpius command quarters until the food comes. The menial enters and presents the tray to Scorpius then leaves.

Scorpius places the napkin on his lap and sees the Ramna nectar. He immediately picks up the glass and downs it. "Hmmm, what a fine flavor. I wonder where Braca got this. Perhaps from Crichton's larder." He says coolly and pours himself another glass.

He tastes the food and enjoys his meal. After a time the menial returns and takes the tray.

"An excellent meal! My compliments to the chef!" he says, keeping the bottle.

He walks to the portal and looks out into the stars. He drinks another glass of the Ramna nectar and sighs deeply. He walks to the couch and sits down. Soon he is in a deep sleep under the drug's power.

John has been watching Scorpius closely. He now enters. He approaches Scorpius and picks him up, placing him in a Peacekeeper body bag. He then exits. He gets no looks from the guards in the corridor. They have seen body bags leaving from Scorpius' command quarters countless times.

John enters the hall of the Aurora chair. No one mans the beastly device. Scorpius' pet project. No one else dare touch it. John climbs the scaffolding and unzips the body bag. He pulls Scorpius out of the bag and secures him in the chair.

John descends the stairs to the controls and turns on the machine. The power lights up the panel. The chair begins to turn. John climbs up the scaffolding to the chair and gives Scorpius a stim shot.

Scorpius wakes groggily. "Well hello! Wakey wakey!" John gives him little slaps to wake him. "I'm sorry to disturb you Prince Valium. But I'd like to ask you a few questions."

"Crichton!" Scorpius looks at his predicament. "What do you think you are doing? I command you to release me!"

"Sorry, can't do that. You took the chip out." John points to his head. "Remember?" John presses a button on the controls. "Now let's see what my boy Scorpy's been up to."

The chair blasts a pulse through Scorpius brain. "AAAAAaaaaaa!" He growls and hisses.

"How does that feel Scorpius? Maybe I should turn it up for you a notch?" John says gleefully twisting up the power.

John watches the panel display Scorpius' memories. He sees Scorpius holding a child. John quickly reaches over and pushes the lever up to play the memory. John is stunned at the image. Scorpius lovingly holds the child, looking to be a newborn.

John climbs the scaffolding to the chair. "What's this?" He asks cautiously. "It can't be your's it looks too, normal. Who's baby did you steal Scorpy?"

"You'll never know Crichton!" Scorpius hisses then blurts out a heinous laugh.

The memory continues playing. It appears to be in some Med facility. There is a woman crying in the background. He gasps her voice sounds like"

John wakes with a jolt. He gasps, disoriented to his surroundings. He looks around and sees he is in Chiana's quarters on Mokan's ship. The dream fades. All he can remember is Scorpius laughing. He gets up and goes to the fresher. He rinses off the remnant of dried blood still in his hair. The feeling from the dark dream lingers. He remembers the brutality of the Peacekeepers, Scorpius and his minion, Captain Shelan.

John looks to see. Chiana is still asleep. He dresses and looks under the bed. He finds one of the pulse pistols he took from Shelan the day Shelan tried to fragg him in Mokan's bed. He walks briskly down the hall, pistol in hand to the cells to kill Shelan. He stops short. The cells are empty.

"Son-of-a-bitch!" he says and walks to Base Command. He goes up to the resistance fighter on duty. "Where is Shelan?" He asks heatedly.

"Setig moved him for his interrogation." The man says.

John just shakes his head. "They don't know what they're messin' with here." John turns and walks away back to Mokan's ship. He enters the galley and places the pulse pistol on the table. He opens the refrigeration unit and gets a drink. Then grabs the canister of food cubes. He sits munching out of the canister.

Chiana enters in her robe and smiles at John. Then she sees the pistol on the table. She walks in and gets her berry juice. She takes a short sip and looks down at him. "I didn't want him here. I asked Setig to move him." She says and bites her lip waiting for John's response.

John's anger is abated. He breathes a sigh of relief that she sent Shelan away. He looks up at her. "I have to talk to you about something." He takes her hand. "I saw you with him, when I woke up." He looks up at her eyes.

Chiana tries to hold back her surprise. John sees her nearly recoil at the revelation. "I went to question him." She swallows. "He was praying. He said he was asking for forgiveness from your god."

John looks at her puzzled still waiting for an explanation.

"I think, I think he's changed." She stutters out looking at their hands, afraid to see John's reaction.

John can feel a headache building. There is a pain in the pit of his stomach. He looks again at her eyes for reassurance that nothing happened. His brow furrows.

"I think he needs a friend." She continues.

"A friend." John says. He begins to feel the anger rise again at what he saw when she embraced Shelan. He tries to push it down. "That's not what I saw." He mumbles out.

"What are you saying? Nothing happened John." She says angrily, letting go of his hand.

John can feel this is quickly becoming the argument he wants to avoid. He swallows his pride. "I'm not saying anything. Just please Chiana. I want you to be careful around him. Have someone with you in case he hasn't changed."

"I can take care of myself." She snips. "Now if you'll excuse me I hafta' get dressed. I have a prisoner to interrogate!" She huffs out of the galley and down the corridor.

John sits for a moment then gets up and follows her. He stands in the hatchway to Chiana's quarters watching her dress. "Thank you for having him moved." He finally says.

Chiana glances up at him from fastening her shoes. "Well I couldn't very well have him here!" She says. "I wanted to be here with you alone." She walks to him and embraces him, her head on his shoulder.

John smiles and chuckles. "Thanks." He says and gives her a little kiss. She looks at his eyes and smiles. He pulls her to him and they kiss deeply.


John and Chiana arrive at the Scarran Hezmat facility. Shelan is already in the beam. He is dripping with sweat. Chiana walks over to speak to the operator.

John stands and looks on at the countenance of the man he must kill. Outside Of Scorpius, this is the man who has done everything in his power to destroy his marriage, his life.

To see Chiana standing in the same room with the man who raped her! His jaw tightens. He gets a sudden flash. The image of her holding Shelan in her arms hits him. John closes his eyes and turns his face from the image.

The operator releases Shelan from the Hezmat beam.

Phillip collapses on the floor. He puts out his hand and tries to get up. He looks up at Chiana and John. "Please, don't torture me." He begs. "I'll answer your questions."

John stands over Phillip looking down at what a wretch he has become. A slight smile forms. "We'll be the judge of that." He is suddenly tempted to kick him in the ribs as he lies there. He is enjoys Phillip's condition.

The operator lifts Phillip into a nearby chair and cuffs his hands behind him. Then the operator steps back to observe.

John watches as Chiana questions Shelan. He feels this interrogation is a waste of time. Shelan will use it to psychologically trick his wife into releasing him. Nothing will be gained. Captain Shelan is expert at hiding the truth!

Setig stands beside Crichton. "Let me question him lord." Setig says aside to him.

John hides his smirk behind his hand. He whispers to Setig. "When she's gone, find out everything you can about Scorpius, his weaknesses." John stands up not wanting Chiana to catch what he is saying.

Phillip suddenly looks at Crichton during the questioning. "I am truly sorry I used you and your household to capture you. I will help in any way I can to rectify what I have done."

John gets a chill. He takes a step toward Shelan wanting to punch him! He fights to keep his mind clear of what he is feeling. He is thinking. "Hurry up with the questions. Let's end this!" His hand goes to his pulse pistol.

John turns to Setig. "I can't listen to these lies! I gotta' get outta' here!"

Setig turns to him. "You were found not far from here, Lord, tied to the fuselage of your crashed prowler. We can investigate the sight."

"Good idea." John says. He suddenly interrupts the 'interrogation.' "Honey. I'm gonna' have Setig take me to where I crashed. Maybe I can remember something. OK?" He steps to her and kisses her.

Chiana nods to him. "OK." She answers.

John turns and leaves with Setig. They climb aboard Setig's new stealth Attack Craft and blast off to the see the crash sight.

As they approach John can already see that it couldn't have been a Peacekeeper who tied him there. The crash is in the tropical region. Any Sebacean would be dead from the heat. They land near the crash and reconnoiter.

John walks, looking for his memory of what happened there. He finds his blood near the Prowler. He stands and just stares at it. "I was here. He stood over me." He tells Setig as he remembers.


Scorpy's Next Move

"Scorpius." The Comms comes through his head.

"Yes Lieutenant Leam. What did you discover?" Scorpius answers.

"There is evidence of a crash. A piece of a prowler's landing gear, torn off. The prowler however is gone." The Lt. reports.

"And" Scorpius asks. "What is the reading on the DNA scan Lieutenant?"

"The readings are positive Scorpius. There is also evidence that Crichton may be mortally wounded."

"What?" Scorpius growls. He calms himself. "Continue the investigation Lieutenant. Gather what information you can." He paces nervously.

"Perhaps," Scorpius ponders. "There is an answer to my dilemma here." He reaches to his Command Comms.

"Lieutenant Braca! Have you reached the planet yet?" There is a several Microt delay waiting for an answer.

"Yes Sir. Beginning our search now. The Planetary Base reports Intel that indicates there was a craft that came in on a deep space trajectory. They are making the information available to us now. You were right Sir. I believe he is here." Braca parrots.

"Thank you Lieutenant. I will soon be there to assist you." Scorpius closes the Comms and again touches his head for intermediate ships Comms. "Officer Tall! Recall all Marauders. We are breaking position!"

Scorpius stands and gazes out of the Portal window to the planet. "Now I must prepare my own report to counteract yours, my dear Janavian."


"Triangulation complete, Sir. The ship should have landed just ahead."

"Begin your scan then Habol." Braca watches the display as it springs to life.

"It looks like a prowler!" Habol reports. "There are three life forms, Sir, and a Scarran attack craft!"

Braca switches on visual of the planet. He sees Crichton running toward the Scarran Craft. "Lieutenant Crichton!" He exclaims.

"Commence firing on the Scarran Craft. Cut off their escape!" Braca orders.

Jake is in Rebel Base Command when the Comms comes in.

Crichton's voice comes in over the Comms. "We're being fired upon by a Peacekeeper Marauder!" He yells to be heard over the Marauder blasts. "We're pinned down! Send help!"

Jake doesn't hesitate. He runs to the docking bay and climbs aboard a Stealth Attack Craft. He hits the power and the launch sequencer. The Attack Craft blasts out of the base toward his father's signal. He puts the stealth systems full on. Soon he is on top of the Peacekeeper Marauder, firing.

"Take that Peacekeepers!" Jake shouts, bearing down on them.

"Lieutenant! We're under attack!" Habol yells.

"I'm not stupid Officer! Return fire!" Braca orders.

Habol looks on the systems monitors, the visuals. "The sky is clear. I see nothing!"

"Stealth." Braca mutters under his breath. "Then fire in the direction of the attack Officer!" Braca looks at the scans. "You're bound to hit something."

Suddenly the Marauder tips. The lights dim. "Stabilizers are dead Sir!" Habol reports.

"Switch to emergency lighting Habol! Retreat!"

Jake can see the Marauder take a dip as the stabilizers go offline. The Marauder lists and looses power.

"Ha!" Jake yells. He continues firing and watches with delight as the Marauder limps back into space.

Jake opens Comms. "Are you alright dad?"

He waits to hear his dad's voice over Comms. There is a long silence. He lands the Attack Craft near the prowler and jumps out. He runs to where they are. "Dad! Dad!" He shouts.

John sits by the wrecked prowler. He holds his arm.

"Dad! You're hurt!" Jake touches John's arm.

"No, Jake. I'll be fine. You took an awful risk." John says trying to stand. "Thanks."

Jake pulls on John, helping him up. "Com'on! We have to get outta here before they come back!" He runs back to his craft and powers up.

John follows and gets into the copilot chair. Setig cuffs Krestan's hands and leads him to the other Attack Craft. The two ships streak into the sky then engage their stealth. They suddenly disappear.


Braca gives one more Comms to the Command Carrier. "Scorpius. We are under attack!" Braca reports, nearly frantic. They continue to be pelted with blasts from an unseen enemy. There is no response. The time lag.

It suddenly becomes obvious to Braca that they are battling for their lives. "This is Lt. Braca to Base! We are under attack at the coordinates you gave us! Send two squads immediately." "Emergency!" He nearly screams to be heard over the impact of the heavy fire on the hull. "We are drawing fire from the Scarran fleet!"

"We have your position, Sir. Dispatching now." comes the answer over Comms.

Braca returns his attention to their defense. "Continue moving away from the planet Habol!" Braca commands. "Return fire!" The Marauder loses power. Braca looks around his command in the last dwindling light. The marauder hangs dead in space.


John holds his arm. "Dammit!" He yells at himself for being caught out in the open. "Stupid!" The location of the prowler must have been known to the Peacekeepers within an hour after the crash.

"What's that?" Jake shouts trying to hear him. "Just relax dad and take care of that arm. We'll be there in a tic."

John watches Jake handle the craft with surprising ease. He had not noticed Jake had a growth spurt since the wedding. Jake is nearly a foot taller than when they declared their freedom from the Scarrans. He is the size of an 8-year-old human at only 5. John shakes his head in amazement at how deftly Jake pilots the craft. "Thanks again Jake. I didn't know you could pilot one of these."

Jake glances back at his dad. "Setig gave me lessons when he saw I wasn't tall enough for a prowler."

Jake speeds at a low altitude to escape detection by enemy craft. He has no way of knowing if the marauder is at the vanguard of an attack or if the Peacekeeper planetary base has been alerted to the circumstance. He quickly lands the Scarran Attack Craft at the hidden rebel base.

"How are ya' dad?" Jake unbuckles and turns to see.

"I'll be alright as soon as the Med tech tends to this. I was hit with something." John says as he carefully climbs out of the craft. They begin to walk toward the Med bay.

Setig lands with his prisoner. He pulls Krestan from the craft and holds him. "What is your command Crichton?" Setig asks. "For the prisoner?"

"Do they even have cells here?" John asks. "Just put him in Mokan's cell. Then he'll be good to go."

"I curse you and your line Peacekeeper!" Krestan shouts after John as he and Jake walk by.

"Silence!" Setig corrects him. "You do not wish to interrogate him?" Setig asks John, surprised.

"Hmmm. Ask me later." John answers over his shoulder. He and Jake leave Setig with Krestan and walk together down the corridor past command to the Med bay.

Setig drags Krestan as he struggles to Mokan's cells. He thrusts him in and locks the door. He turns to leave him.

"My people will be free of you! All of you! The prophets have seen it!" Krestan shouts after him.

Setig turns slowly and approaches the bars. "You tortured my master. He is an honorable man. You deserve death for what you have done." Setig growls. "He not only spared your life but plans to return you to your countryman."

"Lies!" Krestan spits at him. "I heard the Peacekeeper say that this is Mokan's cell!"

Setig chuckles. "Yes. It is." He snarls. "She owns this ship." He smiles. "Pray that you do not inherit the fate of the last occupant. He is a Peacekeeper who walks in death."


The Med tech tends to John's arm while Jake sits on the gurney next to his dad, watching.

"There is bruising. Once I extract this piece of shrapnel you should begin to heal immediately. But it will be sore for a while." The tech tells him motioning John to lie down.

Jake jumps off the gurney and John lies down. He holds on to the side of the gurney and grips it tightly as the tech sprays a local anesthetic. There is a burning from the spray, John winces and gasps. The Med tech pulls the straps up from the sides of the gurney and secures John's arms and chest from movement. He inserts a pair of forceps into the wound.

"Aaaa!" John screams with the intense pain. His body jumps at the intrusion into his muscle. The forceps move inside the wound. John grits his teeth. His eyes close as he suffers the pain. Tears stream down the sides of his face. He tries to hold back his scream. "Aaaaa! God! Hurry up will ya'?" He finally screams and yells out.

The Med tech watches the scan carefully trying to grasp the shrapnel whole. He maneuvers the forceps and pulls them out slowly.

John kicks his legs. "AAAaaaa! God Dammit!" He starts to black out.

Jake watches his father's expression. Tears begin to run down his face. He wants to help. He just trusts that the Med tech knows what he is doing.

The forceps finally exit the wound bringing a dench size piece covered in John's blood.

"Aah!" John gasps at the final release of his pain. "I think you missed your calling. You should be a torturer for the Peacekeepers." He groans out.

"How the Frell did you get a piece of the wrecked prowler in you Crichton?" the Med tech laughs, looking at it.

"Must have broken off in the attack. It hit me." He looks at his arm trying to focus. "Now, let me up!" John says, anxious to be released from his bonds.

"Just as soon as I patch you up. You're bleeding here." The Med tech rubs the contents of a Peacekeeper packet into the wound.

John winces and breathes through the pain, drawing the air through his mouth. "Whhhoooo! Enough!" he shouts.

The Med tech fixes a bandage and releases John from the straps.

"Much better. Thanks." John says as he stands.

Jake throws his arms around his dad's waste then wipes his tears. John kneels and gives Jake a hug. "I'm alright buddy. I'll be alright. See?" John shows Jake the bandage. He stands and takes his hand. "I'm ok Jake. Now let's see if Mokan has something cold to drink." He says. John really is ready for a cold beer. But frellup nectar will have to do. They walk to Mokan's galley. Jake runs ahead.

John walks into the galley. He sees Jake standing with his hand on Chiana's cheek as she sits at the galley table. "Back so soon? You're finished already?" John asks. Then sees that she is in pain, unable to answer him. He can tell she is having another episode. He walks over to her.

She reaches to him. John kneels beside her and puts his arm around her. She breathes through her pain. He looks up at her.

She swallows. "Setig Commed the facility. I came to see how you were. It's a good thing I did." She gives a little chuckle and tries to smile at him.

Her breathing becomes rapid. John can see she is in pain. He feels helpless at her condition. It flashes in his mind that her life is in danger from his child. He puts it in his mind to speak to her about it later. When the pain passes, she drinks some berry juice then smiles at him. John stands and lifts her. He winces from the pain in his arm. He carries her to the bed and places her on it gently.

"I worry about you sometimes." John tells her.

"Can I tell her about the attack dad?" Jake says excitedly, crawling up on the bed.

"Later, Jake. Right now she needs her rest." John says thinking that she doesn't need to know Jake's dangerous exploits. He sits beside her on the bed.

"No." Chiana says. "Please, let him tell me now."

"Dad and Setig were under attack from a marauder!" Jake tells her. "I came in and blasted the Peacekeepers until they retreated!"

Chiana reaches out and takes Jake's hand. "That was a brave thing you did. Saving your dad." She smiles.

"So are you finished questioning Captain Shelan yet?" John asks, wanting to put that chapter behind them.

She suddenly remembers. "John." She grabs his arm. "Phillip warned me not to trust anyone. He ordered Peacekeeper spies to infiltrate us. He gave them orders to capture you."

Jake looks shocked. John realizes this hurts Jake to know he is a hunted man. He wishes he could take back what Chiana just told them. He turns to him. "Jake, would you get Setig for me?"

Jake pets Chiana's hair. "Sure dad." He answers and climbs off the bed. He runs out of the room. John can hear his footsteps as Jake runs down the passageway.

Chiana looks at John. "He has grown up quickly."

"Yeah." John says. "He has."


"Fool!" Scorpius hisses as he paces in his command quarters. He does not bother to answer Braca's Comms. He opens Comms to command. "What is our distance from Rashari Lieutenant?" He listens for an answer to his query. "Comm me as soon as we are within prowler range of the planet." He closes Comms and snarls in displeasure at his subordinate's stupidity. "Then we can collect our wayward Lt. Braca, if he's still lives."


John can't shake the feeling that Chiana is pushing herself too hard, putting herself and their child at risk. He holds her hand and looks at her. "Honey. Are you sure you're ok?"

"I just forgot to drink my berry juice this morning." She is still fighting her pain.

"Because, if I lost you I don't know what I'd do." His heart can see that she will never give up her fight against the Nabarri government. Just the short time she questioned Shelan tired her, pressed her. The thought of her returning each day in this condition worries him.

"You won't lose me John." She says.

"What if the doctor is wrong?" he is hoping to dissuade her from working during her pregnancy. "What if this is more serious?" John looks her waiting for her answer.

"No." she says surprised. She sits up. "What are you saying?"

"Maybe we need to get a second opinion." John stands and pulls her arm for her to stand. "Come on let's go see the Med tech."

Chiana stands shakily. John steadies her and kisses her neck. "We have to find if there is more we can do for you." He looks into her eyes. "I'll help you however I can."

She looks into his eyes. "Whatever happens. I don't want to lose your baby." Chiana begins to cry.

John holds her. He sees how frightened she is. He suddenly realizes she may lose the baby and is afraid. "I'm sure you're fine." He fights his fear. "Come on, let's get it over with?"

"Yes. I want to know what we can do." She dries her eyes.

John holds her and walks with her to the Med bay.


John and Chiana return from the Med tech's exam and walk down toward command to find Jake. Jake is standing monitoring Comms. He has a serious look.

"Hey buddy." John says. "Whassup?"

"Lieutenant Braca was on that marauder. He's called the Command Carrier back here dad." Jake reports.

"Where's Setig?" John asks

"Setig was gone when I got here. The Comm just came in." Jake answers.

John turns to Chiana and holds her hands. "I really need to stay and take care of this. Take Jake and go eat. I'll join you as soon as I can." He gives her a sweet, long kiss.

"Alright John." She smiles. "Come on Jake!" she holds out her hand to him. Jake takes it and smiles back at his dad as they leave command.

John hits Comms. "Setig. Did you hear? The Command Carrier is coming back soon!" He takes a breath. "Are you taking care of business?"

"Yes Crichton. I am in the process now." Setig answers.

"Thanks." John says. He turns to the Resistance fighter on duty. "Lock down the base. Have all craft return. Notify Pagar." John turns to leave then turns back. "And Moya!"

"Yes Lord Crichton." The Resistance fighter answers as John walks out.

John walks to the galley. "Sorry Chiana." John opens the can of food cubes and takes a few. "I can't sit down to eat." He reaches to the refrigeration unit and grabs a drink. "I've got business to take care of." He takes a gulp and leans over with cold wet lips and kisses her. He turns to Jake. "Hold down the fort buddy."

OK dad." Jake answers.

John kneels to him. "You're doing a great job Jake." He hits his fist against Jake's. Jake returns the hit.

John turns to leave. Chiana gets up from the table and grabs him giving him a toe-curling kiss. They break apart with a gasp and a sigh. "Please be careful John." She says.

"Don't worry I will. Later!" he says as he turns and leaves the galley.

John walks the distance out of the ship to his stealth prowler. He climbs in and flies cautiously at a low level to the Hezmat facility. He lands and quickly goes into the building. As he enters, the Hezmat operator directs him down a dark corridor that leads into the dungeon. He approaches and sees Setig standing next to one of the cells. He stops and peers in.

Captain Shelan is chained to the wall of the Scarran cell. He has already been questioned in Setig's heat pulse. He is coughing, trying to catch his breath.

Setig turns to John. "I am glad you arrived safely. Are you sure you wish to take the risk?"

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this!" John says smiling. He turns and looks in at Phillip.

"Please Crichton." Phillip begs. "Please don't torture me. His heat pulse could kill me."

"That's too bad, Shelan. You should have thought o' that before you came messin' in my life!" John hits the bars. He takes a deep breath and turns to Setig. "Come on, let's get this over with. We don't have much time."

Setig raises his hand and fires a heat pulse at Phillip.

"No! Please!" Phillip groans. His face shows the agony of the heat pulses effects.

"Tell us Captain. What are Scorpius' weaknesses?" Setig asks.


I look at you and I see pain

The pain you caused us
My life you took

You threw me into prison
Under the guise of a friend.

You kidnapped my wife
Drugged and raped her
All the while telling her
You were helping her

She nearly died under
Your 'care'

Our child, not knowing
If it is mine

I can never forgive


Hidden Communication

John stands watching as Setig fires the questions at Shelan. He winces at Phillip's strong reaction to Setig's heat pulse.

"Are you still a loyal Peacekeeper Captain Shelan?" Setig asks pointedly.

"Yes." Shelan groans out.

"How do you report your Intel?"

"Special sensor, communications. Here." He looks at his hand.

John enters the cell and feels Shelan's hand. He takes his Peacekeeper issue dagger and inserts the tip into Shelan's palm, extracting a small sensor. John puts it on the floor and crushes it.

"Are there any others?" Setig asks.


"Were they able to hear everything?" John asks.

"Yes." Shelan groans.

"What were your orders this time Shelan?" John asks, staring down at him.

"standing orders. If you escape, Capture you. Deliver you to Scorpius."

"So this whole thing with you being sent to reconditioning? Was a setup?" John asks.

"The reconditioning is real." Shelan gasps. "Scorpius suspected I would be rescued. Still I must go if he finds me."

John paces to Setig.

"Will they be coming for you here?" Setig asks.

"No." Shelan answers.

"Your orders concerning the lady Chiana?" Setig asks.

"Spoils of war." Shelan answers. "Please release me. I'm dying."

John bites his lip. "How can we defeat Scorpius?" he asks.

Just then he sees Chiana. She slips into the cell. She has Jena in her hand. She throws it at Setig and misses. It clangs to the floor.

"What do you think you're doing! Get away from my prisoner!" she says angrily. "Give me the keys Setig!"

Setig hands the keys to John. John hands them to her. "He is still loyal Peacekeeper!" he says upset. "We have to ask him Chiana."

Chiana walks to Shelan and unlocks him. Shelan pretends to be unconscious.

"Let us finish Chiana we nearly have all we need." John tells her.

"He is my prisoner! Mine and Mokan's! You had no right!" She shouts. "Who do you think you are? Do you think he'll talk after he's dead?"

"He's alright Chiana. He was just talking to us." John asserts.

Shelan slips to the floor. Chiana begins to cry. "Who are you John?" she cries. "That you would kill my prisoner?"

John walks to her. "No, see he's alright. He's faking!" He reaches down to pick Shelan up.

"You're not going near him!" she shouts and hits John in the mouth.

John is surprised by the hit. She swings again. He puts up his arm and blocks her.

"See here missy! He is alright. I have to finish questioning him." John tells her.

"Not any more!" she yells, her eyes burning into him. "He needs to see a Med tech!"

John sighs and reaches out to her. He puts his hand on her shoulder. "Mmmm honey? He's faking it. But if you want I'll take him."

"Can I trust you John?" she asks him, studying him.

"Yes. I won't kill him. He'll be fine, you'll see." John says and hefts Shelan over his shoulder.

Chiana follows John, Setig follows the both of them. Setig cuffs Shelan and puts him in his attack craft copilot chair.

Setig can hear Shelan chuckling once they are airborne. "I found Crichton's weakness." He brags to Setig.

"The master knows your deceit!" Setig growls.

"That doesn't matter slave!" Shelan continues. "She's going to get me out of this! No matter what your master thinks!" he laughs.

The two ships land in the base docking bay. Shelan is limp when Setig withdraws him from the attack craft. They walk together to the Med bay.

"What the Frell did you do to him now lord Crichton?" the Med tech jokes.

He runs the scanner over Shelan. There is some nerve damage here. I need to take him to PK medical rejuvenation. Or the damage could be permanent."

"You're kidding me." Crichton balks.

"You guys should learn not to use heat."

John puts his arm around Chiana. "See, he'll be ok."

"As long as Scorpius isn't in command, I should be able to slip in and out of rejuvenation undetected. I'll need your stealth prowler though." The Med tech tells John.

"I have the new base codes that Phillip gave me." Chiana volunteers.

The hairs go up on the back of John's neck when she calls Shelan.


Friend and Foe

John stands watching as Setig fires the questions at Shelan. He winces at Phillip's strong reaction to Setig's heat pulse.

"Are you still a loyal Peacekeeper Captain Shelan?" Setig asks pointedly.

"Yes." Shelan groans out.

"How do you report your Intel?"

"Special sensor, communications. Here." He looks at his hand.

John enters the cell and feels Shelan's hand. He takes his Peacekeeper issue dagger and inserts the tip into Shelan's palm, extracting a small sensor. John puts it on the floor and crushes it.

"Are there aJohn walks into base command. Jake is no longer there. He walks to the galley. Jake has helped himself to what looks like leftovers.

"Smells good Jake. Some of mom's cooking?" John asks him.

"No dad. Here have some. Setig had this sent over from the grove. See? Kangaroo milk!" Jake says gleefully.

John reaches to the serving dish and picks up a piece of meat. "mmmm. This is great!"

"Where is mom?" Jake asks.

"She's gone to take Mokan her prowler." John takes another piece of meat from the serving tray. "That reminds me, I need to run an errand myself." John says thoughtfully.

"Well." Jake says. "I'm off for now. Is it somewhere I can go with?"

"Sure." John answers. "I'm going to take a quick trip to Moya. Right now I have to go feed Mokan's prisoner."

"Captain Shelan?" Jake asks.

"No Jake." John looks at the floor. "Shelan's been taken to the Peacekeeper Base for injuries." Chiana's words still bite. His anger abated, he begins to realize perhaps Shelan's nerve damage... what he has done. Chiana trusted him to keep his promise. He swallows.

"No. This is one of Mokan's race, Jaboan. He claims to know her." John grabs the canister of food cubes. "I'll take this to him. He can eat while we get ready. I need to cleanup. Then we'll go. K?" John leans over and kisses Jake on the forehead. "By the way Jake. I'm really proud of the work you're doing around here. Thanks for coming after Setig and me when Braca had us."

"You're welcome dad." Jake jumps off his chair and gives his dad a hug around his waste.

John puts the food cube canister on the table. He hefts Jake and gives him a proper hug and kiss. "I love you son." John says and puts him back down.

"I love you too dad." Jake smiles and sits down to finish eating.

"I'll be ready in about half an arn." John nods to Jake.

"k dad." Jake answers.

John picks up the food cubes and heads down the hall.

"Krestan!" John shouts as he approaches the cells. He has one hand on his pulse pistol. "I brought you something to eat." John waits to see if Krestan will make a move toward him. He nears the bars cautiously and hands Krestan the can. "You'll see Mokan soon." John backs up cautiously.

Suddenly, without warning Krestan's tongue lashes out. "You think I would believe you for a Microt?" he says to John as he passes out. "Your Scarran slave tried to convince me, but I will not be fooled by your lies."

Krestan puts a food cube in his mouth then puts down the canister of food cubes on the cot. He kneels and reaches outside of the bars, pulling John to him. He searches for the keys. "No!" he growls angrily when he sees John is not carrying them.

"Jaboan, is it." Krestan startles at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. "I have seen many of your race in the slave pits."

Krestan looks up. A tall Sebacean man stands over them. Krestan quickly reaches for Crichton's pulse pistol. Suddenly a pulse blast rings out, knocking Krestan back against the deck. He groans and lies still.

"Thank you for your assistance Jaboan." The man says and hefts John over his shoulder.

Jake is still eating when he hears the sound of a prowler blasting its way over Mokan's ship. He gets a funny feeling. He jumps up and runs to the cells. He sees his dad's prisoner lying lifeless inside the cell. He hits his Comms. "Setig!" he shouts and runs out of Mokan's ship to base command. "Setig! Can you hear me? Anyone! Can you hear me?" he enters base command.

Setig turns to greet him. "Yes lord." Setig answers to him.

"Who took the prowler just now? Someone has shot my dad's prisoner! I think someone... my dad is missing Setig." Jake looks to him for guidance to answer his question.

Setig turns to the command panel and brings up the display. The prowler does not have stealth. It is heading directly for the peacekeeper base!" Setig hisses.

Jake runs out of command.

"its too late master!" Setig shouts after Jake.

Jake runs to the docking bay and fires up a Scarran attack craft. He blasts out of the bay and puts stealth on full. Soon he has caught up to the prowler, firing. "Give me back my dad!" he shouts to no one.

"Young master!" Setig calls over Comms worried for both Crichtons. "Return the craft! You may injure your father!" Setig realizes the danger. The closer they near the base, the more Jake fires, he could loose both of them. "Please master, return." He begs as he sees the prowler approach the base.

Jake hits the prowler repeatedly. It looses control and careens into a field near the base. Jake lands near the crash and jumps out running to the prowler. Suddenly he hears a ruckus from troops marching double time out of the base. He sees them and runs back to the attack craft.

Jake blasts off looking down at the crash site. "I'm sorry dad." He says as his tears splash down the front of his leather jacket.


John jerks awake against chains. He blinks to focus. He sees someone standing over him. "Shelan!"

"That's right 'Lieutenant' Crichton."

John sees he is chained to a gurney in the Med bay of the Peacekeeper base. "I knew you were faking."

Phillip has cleaned up and wears a civilian coat over his Peacekeeper clothing, minus his captain's jacket.

John looks Phillip over. "Aren't you out of uniform, Shelan?" John snarls.

"Under cover Crichton. I am no longer in the peacekeepers. I am absent without leave. A fugitive." He smiles. "I will return to your lovely wife."

"No!" John struggles against his bonds. He nearly topples the gurney.

Shelan holds John down as he struggles. His face is close to John's now. "You shouldn't have a problem. You'll never see her again."

"You keep your damn hands off of her!" John yells.

The Med tech from the hidden base walks calmly over and injects something into John's neck. Phillip waits for John to calm then lets go of him.

"Et tu, Med tech?" John says staring at him.

"Actually, Lord Crichton. Torture is my specialty!" the Med tech chortles.

"I could tell. You're a natural." John gasps, falling into darkness.

Phillip pulls on his gloves. "Remember John. I must help Chiana in her fight against the contagion and the Nabarri government."

"Shelan, You bastard." John says, the drug taking effect. He clears his throat and spits, hitting Shelan in the face.

Shelan wipes his face with a handkerchief and smirks. "Just one more thing Crichton." Phillip swings his fist and hits John in the face.

"Uh." John groans.

"You could have killed me today!" Phillip straightens his coat. "It's a good thing you didn't. Chiana will need someone to help raise her child." Phillip laughs. "With you gone."

John slips into drug induced sleep. Shelan's laughter rings in his ears.

"Scorpius will be here any Microt." The Med tech says, his hand on Shelan's side. "All arrangements have been made. Good fortune."

"Thank you Mallan. Is your advancement secure?" Phillip asks.

"With his capture?" Mallan smiles.

"Good!" Phillip slaps his back and walks out of the Med bay.


Last Detail

Captain Phillip Shelan walks into Peacekeeper Base Command. All snap to attention as he enters.

"Captain on deck!" The deck officer acknowledges as he snaps to. "Sir. Your orders sir?"

"Your orders officer." Phillip's eyes glide over the daily reports. "Are to reinitiate lockdown. No one comes or goes without the proper ident and genetic verification. Maintain security level three Velca." He faces the Lt. "Assign a detachment to Lt. Commander Crichton. Transport him from Med bay to his cell. Maintain two guards inside and four without, 24/7 until Scorpius takes possession. Lt. Crichton is to remain in chains." Phillip takes a breath staring at the Lt.'s eyes. "No mistakes, Lt."

"Understood sir." The Lt. parrots.

Phillip turns to leave then turns back to the Lt. "And Lieutenant."

"Yes sir?"

"I was never here." Phillip says.

"Yes sir, Captain!" The Lt. snaps a salute. The deck officer signals a detachment of guards. They approach and stand attention. He then leads them double time, out of Command toward the Med bay.

Phillip follows them out of Command. Then turns and leaves the Base with his new orders.

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