Scorpius stands in his command quarters. He addresses his Comms console. “The reason I am contacting you Magistrate
Granalt, is because my apology has gone unheeded by Pagar and his second. Do you wish your people to become embroiled in a
conflagration with the peacekeepers?”
An authoritative voice answers. “I have been in contact with Pagar. He will continue his attack to regain Lord Crichton’s
freedom and restitution for the Lady Chiana’s pain.”
“Of course magistrate, Lord and lady Crichton have…”
“Don’t tell me what Lord and Lady Crichton have or have not told you Scorpius! I have received Pagar’s
report that you kidnapped Lord Crichton and his spawn. That you tortured the Lady Chiana! She is being kept sedated because
of you!”
“Surely you don’t think I am responsible for her injuries, her condition…”
“As your honored guest she should have received better!” Granalt interrupts. “You have long been known
as a torturer of prisoners Scorpius. I will not believe otherwise!”
“Truly Magistrate! It is not as you say.” Scorpius asserts.
“An apology can only be accepted by the Lord and Lady Crichton! I will only hear it from their own lips to stop the
convoy.” Granalt closes Comms. and turns to his officer. “I never thought it possible to hear an apology from
this reprobate. I must check to see if the stars have changed their position.”
~ #3 Crichton's Crew ~ Keeper of John's song to Aeryn in "The Locket" ~ #3 JCDB ~ Dr. John Robert Crichton JR.'s Lover
~ #3.0 BBBB ~ Keeper of Ben's talent within ~ #3.0 PipFweak ~ Keeper of GiGi's Most excellent Aus accent ~ #3 Honored Guest
of ChiHouse ~ FarScape Fanfic Artist --nh
Edited by: nhfearme at: 9/18/01 12:32:48 am
Crichtons Hard
(4/26/01 4:12 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del New Post Re: Dark Side III: Braca and Crichton face
eachother on the Command Bridge. Braca pulls his pulse pistol and holds it to Crichton’s chest. “I said! Get off
the bridge!”
Suddenly there is an alarm. The lighting flashes red then returns to normal.
Crichton stands holding his battered hand. He looks to see the forward display and hears the general chatter.
Braca stands, holding his bloodied nose. “Get off the bridge Crichton!” Braca yells at Crichton sharply.
“If I’m going to serve, Braca.” John says watching the forward display. “Is there anything I can
do?” John asks fatuously.
“Yes! You can call off your Frelling Scarrans!” Braca shouts.
“Mine.” John mimics. “Why don’t you just release me? That would be simpler.”
Wave after wave of Prowler squadron leave the Command Carrier's bay to meet the Scarran threat. Telemetry and tactical
show the prowlers flying toward the Scarran fleet. The small Scarran attack craft go unnoticed, ruthlessly attacking under
Scorpius monitors the dozens of Comms as he watches the battle from his private observation port.
Aeryn moved to the command helm of the carrier, inserting a chip into on of the smaller helms without being noticed by
or acknowledging Bracca and Crichton. She waited, blinking slowly as a response returned. She took the chip out and stepped
away into the corridors, making her way to the nursery.
She gazed down at the only baby sleeping there. The nurse came to her with a questioning look.
Aeryn smiled as she brought the child into her arms and took her ident chip. "I'm to relocate Dora to a safer area due
to the Scarren attack."
"I heard no such orders, sir."
"Nor will you," Aeryn stated in a quiet, commanding tone. "Order relays have been delayed because of combat transmissions.
You will stand by."
"Yes sir."
Aeryn made her way to the docking bays, setting Dora gently into a prowler. She initiated its automated flight and hit
comms. "Dohjukha, shoki'dush ishgwa."
"I'm listening," D'argoes voice returned after long moments.
"Don't fail me."
"I won't," D'argoes voice seemed to growl. "I appear to have a rondevu with Talyn in less than an arn."
"It'll be useless without this package."
"I'm already on my way."
Aeryn closed coms and initiated the prowler. She closed its hatch and ran to her own, scrambling into the cockpit as swiftly
as she could. She waited for the prowler Dora was in to lift off, following behind it carefully. "This is Aeryn Sun, I am
in flight pattern Deltora X 9. Emergency status zone five. I need a clear path."
"This is squadron HawkShadow," A voice reported back. "Falling into position."
“We’re in the middle of a battle Crichton!” Braca reasserts his pistol. “Get off the bridge!”
John listens to the chatter. “Shush!" He puts hand up to Braca. "That’s Nhylar Shard out there.” He puts
his finger to Braca’s pistol and pushes it to the side “We’ve been through this before Braca, remember?”
John tilts his head and looks into Braca's face. “I’m unique!” He sidesteps Braca to another console to
hear the Comms. “I don’t recognize the other voices.” He says continuing to listen to the chatter.
“I can’t see them!” One of the Prowler Officers panics.
“Stay in formation!” Nhylar orders them. “Continue to fire in the direction of the attack! Fire at the
Scarran Carrier as we pass.”
“My shield is down!”
“Wait… that’s Aeryn!” John realizes. “Oh, please baby, no! Get back here. Get back!”
“Shift position with Taggert, Sun!” Nhyler orders. “Continue firing at the enemies position until we
pass near the carrier!”
“Get away from the Comms!” Braca yells.
John turns to Braca angrily. “Officer Sun has returned to duty and she’s out there with Shard?”
“Yes! Icarion company. What of it?” Braca shouts back.
A detachment of guards enters Command Bridge. The stand at attention and present arms toward Lt. Commander Crichton. Lt.
Braca stands, his pulse pistol tightly held on Crichton’s chest, his other hand holds his nose. “Take him to a
“You can’t do this Braca! I outrank you!” John bluffs scowling into Braca’s face. “Scorpius
has released me from house arrest. I have my duty to this ship!”
An explosion rocks the Command Carrier! Crichton quickly disarms Braca and holds the pulse pistol to his head. “I
am pulling rank Lt. Braca! Deal with it!” John says coldly into his ear. “If she dies Braca? You’re next.”
John faces down the detachment of guards. “What are your orders concerning me?”
“No orders sir.” The squad leader answers. “What are your orders Commander?”
John pushes Braca into them. “Hold him while I use the phone. She's in trouble!”
“I’ve lost power sir!” Officer Sun voice sounds over Comms. She sounds strangely calm.
"No! Aeryn!" John yells when he hears her report. Crichton reaches to open Comms. “Pagar! This Lord Crichton. Break
off the attack!”
“What do you think you’re doing?” Braca asks as the guards cuff him.
“I’m doing what you asked me to. I’m calling off my Scarrans.” John snaps. “Pagar! Setig!”
he yells “I repeat! Break off the attack!”
Braca shakes his head, confused.
Pagar’s voice growls over the Comms. “Scorpius will pay for abducting you and your spawn Lord Crichton!”
He proclaims as if for historic record. “And his attack on Lady Chiana!”
“Chiana is free.” John breathes. “And I am ordering you to break off your attack!”
“It is a matter of honor Lord! The attack on your house, your wife! Must be avenged!” Pagar answers.
“You are not telling me that Chiana told you to come here!” Crichton yells angrily. “I know that Chiana
did NOT order this attack! And I am ordering you to withdraw your forces!” John swallows. He feels all is lost. “Please,
Setig. I need you to take care of Chiana and... her child. Return home!” He waits for their response. He looks out the
observation port to the battle in the void.
John watches tactical. There are prowlers hanging dead in space. John watches in horror as he hears Aeryn over Comms report.
“I am under attack! I cannot withdraw from battle!”
Her voice pierces John through. She is about to die! “This can’t be happening!” He opens Comms to Pagar
again. "You must withdraw your forces. You are too far from your resources. you can't possible defeat a Command Carrier Pagar!"
John gasps. He knows he is out of time. Aeryn’s life is about to be extinguished with the next wave of Scarran Attack
“As you say Lord.” Setig’s voice reassures him. It's too late.
“I have to go out there.” John says leaving the bridge.
Braca yells. “You’re insane Crichton! You can’t go out there. The battle! They are just as likely to
destroy you down as our other Prowlers.” Braca struggles against the guards. “Stop! I can’t allow you to
leave this vessel!”
As Crichton enters the corridor, Scorpius walks toward him him. John stops short at the sight. Scorpius wears a repentant
countenance, head lowered. “For whatever I have done John, to you, to your Lady Chiana or to Jake... I now apologize.”
“Lord God! We’re makin’ history today!” John shouts loudly and chuckles madly.
“Please, forgive me Crichton.” Scorpius holds a saber and scabbard in his hand. John recognizes it as his own.
“If I may suggest.” Scorpius says with a tilt of his head.
The hilt offered, Crichton takes it. “I should use this on you. You bastard.” John says coldly. He turns, reenters
command and opens Comms. “Don’t make me come over there! I have my sword Pagar. I will challenge if you do not
withdraw!” John says angrily. He looks again at tactical, two prowlers vaporize while he watches the display. He gasps.
“God baby! Be alright!” His jaw tightens. Tears well up in his eyes as he speaks. “What is your answer?”
he demands of the Scarran General.
Scorpius enters Command after Crichton and eyes Braca in cuffs under guard. He waves his hand to the guard and they release
Braca. Braca stands rubbing his wrists as he stares angrily at Crichton.
"Pagar you son of a bitch!" John grips the hilt of his saber.
"I am unable to withdraw!" D’Argo shouts as though Scorpius is deaf. "If you want the attack to be over then surrender
Crichton now!"
"D’Argo!" Crichton yells sharply. "Get the Frell out of there now! Aeryn's out there! Do you understand? Aeryn is
in the prowler fleet! I can't just leave my son!"
John lay his saber on the Command Console. “Officer Shard!” John gasps. “Do you have visual contact with
Officer Sun?” Crichton asks fighting his tears. “Officer Sun?” He remembers the reality of when he last
called her that. ‘Officer Sun.’ Scorpius’ chip took over total control. John remembers watching helplessly
as Aeryn plunged into the frozen lake. John's heart pounds.
“I have visual contact Commander.” Shard comes back. While her Comms is open, John can hear the percussion
of heavy fire on her hull.
“Officer Sun!” John yells.
“I but await your return Lord.” Comes Pagar’s answer. “Have you then accepted Scorpius’ apology?”
“Apology?” John turns to Scorpius. “Is that what this is about?”
Scorpius looks at Crichton, downcast, waiting for his decision.
“Cease fire and hold there Pagar.” John stands, staring at Scorpius. He closes Comms. “Aeryn, Jake.”
John says to him. “We all leave together.”
Scorpius paces toward John. “I don’t believe Officer Sun will wish to leave us Crichton.” He says most
seriously indicating a darker meaning.
“Some apology.” John mutters and turns back to Comms. “Officer Sun! Come back! Are you alright?”
John swallows.
“Believe me, John. I feel your pain.” Scorpius says disheartened. “My own daughter is now dead from this
“Dora Lee?” John says in shock. “No.” he gasps.
“End the conflict John.” Scorpius pleads.
“The Scarrans have stopped their attack sir!” the deck officer reports to Scorpius.
Comms suddenly falls silent. The battle chatter has ceased. John can feel his heart slowly beating. He feels a dark sense
of foreboding as he waits for Aeryn’s answer, to hear her voice once more. The silence is clear. Aeryn is dead. John
quietly cries in front of the Command staff.
Harvey sits on the command console. "Can you see what your folly has done John?"
“No.” is all John can say. He turns and walks to the prowler bay. He pulls on a space suit and boards a prowler.
He blasts out of the bay in search of Aeryn Sun.
Lt. Commander Crichton’s prowler blasts into space passing the returning Peacekeeper Prowler squadron. Others join
the rescue effort. “Officer Shard, do you still have visual contact with Officer Sun?” John Comms. He navigates
through a field of disabled prowlers.
“I still have visual contact Commander. I am holding near her position.” Shard answers.
“Where is she?” John asks anxiously.
“Follow my Comms sir.” Shard answers.
John follows Nhylar’s Comms. signal. It leads him to Aeryn’s prowler. John leaves his prowler EVA and takes
Aeryn from her prowler. He tenderly places her in the copilot chair of his prowler. Once they are sealed inside he reaches
and removes her helmet.
“Aeryn. Wake up.” He pleads. “Aeryn, please wakeup.”
Aeryn's lips part. She takes a breath as though she will speak.
John touches her face. “You’re still breathing.” He gasps. “Don’t worry honey I’ll
get you help.” He says in desperation. He straps in and flies back to the Command Carrier.
John swiftly carries Aeryn Sun from the prowler bay to the make shift Med Bay in the adjacent Command Ready Room. He places
her gently on a gurney and caresses her hair from her face. He sees the Med techs scurrying to treat others struck down in
the attack. “Tech! I need help here!”
A Med Tech jumps to attention, leaving his patient. “Yes sir.” He grabs a scanner and passes it over her.
“How is she?” John asks anxiously.
“She is suffering from oxygen deprivation.” The Med tech remarks, reading the scanner results. “Also
percussive injuries.” he reports.
“Will she live?” Crichton's tears are evident as he watches the Med Tech’s every move.
The Med Tech reaches and picks up an injector. He administers a Stim shot to her. Both men watch her. Aeryn does not respond.
“Will she live?” John asks again, cryptically, watching her breathe.
“She has not regained consciousness.” The Med Tech answers and looks at John’s face. “Unknown sir.”
“See what you can do for her.” John tells him, holding Aeryn’s hand. “I have to see the man.”
He softly lets go of her hand and backs away.
John walks angrily to Scorpius’ Command Quarters and bursts in. Scorpius sits in the dark in his posh surroundings.
The door closes behind John. Only the light from the door porthole and the observation window, viewing the Scarran fleet,
illuminate the room.
John stands silent for a moment, backlit from the corridor spotlight, startled by what he finds. “Aeryn Sun is in
the Med Bay. She may not recover.”
“I am truly sorry John. This should never have happened.” Scorpius speaks from the darkness.
“She may die from her injuries!” John asserts. “You screwed up Scorpy! There is nothing to hold me here!
I want out! Me and Jake!” Crichton demands.
“I cannot allow that John.” Scorpius says matter-of-factly. "You must complete your work. Our very existence
depends on your knowledge."
"Peacekeeper existence. Not worth saving Scorpy.” John approaches the bottom of the stairs. “Pagar and his
fleet might insist. You may have no choice.” John looks into the darkness toward Scorpius. “Bring Jake here and
release us!” He yells.
“Without Officer Sun?” Scorpius looks down from his observation chair in surprise. He sucks in a breath and
sighs. “Very well, John.” He stands, slowly descending the stairs to Crichton.
“Before I go.” John rubs his neck. “Before I can accept your ‘apology’ I have to know.”
John swallows. “What did you do to Chiana?”
“Are you sure you want to know Crichton?” Scorpius asks thoughtfully.
“What the hell did you do to her that she won’t even SPEAK to me?” John asks from his growing anger.
“In this we both suffer John.” Scorpius answers caringly. “You are better off not knowing what happened
to her.”
“Tell me!” John demands.
“I lied John.” Scorpius sighs. “Chiana was pregnant with your child when she came here.”
John gasps. A smile of great joy shoots briefly across his lips as Scorpius paces behind him.
Scorpius stops in front of Crichton, looks into his eyes then lowers his face from his gaze. “She suffered some kind
of an attack. The doctor thought she may lose her child.” Scorpius breathes in sharply. “We took her child before
she… escaped.”
John shakes his head ‘No.’ unable to respond.
“The child you named for me. The one who died in the Scarran attack…”
John cannot speak. His heart is in his throat. His breathing comes in sharp gasps. He stares at Scorpius enraged then lunges,
grabbing him by the neck. Scorpius does not defend himself from John’s attack.
“You killed my daughter!” John yells. “Die you bastard!” John knocks Scorpius to the floor, continuing
to strangle him.
Scorpius chokes from the throttling. Light from the corridor's beam shows his contorted features. Guards enter suddenly
and pull Crichton off, cuffing his hands behind him.
John cannot see through his tears, he gasps. “I do NOT accept your apology Scorpius!” he screams. “Let
Pagar kill us all!”
The guards drag Commander Crichton from Scorpius’ Command Quarters to the hall of the Aurora Chair. John struggles
as they secure him in the Chair. He cries for his lost child. His body trembles for Chiana’s pain. Scorpius enters the
hall and climbs the scaffolding, looking nonetheless for wear at Crichton’s attempt to kill him.
“Get out of my sight Scorpius! You make me sick!” John cries.
“I again apologize for what I have done John.” Scorpius says, repentantly. “But for all of it.”
“There’s more?” John asks shakily glancing up at him.
“Whatever passes between us John, I still cannot allow you to leave. Our survival depends upon your... work.”
“I don’t give a damn about you and your Peacekeepers Scorpius! I refuse to serve you any longer!”
“I can see that John. But this will change.” Scorpius says confidently.
“I don’t believe you’ll harm Jake. He has become too important to you." John quickly goes through the
list of known manipulations Scorpius has used in the past. "It doesn’t matter what you do to me. The buck stops here.”
“But there is something I can do to change your mind John.” Scorpius smiles cagily. “Reconditioning Facility
Research has shown an amazing innovation in the use of the Aurora Chair.” He rests his hand against the bar and looks
into Crichton’s eyes. “I can now extract any memory, permanently from your mind.”
John swallows. “You want me to forget?”
“Yes, you must if you are to continue in my service. I only need extract one of your memories to achieve this.”
Scorpius boasts.
“What memory is that?” John asks naively.
“Why, your memory of Chiana. Your marriage to her.” Scorpius remarks. “Once she is gone from your mind,
all of this ugliness will... disappear.” He smiles.
“I don’t want to forget her.” John trembles. “I love her.”
“This time tomorrow John, she will be that young girl you left behind on Moya.” Scorpius says delighted in
himself. “By the way John.” Scorpius smiles and puts his finger to his lips. “I have withheld one detail,
if we are to finish this path.” He sucks a breath looking down at Crichton. “I wish to confess to you one last
infraction, before I ask your... forgiveness.” Scorpius studies John as if he were prey.
“What?” John says with lost patience.
“I had her John.” Scorpius grins. “I had your wife." He hisses. "The honorable Lady Chiana.”
“No! God no!” Past the point of anger, in grief John cries out. “Curse you Scorpius! I’ll kill
you!” He gasps. “Oh God! Chiana!” The pain of knowing is too great as John sobs before Scorpius. "No, please
Scorpius raises his arm to begin the reconditioning sequence.
John screams and gasps as the chair fires through his brain. The chair finds Crichton’s memories of Chiana. He watches
the display of their wedding, as he slips his ring on her finger. Desperate to remember her he breathes. “Chiana!”